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δ13Ccarb and Ceanom excursions in the post-glacial Neoproterozoic and Early Cambrian inte

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δ13Ccarb and Ceanom excursions in the post-glacial Neoproterozoic and Early Cambrian interval

in Guizhou,South China

FENG Hongzhen;LING Hongfei;JIANG Shaoyong;YANG Jinghong

【期刊名称】《自然科学进展(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2004(014)002

【摘要】Secular δ 13Ccarb and Ceanom profiles in the post-glacial Neoproterozoic and Early Cambrian interval are reported from Guizhou on the southeasten border of the Yangtze platform, South China. Overall, the δ 13Ccarb profile drifts to negative values in the post-glacial Nantuo and lower to middle Doushantuo Formations, and then to positive values in the upper Doushantuo and Dengying Formations of Neoproterozoic, followed by negative values in the Lower Cambrian Gezhongwu and Niutitang Formations. A detailed investigation of the relationship between the δ 13Ccarb and Ceanom profiles reveals that the main anoxic and oxic episodes are coupled with negative and positive δ 13Ccarb values, respectively. This may suggest a control of alternation between ocean stratification and mixing on variations in 13C abundance in the ancient ocean of the investigated areas. 【总页数】5页(188-192)

【关键词】δ 13Ccarb and Ceanom excursions, post-glacial Neoproterozoic and Early Cambrian, Guizhou, Yangtze Platform


