Towards a simple and safe Objective Caml compiling framework for the synchronous language SIGNAL
Towards a simple and safe Objective Caml compiling framework for the synchronous
language SIGNAL
Zhibin YANG;Jean-Paul BODEVEIX;Mamoun FILALI
【期刊名称】《中国高等学校学术文摘·计算机科学》 【年(卷),期】2019(013)004
【摘要】This paper presents a simple and safe compiler,called MinSIGNAL,from a subset of the synchronous dataflow language SIGNAL to C,as well as its existing enhancements.The compiler follows a modular architecture,and can be seen as a sequence of source-to-source transformations applied to an intermediate representation which is named Synchronous Clocked Guarded Actions (S-CGA) and translation to sequential imperative code.Objective Caml (OCaml) is used for the implementation of MinSIGNAL.As a modem functional language,OCaml is adapted to symbolic computation and so,particularly suitable for compiler design and implementation of formal analysis tools.In particular,the safety of its type checking allows to skip some verification
languages.Additionally,this work is a basis for the formal verification of the compilation of SIGNAL with a theorem prover such as Coq. 【总页数】20页(715-734) 【关键词】
Towards a simple and safe Objective Caml compiling framework for the synchronous language SIGNAL