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°ëºÏ³É¿¹ÉúËØ semisynthetic antibiotics °ë¿¹Ô­ haptene °ëÊýÖÂËÀ¼ÁÁ¿ half lethal dose ; median lethal dose; LD50

ÖƼÁѧ technology of pharmaceutics ÖÆÒ©»¯Ñ§ pharmaceutical chemistry

°²Î¿¼Á placebo òüºÏ¼Á chelating agent °²È«·¶Î§ safety range °²È«ÊÔÑé·¨ innocuity test method ¸¨»ù prosthetic group ¸¨ÁÏ excipients ¸¨Ã¸ coenzyme ¸±×÷Óà side effect

¸½¼Ó¼Á additive ¸ÉÔï¼Á desiccant;drying agent ¸ÎÊ×¹ýЧӦ first pass effect of hepar ¸ÐÊÜÆ÷ receptor ¸ßÃôÐÔ hyperreactivity

¸öÌå²îÒìÐÔ individual differences; individual variation ¸øÒ©·½°¸»ò¸øÒ©ËÙ¶È dosage regimen or dose rate

¸øÒ©¼ä¸ô dosing interval ¹¤ÒµÒ©¼Áѧ industrial pharmacy ¹²¼Û¼ü covalent bond ·ÇÈ¥¼«»¯Ðͼ¡ËÉÒ© nondepolarizer ·Ö×ÓÒ©Àíѧ molecular pharmacology

·ÅÉ䶾Àíѧ radiotoxicology ·ÅÉäÒ©¼Áѧ radiopharmaceutics Ö°©ÊµÑé carcinogenic test Ö°©Îï carcinogen Ö»ûÊÔÑé teratogenic test Ö»ûÎï teratogen

ÖÂÃôÊÔÑé sensitization test ×îСÓÐЧÁ¿ minimal effective dose ×îСÖÂËÀ¼ÁÁ¿ minimal lethal dose;MLD ÖÂÃô×÷Óà sensitization ÖÂËÀÁ¿ fatal dose; lethal dose ÖƼÁ preparation

ÖÎÁƵÈЧ£¨Öµ£© therapeutic equivalence ±ä̬·´Ó¦ allergy; allergic reaction ±íÃæ»îÐÔ surface activity ±íÃæÕÅÁ¦ surface tension ¶ÌÆÚÖ°©ÊµÑé short term carcinogenic test

1 / 9


°ëË¥ÆÚ half-life period; half life time

±À½â¶È disintegration ±À½â¼Á disintegrants µ¥¿Ë¡¿¹Ìå monoclonal antibody µ¨¼îõ¥Ã¸ cholinesterase µÈÕÅÈÜÒº isotonic solution ±¡Ä¤Ò film-coating ±¥ºÍÈÜÒº saturated solution ²»Á¼·´Ó¦ adverse reaction ²ë¼Á liniments ôú¼Á tincture

°üÒÂƬ coated tablet ³¤ÆÚ¶¾ÐÔʵÑé long term toxicity test ³¦¸ÎÑ­»· enterohepatic circulation ³¦ÈÜ¿ØÊÍƬ enteric controlled release tablets ³¦ÈÜÒ enteric coating ´¦·½ prescription;recipe µÎÍè¼Á pill µÝÖÊ transmitter

¶¨ÏòÒ©ÎïÖƼÁ directed pharmaceutical preparations ³¤Ð§ÖƼÁ prolonged action preparation Öж¾ intoxication; poisoning

¶¾Àíѧ toxicology ¶¾ÐÔ·´Ó¦ toxic response; toxic reaction ¶ÔÒòÖÎÁÆ etiological treatment ¶ÔÖ¢ÖÎÁÆ symptomatic treatment

¶à¹¦ÄÜø multifunctional enzyme ¶à¼ÁÁ¿¸øÒ© multiple dose administration ¶ù²è·Ó°· catecholamine ¶þÖظÐȾ superinfection ¹ýÂË filtration ¹ýÃô¶¾ËØ anaphylatoxin ¹ýÃôÐÔÒ©Îï·´Ó¦ anaphylactic drug reaction ¹ýÑõ»¯Îï superoxide º¬Á¿¾ùÔÈ¶È content uniformity ºÏ²¢ÓÃÒ© drug combination ºÏ³ÉÒ©Îï synthetic drugs ºÏ¼Á mixture Ö¬ÖÊÌå liposome Ö±³¦¸øÒ© rectal administration

¼ÁÐÍ dosage form ¼ÁÁ¿ dosage; dose

»ù±¾Ò©Îï essential drugs ¼±ÐÔ¶¾ÐÔʵÑé acute toxicity test ¼ÁÁ¿»òŨ¶ÈµÄÒÀ´æÐÔ dose or concentration dependency

»·¾³Ò©Àíѧ environmental pharmacology ½ºÌåÈÜÒºÐÍÒ©¼Á medical colloidal solution

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ÉúÎï°ëË¥ÆÚ biological half life ÉúÎï¼î alkaloid ÉúÎïÀûÓÃ¶È bioavailability ÉúÎïÒ©¼Áѧ biopharmacy ÉúÎïÖÆÆ· biological product ÉúÒ© crude drugs ÎÈ̬ѪҩŨ¶È steady state plasma concentration

ÎïÀíÒ©¼Áѧ physical pharmaceutics Ò©Îïѧ pharmacology; materia medica ÎüÈë·¨ inhalation ÎüÊÕËÙÂʳ£Êý absorption rate constant ʱ³½Ò©Àíѧ chronopharmacology ʱ¼äÖÎÁÆ chronotherapy

ʱ¼ä¸ÐÊÜÐÔ chronosusceptability ʱЧ¹Øϵ time-effect relationship ½ÀÓÃƬ chewable tablets ½Í½â glycolysis Þ׿¹×÷Óà antagonism ½â¶¾×÷Óà detoxication

½éÖÊ mediator; transmitter; medium ¾«ÉñÒÀÀµÐÔ psychic dependence

¾çÒ© powerful drug ¾ø¶ÔÖÂËÀ¼ÁÁ¿ absolute lethal dose; LD100 ¹ãÆ׿¹ÉúËØ broad-spectrum antibiotic

¿¹¶¾ËØ antitoxin ¿¹¾úÆ× antibacterial spectrum

¿¹Ò©ÐÔ resistance to drugs ¿ØÊÍÖƼÁ controlled release preparation ¿ÚÇ»ÄÚ¸øÒ© oral administration ¿ìËÙÄÍÊÜ tachyphylaxis

À©É¢ diffusion À©É¢ÏµÊý coefficient of diffusion ÀÛ»ýÄòÅÅйÇúÏß cumulative urinary excretion curves

ÀÛ¼ÓЧӦ additive effect À඾ËØ anatoxin;toxoid Àà¹Ì´¼Í£Ò©×ÛºÏÕ÷ steroid withdrawal syndrome

Á¿×ÓÒ©Àíѧ quantum pharmacology µ÷¼Áѧ dispensing pharmacy ÁÙ´²Ò©Àíѧ clinical pharmacology ÁÙ´²Ò©Ñ§ chlinical pharmacy ÄÍÊÜÐÔ tolerance ÄÍÒ©ÐÔ drug tolerance ÄÚ¶¾ËØ endotoxin Ƭ¼ÁÓ²¶È tablet hardness

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