【期刊名称】《电子设计工程》 【年(卷),期】2013(021)017
【摘要】L2TP (Layer Two tunneling Protocol) is the main realization method of layer two tunnel VPN (Virtual Private Network).There are L2TPV2 and L2TPV3 two protocol standards.In order to further improve the security of the private network,this paper describes the basic principle and working process of VPN and L2TP,and realizes the L2TPV3 symmetrical work model that can be compatible with the old version protocol based on the existing L2TPV2 asymmetrical work model,tests and analyses of the function and performance of the system,The test results show that the scheme can complete the construction of L2TPV3 tunnel,receiving and sending protocol messages,and the system performance is stable.%L2TP(Layer Two tunneling Protocol)是实现二层隧道VPN(Virtual Private Network)的主要技术,有L2TPV2和L2TPV3两个协议标准;为了进一步提高私有网络的安全性,本文研究了VPN和L2TP隧道技术的基本实现技术,并在现有L2TPV2协议非对称工作模型的基础上实现了向下兼容的支持对称工作模型的L2TPV3协议,并对系统的功能和性能进行了测试和分析,测试结果显示该实现方案能够正常完成L2TPV3隧道的建立以及协议报文的收发,且系统性能稳定. 【总页数】5页(162-166)