【期刊名称】《安徽农业科学》 【年(卷),期】2011(039)002
【摘要】在RS和CIS的支持下,对武汉市3期遥感影像图进行分析处理,提取该市建成区范围信息,得到建成区扩展演变图;再利用空间分形模型对该市城市土地利用空间扩展状况进行分析,发现1991~1995和1995~2005年的空间分形维数均增加,说明2个时段内武汉市城区的扩展以外部扩展为主,其边缘不规则程度增加,向外扩展的稳定性降低,随意性变大,且有进一步复杂化的趋势.最后对武汉市土地利用空间扩展演变驱动力进行了分析,发现制度和政策因素、社会经济因素及人口因素是其主要驱动因素.%Under RS and CIS support, the remote sensing images of 3 stages of Wuhan City were analyzed and treated, the information about scope of buildup region of this city was extracted and the enlargement and evolution image of the buildup region was obtained. Then the enlargement of urban land utilization space of this city was analyzed using spatial fractal model and it was found that the spatial fractal dimensions were being increased in 1991 - 1995 and 1995 -2005, indicating that the major enlargement in urban area of Wuhan City in these 2 periods was external enlargement, its irregular degree of edge was increased, its outward enlargement stability was decreased and its outward enlargement showed more and more haphazardry, with