姓名:崔深美 班级:B1102
Language and Culture
1. Culture and Language
1.1 Language is the most important carrier of culture 1.2 The language has great counterforce to culture
2. Cultural differences in communication
2.1 The contents of conversation in different cultures 2.2 The way of expressing in different cultures
3. Some details of the cultural difference in conversation 3.1 Greetings 3.2 Colors
1. Culture and Language
1.1 Language is the most important carrier of culture
Language consists of voice, vocabulary, grammar and three elements. Vocabulary is mainly composed of culture. Pronunciation and grammar are super era. To practice the culture, we need language. We need to be able to express ourselves and to communicate with members of the culture as we engage with them in the myriad practices and products that make up their way of life. 1.2 The language has great counterforce to culture
The content of culture, especially in the process of communication through language, because people don't know the language and what it refers to, and often confuse language and its referent. Language impact of cultural. The most prominent example is language worship, such as the formation of the concept of Chinese double syllable words on the symmetry of the strengthening and promoting role, such as religious language, the language itself affect people. 2. Cultural differences in communication
When people in different cultures communicate with others, they have to follow some norms limited and regulated by different cultures concretely. So, it is necessary to know such rules and differences when we make conversation and when we not make conversation, what to say and what not to say, and what kind of situations suitable, and how to say. The cultures in different countries are different; the norms of them are therefore different. Especially in people’s daily conversations. There will three parts to show distinctive conversation in different culture.
2.1 The contents of conversation in different cultures When I first communicated with my foreign teacher, I felt very nervous and didn’t know what to talk about in our conversation. it is well known that Chinese are usually
allowed to talk about daily life. For example, food, health, ages, marriage, and incomes of people. Whereas such topic can be allowed to talk about freely in western countries. In western culture, people are willing to talk about weather, job, amateur, hobby or some national events. The topic ages, incomes, religions belief or marriage are limited in their nations, which can be called taboos. In addition, in western culture, it is natural for men to compliment lady’s appearance, stature or wearing. If a British man compliments a Chinese woman to be sexy. It is unacceptable in China, and even arise some troubles, but this seems natural and common to English and foreigners. Above all, are some limitation and contents of conversation in different cultures. 1.2 The way of expressing in different cultures About how to express hopes, demands and opinions in
conversation, there exist some differences. Different cultures always have different customs. Chinese are preferred to choose the indirect way, always give too much greetings
before get to the point. In their conversation, greetings seem like a prelude, which may have little and even nothing
connected with the subject. And the people’s attitudes are so humble. The western people tend to direct their expression which come straightly to the point and spoken frankly. In addition, they often show their stands when explaining the reason during their talks. Chinese often take different way by giving the conversation order, explain reasons first, and then show their stands. Even if the modernized methods of
communication are used, there still exist cultural differences in social intercourses. Take a phone call for example, a Britain who is wanted on the phone will certainly tell his name first without hesitation, but a Chinese would like to wait for the other’s name before he tell him, unless he gets the other’s name, or he will not be willing to show who he is.
This is the difference in way of people’s expressing. It will inevitably affect the people’s conversation.
3. Some details of the cultural difference in conversation 3.1 Greetings
The Chinese people and the Englishmen have different
etiquettes in greetings. For example, in China, someone often meets with giving greetings “Where are you going?”,“What are you going to do?”And soon, which have no much, deep connotation. The natural reaction of most English-speaking people to this greeting would most likely be it’s none of your business! Greeting like, “Have you had supper?” And are only some common greetings when people meet together. However, Englishmen will be sensitive and serious about these
questions, which seems to be the private things in their views and should not be inquired about freely, except between or among intimates. Greeting like “Have you had supper?”Will make them so amazing, and be a loss that they wonder
whether you want to invite then for supper, so these greetings should be transferred into English culture like “Hello”, “Good morning”, and so on. Fortunately, not all greetings sound strange or arose displeasure. Many are similar, some are merely different. While greetings in many languages often indicate the time of day, there may be inconsistencies within a language. Take the phone call for example, in our Chinese custom, we often say “Who are you?”,“I am so and so”, which have different expressions in English, as “Who is this speaking?”And “This is so and so speaking.”There are connected with different cultural customs and habit, and reflects the cultural differences. 3.2 Colors
Color words and terms are tightly bound into culture and emotions and have strong cultural connotations. For example, yellow as a color is used as the symbol of cowards and disease, prostitutes, Jews and syphilitics were made to wear
yellow. A yellow signal flag under maritime law shows disease on board a vessel at sea. In Chinese, yellow is associated with sunshine, openness, and beauty. Yellow was the imperial color and seen as noble. Indeed common people during the Ch’ing dynasty could be punished for usurping imperial prestige by wearing yellow. Above all can be useful for people say and do in conversations correctly and suitably.
In culture itself, language and culture is embedded in cultural products, practices, perspectives, communities, and persons. One reflects the other, and they are best seen as joined. In other words, languages, as a product of culture are two sides of the same coin, especially and always when we immerse ourselves in culture.
language and culture