USB 2.0 OTG控制器设计与验证
【期刊名称】《实验科学与技术》 【年(卷),期】2011(009)004
【摘要】A common USB system uses "Master Slave" architecture.The USB host is "Master",and the USB peripheral is"Slave".The communication between"Master"and"Slave"must rely on PC.USB OTG technology changes this situation.A USB peripheral must not be a simple"Slave"any more,and it can be"Master"sometimes,then the communicationamong the peripherals is realized.Based on this situation,this paper presents some researches on the USB OTG specifications,and the design of OTG controller on an embedded system.%普通的USB系统使用"主从"的架构,USB主机端(即电脑)是"主",而USB外围设备是"从",主从之间的通信必须依赖于PC主机的存在。USB OTG技术改变了这种状况,外围设备不再只能作为单纯的"从",它有时候也可以成为主机端,实现设备之间的通信。文中正是基于这种状况,研究了USB OTG补充规范,在嵌入式系统的平台上,完成了一种OTG控制器的硬件设计与实现。
【关键词】OTG规范;会话请求协议;主机交换协议 【作者】彭冲;阎波