【期刊名称】《计算机应用研究》 【年(卷),期】2013(030)007
【摘要】传统的Web服务信任度计算模型所计算的信任度是一个单独的数值,缺少必要的上下文信息,使得信任度表达的含义比较模糊.另外,以往的计算模型大多局限于单一的管理域中,管理域之间由于缺乏共同的知识标准而无法进行统一的信任度计算.为此,提出了基于上下文本体的Web服务信任度计算模型以解决上述问题.本体技术为上下文信息的表达和推理提供了便利,同时也为不同管理域之间的交互提供了共享知识库.在提出的模型中,直接以用户关心的上下文信息作为间接信任度计算的重要依据,在对上下文概念进行语义匹配的基础上,最终实现跨域的信任度计算.实验结果验证了模型的可行性和有效性.%The trust degree gotten by the traditional trust models is usually a single value and lacks context information,which makes its implication be ambiguous.Besides,these models are generally restricted in certain domain.As a result,trust computation can't be fulfilled due to the absence of common knowledge between domains.To solve these problems,this paper proposed a trust computation model based on context ontology for Web service.Ontology technology facilitated the expression and inference for context information and provided the shared knowledge base for different domains.In the proposed model,the context information concerned by user was taken as the