大工20春《大学英语3》在线测试1 试卷总分:100 得分:100
一、单选题 (共 20 道试题,共 80 分)
1.The company isn’t capable () handling an order that large. A.of B.with C.for D.in 答案:A
2.Mother interacts () her baby in a complex way. A.to B.with C.as D.of 答案:B
3.She () to be a descendant of Charles Dickens. A.claims B.claim C.claiming D.are claiming
4.Please let us () if you are unable to attend A.knowing B.to know C.knowed D.know 答案:D
5.Children have a natural () about the world around them. A.curiosity B.curious C.curiously D.incuriosity 答案:A
6.The flavor of most food can () by good cooking. A.be enhanced B.enhanced C.enhancing D.be enhancing 答案:A
7.Your () made me more confident of my future. A.encourage B.encouragement C.encouraged D.unencourage 答案:B
8.Anna has a great desire to () A.travel B.be travel C.traveling D.be traveled 答案:A
9.I fail to () how this was allowed to happen A.comprehension B.comprehend C.be comprehended D.comprehending 答案:B