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作者:陆婷婷 王玲玲 邢秋明 江文斌 来源:《现代纺织技术》2024年第04期
摘 要:为了更好地了解鲜茧经不同冷冻条件保存后茧质性能变化,以同一庄口的蚕茧为研究对象,设置不同的冷冻条件进行保存。对干茧、鲜茧、不同温度冷冻不同时间后鲜茧的茧质以及茧层渗透性能进行测试和分析。结果表明:在其他工艺条件相同的条件下,鲜茧经冷冻保存后蛹体含水率略有减少,茧层含水率增大;好蛹率测试结果显示,如需较长时间保持蛹体新鲜,储藏温度至少要低于-20 ℃;鲜茧经冷冻保存后茧层初期丝胶溶失率变大,茧层渗透性能增强,内层落绪次数减少,有利于缫丝过程中茧丝的顺利离解。 关键词:鲜茧;冷冻保存;蛹体;茧质;渗透性能 中图分类号:TS143.2 文献标志码:A
Abstract:In order to better understand the changes of cocoon properties after cryopreservation of fresh cocoon under different freezing conditions, the cocoons from the same place were chosen as the study subjects and were preserved under different freezing conditions. Cocoon quality and cocoon layer permeability of dried cocoon, fresh cocoon and fresh cocoon with different freezing time at different temperatures were tested and analyzed. The results show that in the same process conditions, the moisture content of pupa decreases slightly after cryopreservation, and the
moisture content of cocoon layer increases. The test results of good pupa rate show that if the pupa remains fresh for a long time, the storage temperature should be below -20 ℃. After
cryopreservation of fresh cocoon, the early sericin dissolution-loss ratio of cocoon layer becomes larger, the permeability of cocoon layer increases, the times of inner dropping end decreases, which is conducive to the smooth dissociation of bave in silk reeling process.
Key words:fresh cocoon; cryopreservation; pupa; cocoon quality; permeability 传统的缫丝方法是将收购来的鲜茧进行烘干后渗透、煮茧、缫丝。最近几年,由于鲜蛹富含人体所必需的营养和成分,被广泛应用于医药和食品领域,带来良好的经济效益,并且鲜茧缫丝省去了烘茧和煮茧工序,节省了制丝生产成本,采用鲜茧缫丝在广西、山东等地受到一些缫丝企业的欢迎[1-2]。鲜茧缫丝的出现,同时带来一个问题,鲜茧的保存工艺。目前,关于鲜茧的保存工艺已有学者进行了相关研究,程洪伟[3]就鲜茧冷冻后解舒性能做过探讨,认为鲜茧经过冷冻保存后由于茧层中水分结冰,茧层中胶着点处丝胶发生膨胀,胶着点处位置发生位移及错动,后续的渗透、煮茧过程中有利于丝胶的充分膨润,从而解舒率有所提高,大约为