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able 能…的,有能力的 enable 使能够 en 使动

enforce 执行 enlarge 扩大

enrich 使富有,使丰富 entitle 给...题名,赋予权利

The ticket can entitle you to have a free meal at the hotel. encourage 鼓励 discourage 使泄气 endure 长时间忍受

They endured tremendous hardship during their journey to the South Pole. dur 持续 durable

duration 持续时期 bear 忍受(痛苦) tolerate 容忍 put up with 容忍


unable 不能…的,没能力的 un 表否定 unfold 展开 unload 卸载 unlike 不像 dislike 不喜欢

alike 相象的(只作表语) You two are so much alike. unemployment 失业 employ 雇佣,使用 employer 老板 employee 雇员 er 动作的主动者 ee 动作的被动者 disable 使残疾 dis = no 表否定

disorder 混乱,失调 disguise 伪装

Tom escaped by disguising himself as a civilian. able 能…的,有能力的 be able to


capable 有能力的,能…的 be capableof


Our corporation is capable of coping with such a big order. ability 能力 capability 能力 capacity 能力

ability和 capability是同义词,没有区别(皆指做事情的能力) capacity 容量,能力(学习并掌握技能的能力) cap = catch

She has great capacity of learning English. capture 俘虏,抓捕

escape = es(out)+ cap(catch) + e 逃跑 escape doing abrupt

ab = off 偏离

abnormal 不正常的,变态的 odd 古怪的 eccentric 古怪的 concentrate 集中 abuse 滥用

abuse one's authority

abrupt 突然的,唐突的、鲁莽的 rupt = break 断裂 abrupt death 猝死

abrupt departure 突然离开 abrupt manner 鲁莽的言行 bankrupt 破产的,使破产

当所背动词在字典中的翻译是使动时,它一定是及物动词 acquaint 使熟悉,使了解

I have acquainted myself with the custom here. acquaint oneself with

I have been acquainted with the custom here. adapt 使适应

I have adapted myself to the weather here. locate 使坐落于

My school is located in Beijing. erupt = e(out)+ rupt 火山喷发,(战争危机)突然爆发 Violence erupted after the negotiation. interrupt 打断、打扰,暂时中断 inter 相互 interchange internet international interview interface

Trade between the two countries was interrupted by the War. disrupt = dis(away)+ rupt 使混乱

Theaccident disrupted the transportation in the city. corrupt = cor + rupt 贪污腐败的,使败坏

The violence spreaded by the Internet has corrupted the minds of the young people. co = together 一起 collaborate cooperate

coeducation 男女混校的教育制度 coincidence 巧合 colleague 同事

correspond 相符合,相一致

These goods don't correspond with my order. collapse 倒塌 collection 收藏品 lect = choose elect 选举 neglect 忽略 league 联盟 alliance 联盟

I am a champion.(实义名词)

I won the championship.(抽象名词)


quality 素质

quality of leadership member 会员

membership fee 会费

a socialist league 实义名词

become stronger through alliance 抽象名词 recollect 回忆 remind 使想起 recall 回想起 remember 记得

remember 瞬时想起

recollect/remind/recall 需要思考的时间,慢慢想起

recollect 强调动作 Please recollect what you saw just now? remind/recall 强调结果

remindsb. of sth. The picture reminded me of my childhood. recall sth. to sb. The picture recalled the childhood to me. fect = do 做

affect = af(to)+ fect(do) 影响(身体上的) ,打动 Smoking affects our health.

influence= in + flu(flow)+ ence 影响(思想上的)

affection 爱慕

effect = ef(out)+ fect(do) n. 影响、效果,v. 促使 affect = have an effect on 对...有影响 dual effect 双重功效 dual spy

Religion effected a real change in her life. infect 感染,传染

She infected the whole class with her humor. infectious 传染性的 infectious disease disinfected 已消毒的

defect = de + fect(do) 缺点、缺陷 many defects in the education system perfect = per(through)+ fect 完美的 imperfect 不完美的

以字母 m、p开头的形容词,否定前缀加 im moral -- immoral mortal -- immortal mature-- immature

modest 谦虚的,适度的,得体的 -- immodest measurable– immeasurable possible-- impossible polite-- impolite patient -- impatient partial – impartial fac = do 做

factory = fac(do)+ tory(场所、地点) 工厂 tory 场所、地点

dormitory = dorm(sleep)+ i + tory 宿舍 dormant volcano 休眠性的火山 atory 场所、地点

laboratory = labor + atory 实验室

observatory = observ(观察)+ atory 天文台、观察台 lavatory = lav(冲洗)+ atory 盥洗室、厕所 lav 流淌 lava 岩浆

facile 容易做的、轻易的 ile 易于...的 a facile success

fragment 碎片,片断

the fragment of our conversation fragile

a fragile vase

facilitate 使变得容易

facilities 便利设施 fic = do 做

magnificent = magn(large)+ i + fic + ent 雄伟壮观的 magn = large 大的 magnify 放大 ify 使动 purify 纯化 purified water simplify 简化

simplify the procedure beatify 美化 identify 鉴别 humidify 使潮湿 magnifier 放大镜 humidifier 加湿器

sacrifice =sacr(神圣)+ I + fic(do)+ e 牺牲 sacr 神圣 sacred 神圣的 holy 神圣的 holy day 圣日 holiday

artificial = art(艺术)+ I + fic + ial 人工的 false

artificial intelligence 人工智能 intel 英特尔

significant = sign(标记,标志)+ i + fic +ant 重大的 sign 标记 sign 签字 resign 辞职

assign 分配,指派 designate 指明、表明 de 强调 detail 细节

His uniform designates his rank. efficient 高效的 an efficient secretary revolution revolutionary mission

missionary 传教士 deficient 缺乏的 deficit 赤字、亏损 be deficient in courage proficient 精通的



