【期刊名称】《现代农业科技》 【年(卷),期】2015(000)013
【摘要】大学环境建设是创造良好的教学尧科研和学习环境的重要条件之一。中南林业科技大学作为我国林业科学教育的高等学府,在绿化校园与美化环境中展现了学校专业的特色风貌。对校区内的植物种类尧植物配置尧校园景观进行了实地调查分析,并就如何实现植物景观设计的科学性与艺术性统一及相互关系进行探讨。%University environment construction is one of the important conditions to create a good teaching,scientific research and learning environment. As a great forestry science education place in China,Central South University of Forestry and Technology shows its style and characteristic in the green and beautify the campus environment. In this paper,the field investigation and analysis of plant species,plant configuration,and campus landscape were carried out,and how to realize scientific and artistic unity of plant landscape design,and some opinions on the relationship among each other were disccused. 【总页数】3页(220-221,224)
【关键词】校园绿化;园林植物;景观;调查;分析;中南林业科技大学 【作者】吴际洋;丑天胜;李颖林
【作者单位】福建农林大学植物保护学院农林创新实验班,福建福州 350002;福建农林大学生命科学学院;福建农林大学林学院