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To understand the human body it is necessary to understand how its parts are put together and how they function. The study of the body's structure is called anatomy; the study of the body's function is known as physiology. Other studies of human body include biology, cytology, embryology, histology, endocrinology, hematology, immunology, psychology etc.Á˽âÈËÌå¸÷²¿·ÖµÄ×é³É¼°Æ书ÄÜ£¬¶ÔÓÚÈÏʶÈËÌåÊDZØÐèµÄ¡£Ñо¿ÈËÌå½á¹¹µÄ¿Æѧ½Ð½âÆÊѧ£»Ñо¿ÈËÌ幦ÄܵĿÆѧ½ÐÉúÀíѧ¡£ÆäËûÑо¿ÈËÌåµÄ¿Æѧ°üÀ¨ÉúÎïѧ¡¢Ï¸°ûѧ¡¢Åß
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movement is possible when the ball - shaped end of one bone fits into a socket at the end of another bone, as they do in the shoulder and hip joints. ¹Ø½Ú°Ñ¹ÇÓë¹ÇÁ¬½ÓÆðÀ´¡£Â¹Ç²»ÄÜÔ˶¯£¬ÊÇÓÉÓÚ¹ÇÓë¹ÇÖ®¼äµÄÁ¬½ÓÌ«½ôÃÜ¡£µ«ÆäËüµÄ¹Ø½Ú¿ÉÔÊÐí»î¶¯£¬ÈçÒ»¸öƽÃæÉϵÄÇ°ºóÇüÉìÔ˶¯£¬ÈçÖâ¹Ø½Ú£»»òÊÇÈÆÖáÐÄÐýתÔ˶¯£¬ÈçÊàÖáµãÔÊÐíÍ·²¿×ª¶¯¡£Èç¹ûÒ»¸ù¹ÇµÄÇòÐÎÄ©¶Ë²åÈëÁíÒ»¸ù¹ÇµÄ¾Ê²ÛÀ´ó·ø¶ÈµÄÔ˶¯£¨Èç¼ç¹Ø½Ú¡¢÷Źؽڣ©¼´³ÉΪ¿ÉÄÜ¡£Cartilage is a more flexible material than bone. It serves as a protective, cushioning layer where bones come together. It also connects the ribs to the breastbone and provides a structural base for the nose and the external ear. An infant's skeleton is made of cartilage that is gradually replaced by bone as the infant grows into an adult.Èí¹ÇÊÇÒ»ÖÖ±ÈÒ»°ã¹Ç¸ü¾ßÈÍÐÔµÄÎïÖÊ¡£ËüÊǹÇÁ¬½áµÄ±£»¤¡¢»º³å²ã¡£Ëü°ÑÀß¹ÇÓëÐعÇÁ¬½áÆðÀ´£¬Ò²ÊDZÇÇ»ÓëÄÚ¶úµÄ½á¹¹»ù´¡¡£Ò»¸öÓ¤¶ùµÄ¹Ç÷À¾ÍÊÇÓÉÈí¹Ç×é³É£¬È»ºó²»¶ÏÉú³¤¡¢¹Ç»¯£¬Ê¹Ó¤¶ù³¤´ó³ÉÈË¡£The muscular system allows the body to move, and its contractions produce heat, which helps maintain a constant body temperature. Striated muscles can be consciously controlled. The ends of these muscles are attached to different bones by connective tissue bands so that when the muscle contracts, one bone moves in relation to the other. This makes it possible to move the whole body, as when walking, or to move just one part of the body, as when bending a finger. Contractions of the heart and smooth muscles are not under conscious control. Smooth muscles are found in the walls of organs such as the stomach and the intestines and serve to move the contents of these organs through the body.¼¡ÈâϵͳʹÇûÌåÔ˶¯£¬¼¡ÈâÊÕËõ²úÉúµÄÈÈÓÐÖúÓÚά³ÖÒ»¸öºã¶¨µÄÌåΡ£ÈËÌåÄܹ»ÓÐÒâʶµØ¿ØÖÆÌõÎƼ¡¡£½áµÞ×é֯ʹ¼¡ÈâÄ©¶Ë¸½×ÅÓÚ²»Í¬µÄ¹ÇÃæÉÏ£¬ËùÒÔµ±¼¡ÈâÊÕËõʱ£¬Á½¹Ç±Ë´Ë¿¿½ü¶ø²úÉúÔ˶¯¡£
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poison the body. The circulatory system distributes needed materials and removes unneeded ones. It is made up of the heart, blood vessels, and blood, which together make up the cardiovascular system. The blood is also part of the body's defense system. It has antibodies and white blood cells that protect the body against foreign invaders. Ñ»·ÏµÍ³£º»úÌåµÄËùÓв¿·ÖÐèÒªÓªÑøÎïÖʺÍÑõÆøÀ´Ê¹Ö®·¢»Ó¹¦ÄܺÍÉú³¤£¬Ò²ÐèÒªÔÚÕâЩÆ÷¹ÙËù²úÉúµÄ·ÏÎï»ý¾Û¶øΣº¦ÉúÃü֮ǰ½«ÆäÅųý¡£Ñ»·ÏµÍ³ÔËËÍÓÐÓÃÎïÖÊ£¬ÅÅй·ÏÎï¡£ÐÄѪ¹ÜϵͳÊÇÑ»·ÏµÍ³µÄ×é³ÉÖ®Ò»£»ÐÄѪ¹Üϵͳ°üÀ¨ÐÄÔࡢѪ¹Ü¼°ÑªÒº¡£ÑªÒºÒ²ÊÇ»úÌå·ÀÓùϵͳµÄÒ»¸ö²¿·Ö£¬ÑªÒºÖÐÓп¹Ìå¼°°×ϸ°ûÀ´·ÀÖ¹»úÌåÊܵ½ÍâÀ´µÄÇÖÏ®¡£
The heart is a muscle that is divided into two nearly identical halves: one half receives blood from the lungs and sends it to the rest of the body, the other half sends blood that has traveled through the body back to the lungs. When the heart muscle contracts, the blood is forced out into arteries and enters small capillaries. Blood returns to the heart through veins. ÐÄÔàÊÇÒ»¿é±»·ÖΪ¼¸ºõ¶ÔµÈÁ½°ëµÄ¼¡Èâ¡£Ò»°ëÎüÊÕÀ´×Էβ¿µÄѪҺ£¬²¢½«ÑªÒºÔËË͵½»úÌåµÄÆäÓಿ룬ÁíÒ»°ëʹÁ÷¾È«ÉíµÄѪҺ»ØÁ÷È˷Ρ£ÐÄÔàÊÕËõʱ£¬¶¯Âö°ÑÈ«ÉíѪҺÊäË͵½Ã«Ï¸Ñª¹Ü¡£¾²ÂöÊäËÍѪҺ·µ»ØÐÄÔà¡£
Also functioning in circulation is the lymphatic system. Some of the fluid that surrounds cells does not reenter the blood vessels directly. This fluid, called lymph, returns to the heart by way of another system of channels - the lymph vessels. Lymph nodes along these vessels filter the fluid before it reenters the blood. The spleen is a large lymphatic organ that filters the blood.
The respiratory system takes in oxygen from the air and expels carbon dioxide and water vapor. Air enters the nose and mouth and travels through the larynx, and trachea. The trachea divides to enter each of the two lungs and then divides more than 20 times to form a very large number of small air spaces. Oxygen from the air enters the blood through