欧阳历创编 2024..02.09
时间:2024.02.09 创作人:欧阳历 本科生毕业设计说明书(毕业设计) 题目:设计年产量为280万吨的宽厚板厂
学生姓名:王亭 学号:0976105526
专业:材料成型及控制工程 班级:09成型5班
指导教师:麻永林邢淑清 陈重毅 设计年产量为280万吨的宽厚板厂
欧阳历创编 2024..02.09
欧阳历创编 2024..02.09
要设备和辅助设备,并进行了各设备性能参数的确定,轧钢机的生产能力和年产量的计算均满足了设计要求。根据设计计算结果完成了车间平面布置图的绘制。 关键词:宽厚板;车间设计;生产工艺;轧制
Abstract:Design in Baotou as the condition, the design of 3800mm heavy plate plant with an annual output of 2.8 billion tons, analysis of the construction of new heavy plate plant feasibility and necessity in the Baotou area. Combined with product development and metal balance table design conditions and production requires the completion of 10 product specifications.
The design of continuous casting slab rolling 3800 wide plate, typical products as Q235 steel, specifications for 10mm x 3800mm, 30mm x 3800mm. Thin accounted for 15% of annual output, And the mill layout, frame and determine the process to product scheme as the object, the rolling, temperature system, speed system, rolling force and rolling torque calculation based on the typical product as the object. On the strength of the roller and the rolling mill main motor ability is
欧阳历创编 2024..02.09
欧阳历创编 2024..02.09
checked, select the main equipment and auxiliary equipment
the equipment,
performance parameters, calculation of rolling mill production capacity and annual output can meet the design requirements. According to the design calculation results completed drawing workshop layout.
Key words: Heavy plate;plant design; production process; rolling
第一章 综述
我国板材生产的品种按厚度分为特厚板、厚板、中板、薄板和极薄带五大类。将厚度大于60mm的钢板称为特厚板,厚度为20mm到60mm的钢板称为厚板,厚度为4mm~20mm的钢板称为中板,厚度为0.2mm~4mm的钢板称为薄板,厚度小于0.2mm的钢板称为极薄带。目前我国的宽厚板生产的规格范围有4.5mm~200mm,宽度1200mm~5500mm,长度1200mm~12000mm。 1.1宽厚板发展概况 1.1.1国外研究现状分析
欧阳历创编 2024..02.09