【期刊名称】《长江蔬菜》 【年(卷),期】2013(000)004
【摘要】 农番2号是以20040805为母本、JW9为父本配制而成的加工番茄一代杂种.该品种为有限生长类型,植株长势较强,果实深红色,长圆形,平均单果质量80 g,可溶性固形物含量5.2%,番茄红素含量13.02 mg/100 g(鲜质量),从播种至成熟需102 d,产量可达120 t/hm2,适宜在新疆、甘肃、内蒙古等加工番茄产地种植.%Nongfan No.2 is a new processing tomato F1 hybrid by taking 20040805 as female parent and JW9 as male parent. It grows vigorously with the habit of determinate growth. Its fruit is long round and in bright red color. The average single fruit weight is 80 g, with the soluble solid content of 5.2%and lycopene content of 13.02 mg/100 g (FW). It takes about 102 days from sowing to fruit ripening, and its yield is 120 t/hm2. It is suitable for cultivating in Xinjiang, Gansu, Inner Mongolia and other processing tomato production areas. 【总页数】3页(15-16,17)
【关键词】加工番茄;农番2号;一代杂种 【作者】庞胜群;刘慧英;郑群;吉雪花
【作者单位】新疆石河子大学农学院,832000;新疆石河子大学农学院,832000;新疆石河子大学农学院,832000;新疆石河子大学农学院,832000 【正文语种】中文