2024年1-2月卢敏热点词汇整理(完整版) MTI-翻译硕士备考资料
?世界民族之林 among the nations of the world
?与时俱进 keep abreast of the times
?第四次工业革命 the Fourth Industrial Revolution
?构建全球架构 shape a global architecture
?辅助生殖技术assisted reproductive technology
?季节性人口迁移 seasonal migration of people
?春运 Spring Festival travel rush ?开卡 creating account ?充值 topping up ?里程计价 metered fare
拼搏、一起奋斗。 2024 will see both opportunities and challenges that will require us to work together shoulder to shoulder. ?无论国际风云如何变幻,中国维护国家主权和安全的信心和决心不会变,中国维护世界和平、促 进共同发展的诚意和善意不会变。
No matter what these changes bring, China will remain resolute and confident in its defense of its national sovereignty and security. And China's sincerity and goodwill to safeguard world peace and promote common development will remain unchanged.
And now, looking forward, despite the complexities and difficulties we may face on the road ahead, we shall always closely rely
on the people and stick to self-reliance and hard work.
Our people are the country's solid foundation and our main source of confidence to govern.
China's reforms will never stop, and its doors will only open ever wider.
我们都在努力奔跑,我们都是追梦人。 China, as a country of people on the move, is energetically pursuing prosperity. We are all running very hard. We are all dream chasers. ?岁月不居,时节如流。Time stops for no one, and the seasons keep changing.
?预选着陆区 the preselected landing area
?着陆在月球背面 touch down on the far side of the moon
The Taiwan question is China's internal affair and allows no external interference.
?中华民族伟大复兴 the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation
?重要改革举措 important reform measures
?1000万农村贫困人口摆脱贫困 lift 10 million people in the country's rural areas out of poverty
?区块链 blockchain
?加密货币 cryptocurrencies
?以人为本 human-centered
?错峰休假 leave on non-public holidays/off-peak vacations
?医疗、医保、医药 medical services, health insurance, and the medicine industry
?民办医疗机构 private hospital
?偷拍裙底 upskirting
?“两弹一星”勋章 Two Bombs, One Satellite Achievement Medal
?国家最高科学技术奖 State Preeminent Science and Technology Award
?和平与发展仍是时代主题 peace and development remain the call of the day
?以联合国为核心的国际体系 UN-centered international system
?以规则为基础的多边主义 rules-based multilateralism
Promoting world peace is China's consistent objective.
Countries make progress through exchanges and fall behind due to isolation.
expand the decision-making rights of scientists and researchers in choosing technological routes, utilizing funds, and transforming their research achievements
the need to strengthen the role of enterprises in innovation, and the integration of industries, universities and research institutes
The peaceful and stable development of cross-Straits situations and the progress of cross-Straits relations are the tide of the time that can never be stopped by anyone or any force.
The fact that compatriots across the Straits are all Chinese who share natural kinship and national identity can never be changed by anyone or any force.
The historical and legal facts, that Taiwan is part of China and the two sides across Taiwan Straits belong to one and the same China, can never be altered by anyone or
any force.
?正当防卫 justifiable defense
?妨害公务罪 crime of endangering public affairs
?寻衅滋事行为 causing disturbances
?微型生态系统 mini biosphere
?商务英语证书 Business English Certificate
?大学英语考试 College English Test, CET
?英语专业考试 Test for English Majors, TEM
?全国英语等级考试 Public English Test System, PETS
?中国英语能力等级量表 China's Standards of English Language Ability,CSE
?获得感、幸福感、安全感 sense of fulfillment, happiness and security
?占用应急车道 emergency lane occupancy
?正当防卫 justifiable defense
?核心指标 core indicator
?数据传输速度 data transmission speed
?智慧家居 smart home
?北京城市副中心 Beijing’s subsidiary center
?保护生物多样性 protect biodiversity
?禁渔 ban on fishing
?认真评估 careful deliberation
?正式脱离欧盟 officially leave the European Union
?11 个月的“过渡期”an 11-month transition period
?无症状的潜伏期 silent/asymptomatic incubation period
?特定传染病 specific infectious disease
?病毒携带者 virus carrier
?无症状携带者 asymptomatic carrier
?接触传播 contact transmission
?病毒的蔓延 spread of avirus; convert/silent/inapparent/subclinical infection
?外源性感染 exogenous infection
?密切接触者 close contact
?接触者追踪 contact tracing
?传染途径 route of transmission
?传播方式 mode of transmission
?宿主 host
?易感人群 susceptible/vulnerable population
时刻。Brexit supporters gathered at Parliament Square tomark the occasion.
?欧盟成员国 an EU member state
?脱欧公投 Brexit referendum
?确诊病例 confirmed cases
?就近火化新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎患者遗体 cremate coronavirus dead nearby
?治疗感冒的中成药 herbal flu medicine
?抑制新型冠状病毒 contain the novel coronavirus
?临床试验clinical trials
?引发副作用 cause side effects
?奠基仪式 ground-breaking ceremony
?动画片 animated films
?国际文化产业博览会 International Cultural Industries Fair
?国际舞台 international arena
?国家级电视网络单位 national television network
?容纳 1000 张床位 accommodate 1,000 inpatients
?确诊病例 confirmed cases
?临时搭建的医院 a makeshift hospital
?昼夜不停的施工 around-the-clock construction
?短时间内调动大型运输机的能力 ability
to mobilize a large transport unit onshort notice
?自去年 12 月新型冠状病毒在武汉爆发以来,全国各地都出现了感染病例。
Since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus inWuhan in December 2024, infections have leaped across China.
?水生生物保护区 aquatic life conservation areas
?止咳退烧药品 cough and cold remedies
?继往开来,携手前进 join hands to build on past achievements
?推迟召开“两会”的决定草案 draft proposals to postpone China's \
?疫情防控 epidemic prevention and control
?遏制疫情蔓延 curb the spread of the virus
?奋战在疫情防控工作第一线 fight the epidemic at the front line
?只争朝夕,不负韶华 seize the day and live it to the fullest
?校园贷 campus loans
?国家最高科学技术奖 the State Preeminent Science and Technology Award
?家用电器安全使用年限 standard life spans for home appliances
?汇率操纵国 currency manipulator
?强基计划 plan for strengthening basic academic disciplines
?中美第一阶段经贸协议 China-US phase-one economic and trade agreement
?千年胞波情谊 millennia-old pauk-phaw friendship
?新型冠状病毒:novel coronavirus (2024-nCoV)
?新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎 pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus
?医用外科口罩: surgical mask
?N95 口罩:N95 mask
?潜伏期:incubation period
?病毒性肺炎 viral pneumonia
?不明原因肺炎 pneumoniaof unknown etiology/cause
?急性呼吸窘迫综合症 acute respiratory distress syndrome
?呼吸道疾病 respiratory diseases
?行走的传染源 mobile source of infection
?潜伏期 incubation/latent period
?病毒性肺炎 viral pneumonia
?不明原因肺炎 pneumoniaof unknown etiology/cause
?急性呼吸窘迫综合症 acute respiratory distress syndrome
?呼吸道疾病 respiratory diseases
?行走的传染源 mobile source of infection
?潜伏期 incubation/latent period
?医院/院内感染 nosocomial infection; hospital-acquired infection
?职业暴露 occupational exposure
?散在病例 sporadic case
?输入性病例 imported case
?二代病例 second-generation case
?传染性 transmissibility; infectivity
?致病性 pathogenicity
?疫情 epidemic; outbreak
?疫区 affected area
?发热 morbidity
?发热病人 patients with fever; febrile patients; feverpatients
?重症 severe case
?发病率 incidencerate
?死亡率 mortalityrate
?病死率 fatality/mortality/ death rate
?治愈率 recovery rate
?疫情防控 epidemic prevention and control