Ⅰ. Put the following sentences into English. 1. 王夫人便道:“‘临阵磨枪’,也不中用!有这会子着急,天天写写念念,有多少完不了
2. “……有话不明说,许你们这样鬼鬼祟祟的干什么事?……” 3. “得陇望蜀,人之常情……”
4. “……你那花言巧语,别望着我说……” 5. 上下人等,打扮得花团锦簇。 Key:
1. 直译法。 “It’s no use sharpening your spear just before a battle”, warned Lady Wang. “If
you’d done some reading and writing every day, you’d have finished all that’s expected and wouldn’t feel so frantic.”
2. 在保留原文交际意义的基础上,用译语中喻义相似、喻体不同的表达来代换源语中的形
象。 “……But why not talk openly instead of in this hole-and-corner fashion? …”
3. 为了填补语言中的词汇、语义空缺,可绕开其文化背景,译出其真正的内涵。 “It’s only
natural for men to hanker for more…”
4. 省略并列重复的部分,保留它的基本喻义。 “Don’t try to get round me with your flattering
5. 同时使用直译法和意译法,以保留原文的形象和文化。 As for the inhabitants of the
mansion, all of them, both masters, and servants, seemed in their dazzling holiday array, like walking flower-gardens of brilliant embroidery and brocade.