【期刊名称】《现代医院》 【年(卷),期】2015(000)003
【摘要】目的:探讨中下叶肺结核患者行支气管镜检查的必要性。方法分析我院2007年1月~2014年3月所有确诊为中下叶肺结核并行支气管镜检查的77例患者的临床资料。结果在中下叶肺结核患者中,支气管结核的发生率明显高于文献报道的肺结核患者。结论重视肺结核患者的支气管镜检查,可减少支气管结核的误诊与漏诊。%Objective To investigate the necessity of bronchoscopy in patients with tuberculosis in the mid -dle and lower lobe .Methods Clinical features of 77 patients with tuberculosis in the middle and lower lobe also ex-amined by fiber bronchoscope were retrospectively analysed from January 2007 to March 2014 in our hospital .Results The incidence of bronchial tuberculosis in the patients with tuberculosis in middle and lower lobe was significantly higher than the reported in literature .Conclusion Attaching great importance to the fiber bronchoscopy in patients with tuberculosis can reduce misdiagnosis of endobronchial tuberculosis ( EBTB) . 【总页数】2页(93-94)
【关键词】肺结核;支气管结核;支气管镜检查;诊断 【作者】李天义;汤春梅;张言斌;王晓杰;潘育文
【作者单位】广州市胸科医院 广东广州 510095;广州市胸科医院 广东广州