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privilege=priv(private)+ I + leg(law)+e 特权 renounce my privilege

announce 宣布,公之于众

They announced their date of wedding to the public. proclaim 宣布,宣告

proclaim the foundation of China claim 呼喊 exclaim 喊叫

She exclaimed when she saw the present/gift. gift 礼物;礼金 reclaim 收回

reclaim the lost property acclaim 拥戴

amalgamation 合并

The amalgamation of universities is widely acclaimed. sist = stand

assist 辅助,协助

A team of nurses assisted the doctor in performing the operation. resist=re(against)+ sist(stand) 抵制,抵抗 resist temptation resist aggression

resistant 抵制的,抵抗的 be resistant to the social reform water resistant

insist=in + sist 坚持(做一件事);坚决主张 + on

persist=per (through)+ sist 坚持(反复做同一件事);持续 + in

The boy insisted on taking the case for the girl. persist in doing physical exercises

insist on the policy of opening up to the outside world The bad weather will persist for several days. endure 长时间忍受;持续

consist=con(together)+sist 相符合,相一致;包含 + with + of

Theory should consist with practice. apply theory to practice correspond with accord with

Our class is made up of/is composed of/consists of/comprises 500 students. 整体包含所有部分 500 students constitute/comprise our class. include 整体包含某些部分

This tour includes a visit to the museum.

contain 空间上包含

include=in + clud(shut)+ e

conclude=con(fully)+ clud(shut)+ e 下结论;结束 conclusion n.

come to/draw a conclusion

exclude=ex(out)+ clud + e 把...排除在外 eliminate=e(out)+ limin(limit)+ e 淘汰 He was excluded from the tennis match.

He was eliminated from the tennis match in the first round. exclusive 排外的,专用的

exclusive interview/exclusive recipe be exclusive to sb.

The bathroom is exclusive to the president. decline, refuse, reject

decline=de+ cline(lean缓坡) 下降;委婉拒绝 incline

decline to an invitation

refuse=re(back)+ fus(pour 流淌)+e 直接了当的拒绝 confuse=con(together)+ fus(pour)+e 迷惑 transfuse=trans(across)+ fus(pour)+e 输血 reject=re(back)+ject(喷射,投掷) 厌恶的拒绝 eject 弹射

projector 投影仪 inject 注射 pect=spect=look

respect=re(again)+ spect 尊敬 respectable 值得尊敬的 a respectable professor respectful 尊敬的

be respectful to other people’s views respective 分别的,各自的 respective universities

prospect=pro(forward)+ spect(look) 展望 retrospect=retro(back)+ spect(look) 回顾 speculate=spec(look)+ ulate 投机 speculate on futures

peep, peek, glance, glimpse, gaze peep = peek 偷窥

peeping tom 不守信约的人;偷窥狂 glance 有意识的快速扫视 glimpse 无意识的一瞥

I can tell at a glance what is wrong with the car? I was shot dead by a glimpse of your eyes.


neglect my health 无意识的忽略 ignore my advice 有意识的忽略 note 有意识的注意 notice 无意识的注意 note how he operates

He passed by me without noticing me. gaze 凝视 + at

复试中听力和口语的问题 大学复试一般题型: 1、点听写 2、复合式听写 3、段落听写 4、summary 听写规律技巧:


2、边听边写(同步写出单词开头的若干字母) 3、材料选择托福听力 背一个简历

长远提高口语水平: 1、从语音入手 2、跟读一篇文章

3、学习日常口语的对话 1)背诵 2)说



