Unit 4 Planting trees is good for us
Period 1 一、教学目标
1、能听懂、会说、认读新单词 tree planting day, air, place 2、句型:能用“be good for...”告知他人种树的好处;能用“I enjoy doing sth or I like to do sth..”告知他人自己喜欢种树的意愿;能用“trees can keep...”表达种树的好处。
S:we enjoy playing games
T:we enjoy reading books(板书we enjoy doing sth) T:Trees can keep us cool
S:trees can keep the air clean
T:trees can make the place beautiful(板书make,place;带读单词) (3)创设情境
教师用图片呈现planting trees的场景,引导学生用what,why,how等疑问词造句,对planting trees提问。
T:it is a planting day,why should we plant trees? Step3:趣味操练(practice)
Game:planting trees can
教师按照planting trees can 将新短句的图片快速播放出来,全班分两组进行抢答。每说出一个句子,该组获一分,说错不计分。计时一分钟,多分者获胜。
1、听一听,读一读:听磁带,朗读课文A部分。 2、记一记:听写第八单元新单词。 查一查:了解更多关于植树的信息。 板书设计
Unit 4 Planting trees is good for us tree planting day, air, place be good for...”告知他人种树的好处 教学反思: Period 2 一、教学目标
1、词汇:能巩固、运用新单词和短句plant trees, keep the air clean, keep us cool, make the place beautiful;能听懂、理解、会说新单词planting more trees, air, place.
2、句型:能在语境中灵活运用新句型“trees can keep..”谈论保护树木会有什么好处.
难点 :能在语境中灵活运用新句型“trees can keep..”谈论保护树木的话题;能运用合适的阅读技巧进行阅读
重点:理解D部分中的短语cut down, to grow rice, getting hotter, cool and fresh;能根据短文内容回答问题并正确写出 32 32
答案 三、教学准备
Word cards, Type, Drawing Instrument 四、教学步骤
Step 1 热身(warm-up) 1 Greetings
2 Brainstorming 学生围绕tree 一词,展开联想说出相关的事物,构建下面的单词网。
Step 2 新课呈现(presentation) 1、Part C:let’s practise
(1) game:guessing game 游戏说明:教师准备若干本单元句型条,每次同时呈现两个句型条在黑板上。请两个同学上台做游戏,一个面朝黑板,另一个背朝黑板。面朝黑板的学生用手指两个句子中的任一个,背朝黑板的学生随意说出
(2) look and say 教师准备一个盒子,里面放着C部分图片。请学生在盒子里抽出一张图片,并根据图片内容说一句话。 S1:we should plant more trees
S2:I will water the young trees everyday
2、Part D:let’s read
第一步:read and find 快速阅读,圈出文中人物。 第二步:read and answer 再次快速阅读文章,回答问题: (1)why do people cut down trees?
(2)when people cut down trees what happened? (3)what can we do?
第三步:read and judge 仔细阅读课文,判断句子的对错。 Step 3 趣味操练(practice)
Group work:想想我们应该做什么,不应该做什么来践行树木保护,写下来并进行小组汇报。
We should . We should’t . Step 4 作业布置(homework) 1、听一听,背一背:听磁带,背诵A部分课文。 找一找:收集一些和保护树木相关的图片。 板书设计
Unit 4 Planting trees is good for us tree planting day, air, place be good for...”告知他人种树的好处 教学反思:
教师用课件快闪本单元的新单词及短句plant trees, keep the air clean, keep us cool, make the place beautiful等,学生快速读出来。 Step 2 新课呈现(presentation) 2、part E:let’s write
T:so, the village is very beautiful at this time. look at this picture. What can you see?
S:we can see many tall buildings, but less and less trees. T:yes, in this village, more and more trees are cut down by people.
The weather is changing, it’s getting hotter.
板书cut down, to grow rice, getting hotter, cool and fresh,教师用图片帮助学生理解这些词汇。)
name Why do people cut down trees? Why should we plant more trees? 学生以组为单位调查同学或家长,填上名字后在相应的答题框中 书写。
(3)presentation 小组代表汇报调查结果 (4) 完成E部分填空 3、part F:let’s have fun
(1)学生分享上次作业收集到的图片,贴到黑板上 (2)根据图片把填空填写完成 Step 3 趣味操练(practice) Game :唱反调
教师说出“we should..”的句子,学生则换成“we should’t...”重复句子。反之亦然。
Step 4 作业布置(homework)
做一做:制作一张海报,为保护树木宣传,在标语中用上keep和make 板书设计
Unit 4 Planting trees is good for us tree planting day, air, place
be good for...”告知他人种树的好处
cut down, to grow rice, getting hotter, cool and fresh 教学反思: