Dog a dog in the manger ¹·Õ¼Âí²Û put on the dog ìÅÒ«¡¢°ÚÀ« go to the dogs Ò»õê²»Õñ dog-eared books¶ÁµÃ¾íÁ˱ߵÄÊé dog sleep ²»Ê±¾ªÐѵÄ˯Ãß dog watchÒ¹°à a sly dog͵¼¦Ãþ¹·Õß
a yellow dog ÔÓÖÖ¹·¡¢±°±É¿É³ÜµÄСÈË a big dog¿´ÃŹ·¡¢±£ïÚ¡¢ÒªÈË
You are a lucky dog! ÄãÕæÊǸöÐÒÔ˶ù dog nose Æ¡¾ÆÓë¶ÅËÉ×ӾƵĻìºÏ¾Æ a dog in a blanketÆÏÌѾí±ý»ò¾í²¼¶¡ dog does not eat dag ͬÀ಻Ïà²Ð Every dog has his day ·²È˽ÔÓеÃÒâʱ Love me love my dog °®Îݼ°ÎÚ Sick as dog ²¡µÃÀ÷º¦
Top dog ×îÖØÒªµÄÈËÎï
As faithful as a dog Ïñ¹·Ò»ÑùÖÒ³Ï dog-tired Ïñ¹·Ò»ÑùµÄÀÛ
dog-eared books ¶ÁµÃ¾íÁ˱ߵÄÊé dog watch Ò¹°à
old dog ÉÏÁËËêÊýµÄÈË¡¢ÀÏÊÖ
He that lies down with dogs must rise up with flea. ½üÖìÕ߳࣬½üÄ«ÕßºÚ A good dog deserves a good bone. Î÷·½ÈËÂÛ¹¦ÐÐÉÍʱ³£Ëµ'ºÃ¹·Ó¦ÓкùÇÍ· a dog chance ¼«ÓÐÏÞµÄÒ»µã¶ù»ú»á£¨Ï£Íû£© dog's days ºÜÈȵÄÈÕ×Ó rain cats and dogs ÇãÅè´óÓê go to the dogs ÆƲú under dog ×ß¹· sleeping dogs ÒõÏÕµÄÈË
love me ,love my dog °®Îݼ°ÎÚ lead a dog's life ¹ý×Å·ÇÈ˵ÄÉú»î let sleeping dogs lie ±ðÈÇÊÂÉú·Ç the Hong Kong dog ³Ô»µÁ˶Ç×Ó¡¢À¶Ç×Ó
dog in the manger Õ¼×Å-- -- to put on the dog Ë£À« in the dog house ÏÝÈëÀ§¾³
a dog in the manger Õ¼×Åé¿Ó²»Àʺ barking dog doesn`t bite ÐéÕÅÉùÊƵÄÈË
a (case of) dog eat dog.²Ð¿áµÄ¾ºÕù£»×ÔÏà²Ðɱ¡£ dressed like a dog¡¯s dinner.´©×ÅÊ®·Öʱ÷Ö»òÏÔÑÛ¡£ put on the dog.ìÅÒ«£»°ÚÀ«¡£
teach an old dog new tricks.¸Ä±äÀÏÈ˵ÄÏë·¨£¬×ö·¨¡£ go to the dogs.½ºÓÈÕÏÂ
take a hair of the dog that bite you.ÒÔ¶¾¹¥¶¾ wake a sleeping dog.ÈÇÊÇÉú·Ç
I can smell a rat ÎÒ¾õµÃÊÂÓÐõèõÎ You are a rat ÄãÊÇÒ»¸öÊó±² He rats me out Ëû°ÑÎÒ¸øÂôÁË love rat °®ÇéÆ×Ó
mall rat ϲ»¶µ½¹ºÎïÖÐÐÄÈ¥¹äµÄÄêÇáÈË smell a rat ²»Ì«¶Ô¾¢£¬¸Ð¾õÆæ¹Ö You dirty rat! ÄãÕâ±°±ÉµÄСÈË
Èý¡¢Å£/Cow VS Âí/horse
Have a cow ÉúÆø
As happy as a cow ¿ìÀÖµÄÏñֻСÄñ
Why buy the cow when the milk is free. ºÎ±ØΪÁËÒ»¿ÃÊ÷·ÅÆúÕûƬÉÁÖ
Don¡¯t have a cow ±ð´ó¾ªÐ¡¹Ö till the cows come home ºÜ¾Ã£¬ºÜ¾Ã cash cow Ò¡Ç®Ê÷ Work like a horse Á¦´óÈçÅ£ Beat a dead horse ×öÎÞÓù¦£¬Í½ÀÍ Change horse in the midstream ÁÙÕó»»½«
I am hungry. I can eat a horse. ÎҺöö£¬ÎÒ¿ÉÒÔ³ÔÏÂһƥÂí¡£ Horse white horse °×ÀË
put the cart before the horse ³µÔÚÂíÇ°(±¾Ä©µ¹ÖÃ)
straight from the horse¡¯s mouth ÌýÂí˵µÄ(¸ù¾Ý×î¿É¿¿µÄÏûÏ¢À´Ô´) a willing horse »ý¼«¹¤×÷µÄÈË
hold one¡¯s horses µÈһϡ¢ÈÌÄÍ¡¢¿ØÖÆ×Ô¼ºµÄ¸ÐÇé eat like a horse³ÔµÃºÜ¶à
beat a dead horse ±Þ´òËÀÂí(ͽÀÍ) Don¡¯t look a gift horse in the mouth ÔùÂí²»¿´ÑÀ(ÊÕÈËÀñÎï±ðÏӺõÀ´õ) a horse laugh ³°Ð¦
high horse Öº¸ßÆøÑï¡¢×ÔÒÔΪºÜÁ˲»Æð on a horse ¿ìÂí¼Ó±Þ hold your horse ÉÔµÈ
put the cart before the horse ±¾Ä©µ¹Öà ride on one's high horse Öº¸ßÆøÑï
a dark horse ºÚÂí
look a gift horse in the mouth.´µÃ«Çó´Ã
ËÄ¡¢ÀÏ»¢/tiger vs ʨ×Ó/lion
As majestic as a lion ÓÂÃÍÍþÑÏ The British Lion ²»Áеß֮ʨ£¨Ó¢¹ú£© The lion¡¯s mouth »¢Ñ¨
Throw feed to the lions ËÍÈ뻧¿Ú A lion in the way À¹Â·»¢
have a tiger by the tail ÆﻢÄÑÏ lion hearted ·Ç³£ÓÂ¸ÒµÄ the lion's share ¾ø´ó²¿·Ö ass in a lion's skin ˵´ó»°µÄµ¨Ð¡¹í
bold as a Essex lion(irony) Ó¸ÒÈç°¬Èû¿Ë˹֮ʨ lion-hearted person Ó¸ҵÄÈË
If you don¡¯t enter a tiger¡¯s den, you can¡¯t get his cubs. ²»È뻢Ѩ£¬Ñɵû¢