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中文翻译 n.
奥利弗〔姓氏,男子名〕。 n.
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barney oliver 巴尼奥立佛 bath oliver 巴思奥利弗饼干 charles oliver 查尔斯.奥利弗 christian oliver 奥利佛
darren oliver 达伦奥利佛; 投手奥利佛 donald oliver 此模式为奥利弗 goldsmith oliver 古德史密斯 heaviside oliver 亥维塞
jamie oliver 杰米?奥利佛; 杰米?奥利弗; 杰米利弗 kahn oliver 卡恩
kovacevic oliver 科瓦切维奇 laurence oliver 奥利弗; 劳伦斯 martyn oliver 奥力弗 mary oliver 奥利弗
mitchell oliver 奥利弗米切尔 oliver axster 奥利弗阿克斯特 oliver beer 贝尔
oliver bertschinger 主管欧博程 oliver bettington 奥利佛
oliver bierhoff 奥立弗; 比埃霍夫; 比亚荷夫 oliver caruso 奥利弗卡鲁索 oliver chiou 邱泰鑫
? ? ? ? ? oliver corp 奥利弗公司
oliver cromwell 奥利弗?克伦威尔; 奥列佛?克伦威尔; 克伦威尔 oliveoil 橄榄油 洋橄榄油 齐墩果油 olivenza 奥利文萨 例句与用法 \“对不起,先生”,奥立弗说。
2. Mr. brownlow adopted oliver as his own son . 布朗劳先生认奥立弗做了儿子。
3. Oliver wet his great thumb griefly . 奥立佛凝神舐了一舐大拇指。
4. Then they turned round and smiled at oliver . 随后他们又转脸向奥列弗挤眉弄眼。
5. Oliver tried to reply, but his tongue failed him . 奥立弗想要回答,可是舌头不听使唤。
6. This is irving's appraisal of oliver goldsmith . 这是欧文对奥利弗戈德史密斯的评语。
7. Oliver stirred the fire . 奥立弗把炉火拨得旺一点。
8. The two robbers issued forth with oliver between them . 两个窃贼把奥立弗夹在中间走了出去。
9. Oliver looked at sikes in mute and timid wonder . 奥立弗向赛克斯默默地看了胆怯而困惑的一眼。
10. While orlando was engaged with the lioness, oliver awaked .
11. With these words he gave oliver a kick and went into the shop . 他说罢踢了奥列弗一脚,便走进店堂。
12. The month's trial over, oliver was formally apprenticed . 一个月的试用期已经过去,奥立弗正式成为学徒。
13. Oliver lingered no longer, but meekly followed his new mistress . 奥立弗不再迟疑,乖乖地跟着他的新主人走去。
14. Oliver lingered no longer, but meekly followed his new mistress . 奥立弗不再迟疑,乖乖地跟着他的新主母走去。 15. Then we talked of the wine and nibbled bath oliver biscuits . 然后我们就谈谈这种酒,咬一点巴斯奥利弗牌饼干。
16. Oliver twist being uppermost in his mind, he made him his theme . 他最先想到是奥立弗退斯特,便拿来作为话题。
17. Because noah behaved like this, charlotte was bad to oliver too . 因为诺亚老是这样捉弄他,夏洛蒂也就待他很坏。
18. Oliver had been sojourning at the undertaker's some three weeks or a month .
19. It was late next morning when oliver awoke from a sound long sleep . 奥立弗这一觉睡得又香又长,第二天早晨很晚才醒来。 20. Bernard wrote to oliver in glowing terms about his new position . 伯纳德给奥利维尔写了一封信,把他的新职位大大夸耀了一番。