【期刊名称】《国际口腔医学杂志》 【年(卷),期】2011(038)001
【摘要】颅颌面生长发育知识是口腔正畸学的重要理论基础之一.不同种族、地域和性别人群的牙、(牙合)、颅面形态结构各有特点和规律,相关研究复杂多样.随着科技的进步,颅颌面生长发育的探索由横断面观察转为长期纵向研究,信息采集从传统二维发展为立体三维,加上计算机技术日新月异的发展,各种功能软件相继开发使用,能深入细致地观察颅颌面的生长变化,总结出正常人的生长发育规律,帮助正畸医生作出正确的生长预测和临床诊疗决策.本文拟对颅颌面生长发育研究方法和进展作一综述.%The knowledge about cranio-maxillo-facial growth and development is an important part of orthodontic theories. People from different nations, regions, and genders have various patterns of craniofacial structure and occlusions, and the research about facial growth is complicated and difficult. Along with the advancement of technology, the studies on cranio-maxillo-facial growth develop from cross-sectional study to long-term longitudinal study,from 2-demensional to 3-demensional information acquisition. And the developing computer technique and software make the research more intensive. Such studies help our orthodontists to make precissive prediction of growth and clinic judgement. This topic is to overview the recent methods of studying cranio-maxillo--facial development.