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Passage 9 1. component n. 成分, 组成部分; adj. 组成的

any of the parts that together make a whole machine or system 2. suspend vt. 暂停, 终止; vi. 悬浮

to stop or cause to be inactive or ineffective for a period of time 3. formulate vt. 构想出;确切地阐述;用公式表示 to express in an exact way

4. switch to 切换到;转到,转变成

to change or exchange esp. completely or unexpectedly into 5. byproduct n. 副产品;意外结果;副作用

something additional that is produced during the making of something else 6. harness n. 马具; vt. 治理, 利用

to use (a natural force) to produce useful power 7. clinic n. 诊所,医务室

a building or part of a hospital where usu. specialized treatment and advice is given to outpatients

8. progress toward 向...前进 to move forward to

9. visualize vt. 设想, 想像, 构想

to form a picture of (something or someone) in the mind 10. in a panic 处于惊恐; 惊慌失措

in a state of sudden uncontrollable quickly-spreading terror or anxiety

Passage 10 1. decline n. gradual and continued loss of strength 衰落,衰败 2. permissive adj. giving permission 准许的,允许的

3. speciality n. special pursuit, activity, product, operation, etc. 专业,专长,


4. cult n. devotion to a person or practice 崇尚,崇拜

5. elevated adj. of a high intellectual or moral standard or level 高贵的,


6. spontaneity n. spontaneous behavior or action 自然发生,自发性

7. illustrate v. to explain by examples, pictures, etc. 举例或以图画等说明 8. chunk n. an amount or part of something部分,数量

9. elaborate v. to work out, describe, in detail 精心做成,详尽描述

10. radical adj. fundamental, of or from the root or base 根本的,彻底的 11. inevitable adj. that cannot be avoided,that is sure to happen 不可避免的

Passage 11 1. herd n. a group of animals of one kind that live and feed together, (esp.)cattle


2. connotation n. that which is implied or suggested; implication 内涵;含意 3. antithetical adj. exactly opposite to sth. 正相反的,对立的;对照的

4. rut n. track made by wheel(s); (fig.) established way of doing sth. 辙迹,车

印;(喻) 常规,常习

5. ingrain(ed) (usu. passive) (of ideas, principles, etc.)firmly established; (of

habits)deeply fixed or rooted 根深蒂固的

6. puberty n. the stage in someone's life when their body starts to become

physically mature 青春期

7. inherent adj. necessary and natural; intrinsic 内在的;固有的;生来就有的 8. collaborative adj. working in partnership, (esp.)in literature and art; working

together, cooperative 合著的;合作的

9. perpetuate v. to cause sth. to continue; to preserve sth. from being forgotten 使


Passage 12 1. conventional adj. following what has been customary; traditional 习俗的;传


2. priority n. the right to be given attention first; the thing that is most important

and that needs attention before anything else 优先(权);优先考虑的事物

3. consistent adj. conforming to a regular pattern or style; regular 一致的;一贯


4. recession n. decline in business and industrial activity; economic depression


5. deride v. to mock; to laugh scornfully at 嘲弄;嘲笑

6. counterpart n. a person or thing that corresponds to or has the same function

as sb. or sth. else, a corresponding person or thing 与对方地位作用相当的人或物

7. illiterate adj. with little or no education; unable to read or write 未受教育的;


8. ancestor n. any of the people from whom sb. is descended; forefather 祖宗;


9. constrain v. to restrict or limit sb. or sth. 限制,约束;克制,抑制

Passage 13 1. thorough: including every possible detail a 精心的;详尽的

2. superstition: a belief that some objects or actions are lucky or unlucky based on

old ideas of magic n. 迷信,迷信行为

3. sermon: a talk given as part of a Christian church service n.布道,讲道,说教 4. mock: to laugh at someone or something vt. 嘲弄,挖苦

5. intellectual:being able to understand things and think intelligently a. 理智的,


6. colonial: relating to a country that controls and rules other countries a. 殖民地


7. episode:an event or a short period of time during which something happens n.


8. dominant: controlling or trying to control other people or things a. 统治的

9. composition: the way in which something is made up of different parts n. 组


Passage 14 1. undesirable: not welcome or wanted a. 不合需要的;讨厌的

2. random: happening or chosen without any definite plan, aim, or pattern a. 随


3. depression: a feeling of sadness n. 消沉

4. obligation: a moral or legal duty to do something n. 义务,职责,责任

5. confront: to deal with something in a brave and determined way vt. 使面对;


6. category: a group of people or things that are all of the same type n. 种类,类目;


7. combat: to try to stop something bad from happening vt. 跟…战斗 8. domestic: relating to family relationships and life at home a. 养在家里的 9. diffuse: to spread ideas or information vt. 传播,散布

Passage 15 1. submit v. to hand over;to subject to a condition or process提交、使经受 2. affiliation n. the act of becoming formally connected or joined;a social or business relationship 联系、加入、从属关系

3. scholarly adj. characteristic of scholars or scholarship学术的、学者风度的 4. institutional adj. of or relating to an institution or institutions; organized as or forming an institution 机构的、组成机构的、制度的

5. subscriber n. someone who contracts to receive and pay for a certain number of issues of a publication 订阅者、订户

6. archive n. a depository containing historical records and documents 档案文件 7. repository n. a facility where things can be deposited for storage or safekeeping 仓库、知识库

8. hybrid n. a composite of mixed origin; an organism that is the offspring of genetically dissimilar parents or stock, especially offspring produced by breeding plants or animals of different varieties or breeds or species 混合物、杂种、混血儿 9. site-license n. a type of software licensing agreement that grants the purchaser permission to use the software on a network on a single site, with an unlimited number of end users 站点许可证

Passage 16 1. obscure v. to make unclear, indistinct, or blurred 使模糊不清、掩盖

2. anthropologist n. a social scientist who studies the origins and social

relationships of human beings 人类学家

3. recruit v. to seek to employ; to register formally as a participant or member


4. secular adj. concerning those not members of the clergy 非宗教的、世俗的 5. substantial adj. fairly large; being the essence or essential element of a thing

6. 7. 8. 9.

大的、可观的、实质的 bipedal adj. having two feet 两足动物的

posture n. position or arrangement of the body and its limbs, a rationalized mental attitude 姿势、态度

constraint n. the state of being physically constrained, a device that retards something's motion 限制、约束

maximum n. the largest possible quant, the greatest possible degree 最大值、最大量

Passage 17 1. transplant vt. 移居, 移栽(植物), 移植(器官)

to place the organ of a donor into the body of a recipient

2. spur v. 鞭策, 刺激, 疾驰, 驱策

to incite or stimulate

3. reveal v.t. 展现, 显示, 揭示, 暴露

to make known (something concealed or secret)

4. compromise n./v. 妥协, 折衷

a settlement of differences in which each side makes concessions

5. fragile adj. 易碎的, 脆弱的

easily broken, damaged, or destroyed

6. hamper v. 妨碍, 牵制

to prevent the free movement, action, or progress of.

7. formula n. 公式, 规则, 客套语

an established form of words or symbols for use in a ceremony or procedure;

a method of doing or treating something that relies on an established, uncontroversial model or approach

8. approximately adv. 近似地, 大约


9. grant vt. 同意, 准予, 承认(某事为真)~

to consent; to offer

10. extract vt. 摘录, 提取, 拔出, 榨出, 选取

to remove, usually with some force or effort



