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★ 幼儿公开课模版 ★公开课前教师要提前20---30分钟到教室,和学生做一下简单的沟通。教师可以问:你叫什么呀?在哪上学?以前有没有学过英语?喜欢干什么啊?是嘛,太棒了***老师也喜欢这个……提前混个脸熟.消除陌生感。

Part1- Class routine:Greetings

课堂内容:T:It’s timefor our class. Hello, baby! Stand up! Attention!One two! When I say attention! You should say One two! Ok? Ok!

T: Attention! Ss:One two!

(我们运用全英教学,让孩子们养成用英文思维的习惯,注意老师在说这些话时要用眼神和动作来引导孩子!老师说attention , 引导孩子说Onetwo. 注意:这一环节要操练两到三次,让孩子养成惯性。第一遍老师要带小朋友读 one two!)

T:Great! You are super stars, right? When I say super star! You should say ”go go go”. T:Super star! Ss:Go go go!

(让小朋友说go go go的时候跳起来!)

T: Yes, wonderful!Praise: Wonderful, Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! [practice: fasterand faster] (最后一个Yeah要跳起来!) T: Sit downplease!

T:Hello, baby! I am ***. Follow me.(老师领读自己的名字,注意及时奖励.这一环节老师要用眼神和动作引导孩子们说hello ** .)

Ss:** T: ok! One more time. T: Good! **,**,**,I’m **. I’m ? Ss: **.

T: Hello, baby! Ss: Hello, **!



T: ** will sing a song for you. lalalalala(13531). look at me, chua chua chua.

T: Hello, baby. I’m a little pig. Let’s sing

T: Little pigs oink oink oink…( 老师每次在唱歌之前都要唱(13531)老师说look at me,引导孩子们说 chua chua chua. 习惯的养成.教师出示小猪手偶,要求生动有趣诙谐. 然后领唱《Little pigs》老师在展示时一定要注意与孩子眼神的交流,并且要富有童趣,动作一定要可爱 )

T: Now,stand up please,show me your hands follow me. (在教孩子做时动作要慢一些)

S: learn to sing. (老师带着小朋友作分解动作连起来作两遍,第一遍速度要慢,第二遍正常速度.老师要带着小朋友一起快速的)

T: Praise: Wonderful,Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

T: Now stand upand face to face. Let’s sing it again!

T: wonderful!Let’s sing it quickly!

Part2- Fresh English

T: Do you still remember how to sayhello to *** Hello baby! Ss: Hello,***!

Now, Show me your hands!(挥手)Let’s see who is the best one! “Hello baby!” “Hello!” ……

(老师一定要先和小朋友打招呼,老师可以跳起来和小朋友打招呼,比比谁跳的高,来活跃气氛。 )

Ss: (do gestures) Hello, ***!

T: So good, a sticker for you. Hello, baby! 注意及时奖励 Ss: (do gestures)

T sings: Jessie will sing a song for you.

Hello baby hello baby hello hello hello. Hello Jessie hello Jessie hellohello hello.




T:ok now show me your hands and Let’s sing it together. Ss: Hello, ****!

T: pretty good. Let’s sing it again. Ss: (sing it.)

T: Well done. Now, Look!(show the card or the picture of a family to the student)


T points the baby and say: Look! A baby! And this is … (mummyàdaddy) Ss: mummy.

T: Yes, mummy. Great! Follow me do it like this. T: Mummy,mummy,mummy.[Game: I say U do] Ss: mummy,mummy,mummy (do the action) T: and that is …(daddy)

T: Daddy, daddy, daddy. [Game: I say U do] Ss: Daddy, daddy, daddy. (do the action) T: Ok, I do you say.

T: Praise: Wonderful! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! T: ***will sing a song for you (13531)

[Sing] Hello baby! à Hello mummy! à Hello daddy! (这一环节老师要用口形及眼神引导孩子们跳起来说。)

T: [带妈妈的头饰] Hello baby! Ss: Hello mummy!




