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《经济管理英语教程》 Key to Exercises

Unit One


Ⅱ.1.involves 2.fluctuation 3.discipline 4.allocation 5.pursuit 6.unemployment 7.relies 8.manufacturing 9.consists of

10.in principle 11.used up 12.tend to 13.prosperity 14. ration 15. coordination III. 1.employees 2.objectives 3.consumer 4.goods and services 5.purchase

6.reliable 7.tent to 8.responsibility 9.djustments 10.fficiently 11.involved 12.wants 13.be aware of 14.are likely to 15.Consequently IV. 在你还没有形成一种概念认为经济学仅仅是用于政治和商务之前,我们必须指出经济学的核心是我们做出的抉择,及其对个人和社会的影响。有些选择涉及到金钱,但大多数则不。因此,即使好象与经济无关的决定也在经济学范畴之内。大部分决定涉及到努力使成本与收益平衡,而这些成本和收益或许不能佣金前来衡量。例如,许多成本和收益主要是心理上的。经济学在日常生活中赫然耸现。但是作为一门学科,你可能知之甚少。你也许听到过诸如价格、费用、利润、供给、与需求、通货膨胀、失业、社会主义等你生活中大半时光都在议论的词汇。这些概念和许多其它概念交织成经济学的范畴。

V. 1.A market is the interaction of supply and demand, the buying and

selling of goods and services by individuals and businesses in an attempt to satisfy their own economic wants .

2.Consumers seek to maximize their own satisfaction in buying products and services , and producers to maximize their own profits in offering them.

3.The location of the world’s natural resources , also called commodities , determines the patterns of world trade .

4.As resources are limited and wants are insatiable ,man is continually forced to make choices .It is the making of these choices that is central to the study of economics .

5.In market economics, natural resources and capital goods are usually privately owned. In such economics, buyers and sellers have a great deal of economic freedom, and they market information to one anther through the prices fluctuation.

VI. (omitted)


Unit Two


Ⅰ. (Omitted)

Ⅱ.1. Patent 2. Facilitate 3. Scarce 4.Specializes 5.Endowed 1. Expertise 7. Equity 8. Levy 9. Advantage 10. Labor-intensive

11.Tangible 12. Commitment 13. Revenue 14. License 15. Fluctuate Ⅲ.

1. barter 2. traced 3.far 4.exchange 5.nations 6.


2. topic 8. dictated 9. exports 10. imports 11. proceeds

12. surplus 13. expense 14. matching 15.shallow


1. 国际贸易就是人们跨越国界所进行的商务活动

2. 由政府资助的国际贸易活动也可能不仅仅以盈利为目的.

3. 服务进出口指除去商品进出口以外的那部分国际收支, 获得收入可看作劳务出口,支出可当作服务进口

4. 特许权使用费也可以用于特许经营, 在这种经营方式中, 一方将其商标的使用权出售给另一方, 给使用权则成为特许权获得者的基本资产

Ⅴ. Investment is a very importantly component of international business co-operation. When firms invest abroad, they do so for a variety of reasons: to gain access to resources or raw material; to reduce costs, to expand markets; or to satisfy customer. To some extent, these different motives suggest different patterns of investment. You can choose a foreign company to do export and imports with them directly, or choose the options like independent agents, licensing arrangement, branch offices, joint ventures with local partner.

Ⅵ.(Omitted) Ⅶ. 1.

1: the applicability of basic GATT principles and those of relevant international intellectual property agreements; the provision of

adequate intellectual property rights; the provision of effective enforcement measures for those rights; multilateral dispute settlement; and transitional implementation arrangements. 2. computer programs; Berne Convention

3. unauthorized recording, reproduction and broadcast ; 50 years.


Unit Three

Ⅰ. (Omitted) Ⅱ.

1. maturity 2.sustainable 3.creditor 4.currency


6.liability 7.asset 8.portfolio 9.transfer 10.convert

11.pegging 12.transaction 13.fiscal 14.rendered 15. expenditures


1. created 2.currency 3.substantial 4.surplus 5.circulation 6.convertible 7.reserves 8.though 9.expansion 10.substitute 1. rates 12.dominant 13.outlet 14.monetary 15.aid


1. 大多数从事全球经济活动的国家都保持着他们金融活动的一个记录, 这个记录成为国际收支平衡表

2. 一个国家的收支平衡表分为三个账户: 经常账户, 资本账户和官方贮备, 官方储备由国际认可的交换媒介组成, 过去是黄金,现在可以是任何可以兑换成黄金的银行付款单据 3. 短期投资包括银行存款, 短期政府公债和持有的货币. 4. 对于许多中央银行来说, 它称为国际储备的主要投资去处

5. 因此, 欧洲美元使存钱和借钱的人都受益, 存款者得到较高的利息回报, 借款者可以通过欧元规避美国的外汇管制, 而在海外筹措资金. Ⅴ.

3. On the other hand, foreign investment not only may lower the prices of imports, but the higher yield on capital invested abroad will eventually return to the domestic economy as dividends are remitted from abroad. 4. At the same time, the IMF decided to support a managed floating exchange rate.

5. The Eurodollar borrowing rate is based on the London inter-bank offer



