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1、( )Please write your name and telephone number on this piece(张) of ________.

A. ruler

B. chalk

C. paper

D. pen

2、( )In twenty ________ time, there won't be ________ schools.

A. years; some C. years'; any

B. years; any D. years'; some

3、( )The question is very difficult. ________ can answer it.

A. Everyone C. Everything

B. No one D. Nothing

4、( )There will be ________ rain and ________ winds tomorrow.

A. strong;heavy C. heavy;strong

B. heavy;big D. big;large

5、( )—Will you send your homework ________ the teacher ________ email? —Yes, I will.

A. for; by

B. at; with

C. by; to

D. to; by

6、( )I want to be an astronaut, then I'll ________ to the moon.

A. can fly C. can flying

B. be able to fly D. be able to flying

7、( )________ hours is very long for the workers, ________ they are tired all day.

A. Work; so C. Work; because

B. Working; so D. Working; because

8、( )Not only you but also your father ________ able to drive a car. So you should buy one.

A. are

B. is

C. were

D. aren't

9、( )—Will your parents have a picnic with you next Sunday? —________. They will be busy that day.

A. Yes, they do C. No, they don't

B. Yes, they will D. No, they won't

10、( )—Will Mary come to my birthday party? —________.


A. Thank you C. That's all right

B. Excuse me D. I'm not sure

11、( )In a few years’ time, there ______ hundreds of trees on the mountain.

A. will have

B. will be

C. are have

D. be have

12、( )─Who is staying at home now? ─______. All of us are out.

A. No one

B. Everyone

C. None

D. Nothing

13、( )This kind of bread is terrible. I don’t want to eat it ______.

A. any more

B. some more

C. much more

D. no more

14、( )That is a good way ______ him ______ English.

A. helping; in

B. to help; for

C. to help; with

D. helps; with

15、( )______ will the life be like in ten years?

A. How

B. What

C. Which

D. When

16、( )─Will Miss Wang teach us English next term? ─______.

A. Yes, she is C. No, she doesn’t

B. Yes, she will D. No, she won’t be

17、( )The students will send their homework ______ the teachers ______ e-mail.

A. for; on

B. to; by

C. for; by

D. to; on

18、( )—Look at the sky! Maybe it ________ tomorrow in most parts of Hefei City. —If it rains, the school sports meet will be canceled.

A. rained

B. will rain

C. rains

D. is raining

19、( )Don't worry. I ________ you as soon as I finish my work.

A. help

B. will help

C. helped

D. am helping

20、( )—Do you enjoy the songs sung by Jay Chou? —Of course. Not only I but also my parents ________ his fans.

A. am

B. are

C. was

D. were

21、( )Sometimes it rains ________ in Guizhou in summer.

A. heavily

B. heavy

C. strong

D. strongly

二、完形填空 22、完形填空

I think that everyone in the world will live an easy life. We 1.________ have machines


and robots and they will 2.________ us do all the 3.________ work, and we won't have to do things 4.________ washing the dishes or 5.________ the bed. I 6.________ that doctors will be able to 7.________ us alive 8.________ a long time. I hope that when I am 70 years old there 9.________ something that can keep me 10.________ for another 70 years, so I will live to be 140 years old. (1)( )A. will (2)( )A. teach (3)( )A. good (4)( )A. like (5)( )A. make (6)( )A. smell (7)( )A. let (8)( )A. of (9)( )A. will (10)( )A. angry 三、阅读理解 23、阅读理解

Some students are talking about the schools in the future.

Cathy Students will use computers and e-textbooks. E-textbooks will be like a disk (磁盘). So students won't need to carry lots of heavy bags. They will only carry a few disks to school.

Eric We won't need to buy new dictionaries, because the school will buy a few sets of software (软件). There will be lots of e-dictionaries in them. Those will be enough for the whole (整个的) school.

Linda Everything will be on the computers and students will not need to study in school. It isn't difficult for us to get information because a computer will be a student's teacher, library and connection(连接方式) to the outside(外面的) world.

Tony In the future, even if you are ill, you can still learn your subjects by connecting your computer with the school network (网络) for free. And it is really interesting to have robot teachers. They will check homework on computers. (1)( )________ thinks students will not go to school in the future.

A. Cathy

B. Tony

C. Linda


B. does B. help B. easy B. in B. do B. hope B. keep B. on B. will be B. busy

C. did C. tell C. nice C. for C. does C. see C. learn C. for C. are C. tired

D. won't D. ask D. heavy D. to D. making D. listen D. ask D. at D. are going D. alive

D. Eric


