l. Cue Card A
Situation: You two meet for the first time. Exchange greetings and get acquainted. You'll be given 2 minutes to read your cue card and prepare a conversation. Tips for you: You are Zhang Xiaoqiang from China a teller/cashier of Minsheng Bank Nanchang Branch, Jiangxi Province, China You exchange greetings introduce yourself ask your partner^ occupation Cue Card B Situation: You two meet for the first time. Exchange greetings and get acquainted. You'll
be given 2 minutes to read your cue card and prepare a conversation. Tips for you: You are Judy Smith from USA the Production Manager of the Sunrise Juice Co., Ltd, California, USA You exchange greetings introduce yourself ask your partner^ occupation Sample Dialogue Zhang Xiaoqiang: May I sit here? Judy Smith:
Yes, please.
Zhang Xiaoqiang: Another raining day, isn't it? Judy Smith:
Does it rain like this all year long in Nanchang?
Zhang Xiaoqiang: No, no. Only for a couple of months. It's called “plum rains season/' It's
bad for the tourists though. Are you a tourist?
Judy Smith:
No, I came on a business trip to inspect some orange orchards to see 讦 there exists the possibility of starting a joint venture here.
Zhang Xiaoqiang: Are you the secretary? Judy Smith:
What made you think so?
Zhang Xiaoqiang: You are so young and charming. Judy Smith:
Fm the Production Manager of Sunrise Juice in California.
Zhang Xiaoqiang: Incredible! No kidding! Judy Smith: gentleman?
Zhang Xiaoqiang: Fm a cashier of Minsheng Bank Nanchang Branch. May T ask your
name please?
Judy Smith:
Judy Smith. Just call me Judy. And you?
Too much said about me. What about you, the young and charming
Zhang Xiaoqiang: My name is Zhang Xiaoqiang. Judy Smith:
Can I call you Zhang Xiao?
Zhang Xiaoqiang: No, no. Chinese names don5t work that way. Contrary to English names,
we Chinese put family name first, given name after. So Xiaoqiang is fine.
Judy Smith:
Xiaoqiang, nice talking with you.
Zhang Xiaoqiang: The same to me, Judy.
2. Cuc Card A
Situation: You are introducing your company to a new customer. You will be given 2 minutes to read your cue card and prepare a conversation. You will be given 2 minutes to read your card and prepare a conversation. Tips for you: You are: Song Nan from China the Sales Representative of Century Footwear Co., Ltd, Chongqing, China You describing your company operation talk about your major business line
talk about the advantages of your products
Cue Card B
Situation: The supplier is introducing their company to you. You will be given 2 minutes to read your card and prepare a conversation. Tips for you: You are Rex White from Australia the head of the Import Dept, of the Island Footwear Imp/Exp Corp., Sydney, Australia You ask questions about their company operation inquire about their major business line ask about the advantages of their products Sample Dialogue
Song Nan: Since we are new to each other, Vd like to introduce our company to you. Rex White: Go ahead. I'm all ears.
Song Nan: Our company is a Sino-Italian joint venture established in the year 2,000, a
happy and effective marriage, I should say, which combines the latest fashion and design in Italy with cheap raw materials and labor in China.
Rex White: You are doing good business, T suppose?
Song Nan: You said it. What can beat shoes with good design and quality but reasonable
prices? While our competitors have been forced to reduce production, we've been producing to our full capacity to meet the high demand of both domestic and overseas market.
Rex White: Are you making footwear for men, women or children?
Song Nan: Mainly for men and women, which account for 80% of our output.
Children^ shoes consuming the leftover bits and pieces of material take up the rest 20%. We are especially proud of our women5s footwear.
Rex White: What merits do they have?
Song Nan: You must have often heard women complaining that the shoes are killing them.
You'll never hear such complaint from women wearing our shoes thanks to the superior and scientific designing. That's why they are so popular with so many women customers. Actually we have numerous loyal customers who
only buy our brand of shoes for their footwear..
Rex White: That^s really something. I heard the other day a number of footwear
companies sponsored a race for women with high-heeled shoes on. What's the outcome?
Song Nan: Century Footwear won the first place. Some participants bruised their ankles,
others broke the shoe heels. Our player reached the finish first, intact for herself and shoes.
Rex White: What a crazy race! That^s pretty hard for the women participants. Song Nan: But no lack of volunteers. Do you know what the prize was? A pair of Century shoes!
3. Cue Card A
Situations: Your company has ordered certain spare parts for repairing the printing machine but you haven^t received the order even after the delivery date. So you'd like to make a phone call to inquire about the late delivery. You will be given 2 minutes to read your card and prepare a conversation. Tips for you: You are Zhang Sheng, the staff member of the Purchasing Department of Xunchi Printing Co., Shanghai, China you would like to make a call to your supplier—Haidelberg Press to inquire about the late delivery of the goods your company has ordered? the receptionist puts you through to the manager of the Shipment Department only to find he is not in. the receptionist asks you to leave a message. Cue Card B Situations: Your company failed to deliver the spare parts ordered by a
Chinese customer for reqiring their printing machine on time. So the customer is calling to make an inquiry about the late delivery? You will be given 2 minutes to read your card and prepare a conversation. Tips for you: You are Ms. X from Germany the receptionist of Haidelberg Press
As the receptionist of a German manufacturer of printing machines, you receive a phone call from a Chinese customer inquiring about a late delivery of spare parts. The customer asks you to put him through to the manager of the Shipment Department, but he is absent. So you offer to take a message and promise to tell him as soon as possible. Sample Dialogue Ms. X:
Hello, Haidelberg Press. Can I help you?
Zhang Sheng: Hello. Fm calling to inquire about a late delivery? We have ordered some
spare parts for fixing the printing machine, but till now we haven^t received the order yet. As a result, we had to stop production. Could you put me through to the manager of your Shipment Department?
Ms. X:
Yes, of course.(After putting him through, no one receives the call.) Fm sorry, sir, Pm afraid the manager is not in the office at the moment. Would you like to leave him a message?
Zhang Sheng: All right. Please tell him \
Xunchi Printing Co., Shanghai, China called to inquire about the late delivery of the spare parts ordered to repair our printing machine. We are awaiting his quick reply/' Please give him the message as soon as possible. It^s so urgent. You see, we can5t resume production without fixing the printing machine with these parts.
Ms. X: I can understand, sir. I promise Fll let him know at the earliest possible time. Zhang Sheng: Thanks a lot. Good-bye! Ms. X:
You are welcome. Bye!
4. ue Card A
Situation: Your manager asks you to make an appointment with the customer—
Miles Trading Co., Ltd一to discuss the contract. You will be given 2 minutes to read your card and prepare a conversation.
Tips for you:
You are
Ma Ying from China
the sectary of Qicai/Seven Color Children Garments, Shenzhen, China