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电大1354《高级英语阅读(2)》开放大学期末考试试题2020年1月(含答案) - 图文 

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试卷代号:1354国家开放大学2019年秋季学期期末统一考试高级英语阅读(2)试题2020年1月注意事项一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏内。考试结束后,把试卷和答题纸放在桌子上。试卷和答题纸均不得带出考场。监考人收完考卷和答题纸后才可离开考场。二、仔细读懂题目的说明,并按题目要求和答题示例答题。答案一定要写在答题纸的指定位置上,写在试卷上的答案无效。三、用蓝、黑圆珠笔或钢笔答题,使用铅笔答题无效。Information for the examineesThis examination consists of two sections . They are :Sectionl : New Words《60 points , 40 minutes)Sectionll : Reading Comprehension(40 points , 50 minutesThe total marks for this examination are 100 points . Time allowed for completing thiseXamiuation 15 90 minutes .提醒:电大资源网已将该科目2010年到2020年1月的期末试题整合、汇总、去重复、按字母排版,形成题库,方便大家复习Section 1 New Words囚~each ? ulo woed on the Ieft , th the ? ds"' tion on the dght .(3 pointseachCOCOOnA . to tell the differenceB . a proud walk , from side to sideC . says ; expresses an opinione9自?8?O?月任?户O?内b?行了.八6?OJIO?上﹄isdtreactp?一u︸laimst.﹃s﹄︸﹃. dD . causes a reactionE . capsuleF . rich月厂QnLs' ,G . take attention awayH . curtains , wall hangingstub· 5卜1.1 . marriage to more than one personJ . incredible , beautiful-回Foll , n the b . anow , , h words from , he box be , ow .(3 po , n , 5 each)calledrollteSfoundedunderteg10nexpertstraditionalprOJectculturetechnologyToday , there 15 new interest in the history and 11 of the Silk Road , which thefamous Chinese一American musician Yo一Yo Ma has 12"the Internet of antiquity , , . New13 15 helping us to learn more about this ancient"Internet , , . Special radar on the spaceshuttle allows archaeologists to"see"objects and ruined citiesl一2 meters 14 the drydesert sand , for example . Tourists now come from all over the world to follow the old trade15 . And 16 want to make sure that the customs in the vast 17 do not die OUt asthe world rnodernizes . To this end , Yo-Yo Ma has 18 the Silk Road 19 , whichencourages the living arts of these 20 lands . The result 15 that the people along theancient Silk Road continue to learn from each other .931提醒:电大资源网已将该科目2010年到2020年1月的期末试题整合、汇总、去重复、按字母排版,形成题库,方便大家复习Section 11 Reading Comprehension囚Re"the passage . Then answcr the questions that ro . , ow .(5 points each)The ConsUmers UnionA TheConsumersUnion(CU)wasfoundedin1936togiveinformationandadviceto the public about goods and services . By doing research in laboratories and conducting testson products , scientists were able to rate them , or tell if they were good or bad . They startedby testing food like milk and cereal一and then personal products like soap and stockings .There were three categories in their ratings : Best Bu夕,Also Acceptable , and NotAccep乙able . Later , CU began testing cars and home appliances , such as fans , radios , andother small machines .B Inthesameyearitwasfounded , theorganizationbeganpublishingamagazineforits members , Consumers Union Reports , listing the ratings of products that they tested . In1940 , CU sent out a questionnaire , that 15 , a list of questions , to its members , asking themto rate the products that they used . This questionnaire became 50 popular that it hascontinued until today . In 1942 , the magazine ' 5 name was changed to COnsumer Reports andsold to the general public .C Bythel950s , thenumberofpeoplebuyingCOnsumerReports(CR)reached400 , 000 . During this decade , the magazine reported on the dangers of tobacco , the poorquality of color TV sets , the contamination of milk by nuclear testing , and other news thatwas controversial , or caused debate . In the 19605 , the magazine reported that the price ofauto insurance varied widely , or was different , among companies . In the 19705 , it reportedon the pollution of America ' 5 drinking water by factories . These articles won national prizesbecause they informed the public about problems that needed to be solved .D Inthe1980s , CRbeganpublishingspecialnewslettersfordifferentreadersoncars , travel , health , and even one for children on how to earn and save money . In the 19905 ,the Consumers Union moved to a new testing and research center with 50 modernlaboratories in Yonkers , New York , By this time , CR had over 5 million magazine readersand 1 million online readers . After 70 years , this organization 15 still protecting consumersfrom the false claims of advertisers and the dangers of unsafe products .932提醒:电大资源网已将该科目2010年到2020年1月的期末试题整合、汇总、去重复、按字母排版,形成题库,方便大家复习For each question , choose the best answer based on the reading passage . WrlteA , B , C or Donyour An Swer Sheet .21 . The Consumers Union started to publish a magazine _A . in 1936C . in the 19805B . in 1940D . in the 1990522 . The magazine was sold only to members until _ .A . 1 936C , 1942B . 1940D . 196023 . In the 19505 , CR didn ' t report on _ .A . bad TV setsC . tobacco ' 5 dangersB . contaminated milkD . polluted drinking water24 . The magazine won prizes because _ .A . it rated productsB . it told the public about problemsC . some products were not acceptable D . there were 50 many problems25 . After 70 years , people _ _ .A . are still reading CRB . are tired of reading CRC . believe the false claims of advertisersD . buy unsafe products回Read the passage . Then answer the questions that rol , ow .(3 points each)Elephant CommunicationAResearchersatStanfordandCornellUniversitiesarestudyingcommunicationpatterns of the savannah , or plains elephants , and forest elephants of sub一Saharan Africa .They have made many audio and video recordings , matching the sound and behavior of theelephants in order to understand the meaning from observed patterns .B Theirfindingsarethatelephantsusemanysensestocommunicate : sight , smell ,taste , hearing , and touch . For example , when two female elephants greet each other afteralong separation , they stand side by side , flapping their ears , touching and smelling eachother with their trunks , making rumbling sounds . The longer they ' ve been separated , the933提醒:电大资源网已将该科目2010年到2020年1月的期末试题整合、汇总、去重复、按字母排版,形成题库,方便大家复习louder and more demonstrative they act when they meet again .C Elephantrumblingisalow , infrasonicsoundoflZ一ZoHertz(Hz)thathumanscannot hear .(Human range 15 between 20一20 , 000 Hz .)Researchers have divided thisrumbling into three main signals : contact ,"Let ' 5 90 ,"and mating . The contact call 15 usedby elephants that are miles away to communicate their location to other herds , All day ,female leaders rumble to other groups , who rumble back . They stay far apart to ensureenough food for all the members and later meet at a watering hole and greet each other .D Anothertypeofrumblingisthe"Let ' 590"signalofaheadfemalewhenshewants to leave a place after drinking or resting . Facing the direction shewants to 90 , sherumbles until the others begin to answer and follow her . The third type 15 the mating rumblethat a male in musth emits . Females in a herd usually answer him , although none of themmay be receptive , because they mate only once every four years . However , when the malehears them , he travels to the group to assess the situation .E Afinalinterestingformofcommunicationamongelephantsisthewaytheyacttoward their dead . If they come upon elephant bones , they stand around touching the skullsand tusks with their trunks . When researchers left the bones of other large animals , likerhinos or buffaloes , in these places , elephants examined them briefly , but they touched onlythe elephant remains . In India , where elephants are often killed by trains , other elephantscome to the scene to caress and mourn the dead ones .Decide whether the following statements are true or false . Write"T , , for True and"F , , for Falseon the Answer Sheet .26 . Researchers are studying elephants in order to understand their communicationpatterns·27 . When female elephants greet each other after a long separation , they rumble andwalk away .28 . Elephant rumbling has several meanings .29 . The word emits in paragraph D probably means produces .30 . The word remains in paragraph E 15 closest in meaning to stays behind .934提醒:电大资源网已将该科目2010年到2020年1月的期末试题整合、汇总、去重复、按字母排版,形成题库,方便大家复习

电大1354《高级英语阅读(2)》开放大学期末考试试题2020年1月(含答案) - 图文 


