On the Translation Strategies of Chinese Neologisms-A Case Study on Chinese Neologisms in 2015
On the Translation Strategies of Chinese Neologisms-A Case Study on Chinese Neologisms
in 2015
【期刊名称】《海外英语(上)》 【年(卷),期】2016(000)006
【摘要】Vocabulary is the most active and sensitive part of language which reflects the social changes and developments as a mirror. With the rapid development of the Chinese society, a great number of Chinese neologisms come into being. The proper translation of them into English is getting increasingly important in Chinese-English translation. A good translation needs not on-ly background information but translation strategies as well. It can improve proficiency and save time and effort. As a result, the translator can achieve maximum result with minimum work. This paper focuses on investigating the translation strategies of Chi-nese neologisms through classifying and summarizing some good English translations of Chinese neologisms in 2015. It can help translators cope with different kinds of Chinese Neologisms so that it would be easier for foreigners to know and under-stand the present situation of China.
【总页数】3页(173-174,177) 【关键词】
On the Translation Strategies of Chinese Neologisms-A Case Study on Chinese Neologisms in 2015