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人教版新课标高中英语 2019-2020学年 必修二 Unit 2 The Olympic Games Grammar 配套练习 含答案详解

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Unit 2 The Olympic Games



1.Greater efforts ____________(make) to improve the living conditions of this area in the following five years.

2.To help students to be interested in learning English, an English contest ____________(hold) next month.

3.I don't know when the new machine ____________(test) out, perhaps next week.

4.Lecture on the history of the Olympic Games ____________(give) by Professor Wang in the school hall this weekend.

5.The old bridge ____________(replace) by a new one in half a year.

6.We are confident that the environment ____________(improve) by our further efforts to reduce pollution.

7. I am sure that you ____________(admit) into a key university if you work hard enough. 8.Don't worry.The hard work that you do now __________(repay) later in life.

9.In the near future, more advances in the robot technology ____________(make) by scientists. 10. Don't drive so fast, or you ____________(fine) for speeding. Ⅱ.句型训练

1.When the dam is completed,the Yangtze River_____________________________.(control) 当大坝竣工时,长江就可以被控制住了。

2. Because of what we did, lives ________________and health care costs will be cut with new computerized medical records.(save)

因为我们所做的,生命将得到救助,新的计算机化的病史档案将使医疗费用减少。 3.The next season of Survivor ____________on a small island in Thailand.(film) 下一季的《幸存者》将在泰国的一个小岛上拍摄。

4.How to solve these problems is ________________in tomorrow's meeting.(discuss) 怎样解决这些问题将在明天的会议上讨论。

5. That's a one in three chance that your company____________________or will fail within just


five years. (buy)

也就是有三分之一的概率,你的公司会在5年后被收购或者是倒闭。 Ⅲ.读后续写


It was unusually quiet in the emergency room on December 25. I was the nurse on duty that day. There were no patients waiting to be seen at the time, and I just sighed about having to work on Christmas. After doing some cleaning in the waiting room, I came back to the nurses' station drinking a cup of hot coffee. Just then five bodies showed up at my desk, a pale woman and four small children. “Are you all sick?” I asked them in surprise. “Yes,” the woman said weakly and lowered her head. But when it came to descriptions of their presenting problems, things got a little strange. Two of the children had headaches, but the headaches weren't accompanied by the normal body language of holding the head or trying to keep it still. Two children had earaches, but only one could tell me which ear was affected. The mother complained of a cough but seemed to work to produce it. Something was wrong. Our hospital policy, however, was not to turn away any patient, so we must see them. I explained to the mother that it might be a little while before a doctor could see her, even though the waiting room was empty. She responded immediately, even a bit happily, “Take your time,” and then added,“it's warm here.” She turned and, with a smile, guided her children into the waiting room.

I checked the chart after the admitting clerk had finished registering the__family. No address—they were homeless. The waiting room was warm.

I looked out at the family crowded by the Christmas tree in the waiting room. The little one was pointing at the television and exclaiming something to her mother. The oldest one was looking at a silver bell on the Christmas tree.

I went back to the nurses' station and mentioned we had a homeless family in the waiting room. The nurses, complaining about working Christmas, turned to feel sorry for a family just trying to get__warm on Christmas. All of us wanted to treat their illness with sympathy and understanding. 注意:

1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;


4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。 Paragraph 1:

The team went into action, just as we do when there's a medical emergency. Paragraph 2:

Two hours later, they were going to leave. Ⅳ.完形填空

Ever since I was old enough to dream, I have imagined myself soaring with the eagles(鹰). My love for __1__ has shaped the way I live and the __2__ I have become. Two years ago that love __3__ to new heights when I had the __4__ to visit Embry Riddle Aeronautical University in Arizona. For a whole week I lived in a __5__ dorm building, roomed with a total stranger, and—__6__ of all—I flew!

My group took part in __7__ ranging from learning about the history of aviation (飞行术)to flying in modern pilot training simulators(模拟器). Not only did I receive thorough ground instruction, but I __8__ got to fly. In that one joyous and oh-so-short __9__, my passion for aviation grew __10__ stronger. Now, whenever I see a __11__ flying overhead, I feel a sense of __12__ , thinking I've done that.

During my time in and __13__ the Arizona desert, I learned not only about the __14__ of aviation, but also about myself and how I see the world. As I floated in that seemingly endless sea of __15__, I realized the variety and complexity of the humanity below. On the ribbons of roadways, each tiny car __16__ people with hopes and dreams. I wonder if any of those people has also __17__ to fly like an eagle? Then I realized that each must have his or her own __18__ and aspirations. That's what makes us unique. We try to respond to something special __19__ us.

Just as a famous writer said, “The important thing in __20__ is to have a great dream, and


the determination to achieve it.”

1. A.studying B.swimming C.flying D.driving 2. A.pilot 3. A.travelled 4. A.wish

B.person C.student D.teacher B.shipped C.rocketed D.ran B.dream C.right D.chance

5. A.college B.factory C.hospital D.government 6. A.worst 7. A.parties 8. A.yet

B.best C.first D.least B.discussions C.activities


B.still C.too D.also


9. A.month 10. A.so

B.year C.week

B.even C.very D.quite B.bird C.rocket D.cloud B.humour



11. A.plane 12. A.loss

13. A.across B.above 14. A.success 15. A.air 16. A.fetched 17. A.learned

C.outside D.under D.importance

B.history C.skills

B.water C.sand D.people B.brought



B.promised C.wished D.decided

C.shortcoming D.family

18. A.advantages B.dreams 19. A.inside 20. A.trouble

B.behind C.before D.among B.space C.need D.life



Ⅰ.1.will be made 2.will be held 3.will be tested 4.will be given 5.will be replaced 6.will be improved 7.will be admitted 8.will be repaid 9.will be made 10.will be fined Ⅱ.1.will be controlled 2.will be saved 3.will be filmed 4.to be discussed 5.will be bought Ⅲ.One possible version:

The team went into action, just as we do when there's a medical emergency. But this one was a Christmas emergency. We donated some money and ordered some takeout food from the restaurants nearby. We put all those food together and prepared a feast for our Christmas guests. Of course, you can't get a perfect Christmas without some presents. We put some fruits and candies in a big basket. We even collected other things available that could be presents from different departments. No one complained anything and what our team wanted to do was just to meet the needs of a family who just wanted to get__warm on Christmas Day, although they are not the real patients.

Two hours later, they were going to leave. As the mother accompanied her children out of the door holding that big basket full of presents, she stopped and lowered her head, whispering, “Thanks for being our angels today.” I turned around slowly to get back to work, some proud tears filling in my eyes.

Ⅳ.【文章大意】 本文是一篇记叙文,在文中作者讲述了自己的经历,以及通过这件事情作者对人生和梦想的领悟。作者从小就喜欢像老鹰一样在天空翱翔,一次有幸到一所飞行学校参观学习,他不仅学到了飞行技术,对生活和梦想也有了更深的感悟。

1.C 根据前句中的eagles和下文内容可知作者喜欢飞行,故选C。

2.B 从语境判断作者对飞行的热爱对他的生活和做人都有很大影响,故选B。 3.C 根据句中heights判断作者对飞行的热爱上升到新的高度,rocket在此处用作动词“飞快地移动(尤指向上)”,故选C。

4.D 由语境判断此处指有机会去参观飞行学校,故选D。

5.A 从前句中Embry Riddle Aeronautical University判断是大学宿舍,故选A。 6.B 作者喜欢飞行,终于有机会能够飞上蓝天了,作者会非常高兴,根据后面“…I flew!”可知选B。

7.C 从空后内容可知作者学习课程,在模拟飞行器中练习,这些都是在学校参加的一些


人教版新课标高中英语 2019-2020学年 必修二 Unit 2 The Olympic Games Grammar 配套练习 含答案详解


