nurse中文是什么意思 音标:[ n?:s ]
过去式: nursed 过去分词: nursed 名词复数: nurses 现在分词: nursing
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中文翻译 n.
1.奶妈〔通常叫 wet nurse〕;保姆〔通常叫 dry nurse〕;阿妈 (=nurse-maid);保育员。 2.护士,看护。
3.保护人;培养者;养成所,发祥地 (of)。
4.【植物;植物学】保护树;【虫类】保护虫,保育虫;【动物;动物学】世代交替的无性期的个体。 短语和例子
at nurse 交奶妈领养中。 put out to nurse 托人喂养,寄养。 under a nurse's charge 交给奶妈领着。 vt.
1.喂奶,带养(婴儿、幼兽)。 2.看护,照料(病人)。
3.小心管理;爱惜,小心使用;养;培养;养成,助成。 4.抱(希望等)。
5.〔英国〕讨好(选举区民等)爱抚;抱,搂抱。 6.【撞球】将(球)凑拢。 短语和例子
nurse a baby 喂孩子奶。 nurse a horse (不使过劳地)爱惜用马。 nurse a cat 怀抱着猫。 nurse one's knees 抱着膝盖。 be nursed in luxury 受娇养。 nurse a plant 培养植物。 nurse a hatred 怀恨。 nurse the fire 靠着火不离开。 vi.
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at nurse 由保姆领养中
nurse-nurse relationship 护际关系
yes nurse! no nurse! 护士骚歌利; 是,护士;不,护士 a bad nurse 坏护士
a doctor and a nurse 一位医生和一位护士 a doctor and nurse 一位医生兼护士 a kind nurse 好心的护士 a man nurse 男护士 a night nurse 夜班护士 a nurse on duty 当班护士 army nurse 女儿楼
assistant nurse 卫生员; 助理护士 attendant nurse 随从护士 attending nurse 随访护士 automobile-nurse 车之行
baccalaureate nurse 学士学位护士 charge nurse 〔英国〕护士长。 chief nurse 护士长 childs nurse 保育员 circuit nurse
community nurse 地段护士; 社区护士 coordinating nurse 协调护士 day nurse 日班护士 day-nurse 日班护士 nurse a baby 给小孩喂奶
? ? nursar 努尔瑟尔 例句与用法 The nurses take good care of the patients . 护士对病人照应得很好。
2. Her nurse asks what is the cause of her grief . 奶妈问她为什么如此悲伤。
3. He was carefully nursed by his wife . 他的妻子体贴入微地照顾他。
4. You ought to know. you were a nurse . 你应当知道。你是个护士啊。
5. The nurse sat up with the patient all night . 那护士整夜没睡守护着病人。
6. The young nurse had come into the room quietly . 年轻的护士轻声走进屋来。
7. The patient has a nurse attending ( on ) him . 病人有护士侍候。
8. I nursed my orange all of christmas day . 圣诞节那天我整天都捧着那个桔子。
9. Obviously he nursed similar notions . 明摆着他怀有同样的意图。
10. She nursed me through my long illness .
11. The nurse shifted uneasily and hung his head . 那个护士局促不安地低下头去。 12. The old nurse was prudent and shrewd . 这位老保姆小心而机警。
13. The chiefs who had nursed it were long dead . 培养它的领袖们也都早已去世了。