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摘; 要:在经济的快速发展下,人们开始普遍关注市政工程的建设问题。众所周知,一个城市的发展水平能够通过市政工程的施工水平而体现出来,它同时也体现了该城市居民生活的幸福感。在经济的推动之下市政工程加快了其建设和发展的步伐,由此也出现了许多规划管理方面的问题。为了完善这些状况,文章针对市政施工过程中在质量管理方面出现的问题进行讨论,同时针对市政建设过程中完善市政建设的意见,希望可以将一定的参考价值提供给市政工程的建设。
中图分类号:TU99; ; ; ; ;文献标志码:A; ; ; ; ;文章编号:2095-2945(2024)04-0193-02 Abstract: Under the rapid development of Chinese economy, people start to pay close attention to the construction quality of municipal engineering. As is known to all, the development of a city can be reflected through the construction level of municipal engineering, which also reflects the residents' happiness of the city. The municipal works under the promotion of the economy have accelerated the pace of its construction and development. As a result, there are also many problems in planning and management. In order to solve the problems, this paper discusses the problems of quality management in the process of municipal construction. At the same time, some suggestions on perfecting municipal construction in the process of municipal construction are put forward. It is hoped that some valuable reference can be provided to the construction of municipal engineering. Keywords: municipal engineering; construction quality, management; strategy 1 概述