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CCAR-129合格审定申请文件清单 - 图文

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航空公司名称Airlines Full Name:

航空公司代码Airlines Code: (IATA two-letter code)/ (ICAO three-letter code) 提交人Submitted By: 提交日期Date Submitted: 序号 S/N 文件名称 DOCUMENTS NAMES 有 YES 没有 NO 备注 RMK 1. 按照CCAR129部网站(http://www.castc.org.cn/ccar129)上下载的申请书模版填写的申请书,经过签字,提供原件。 The complete signed original Application Form, the template of which is downloadable from CCAR-129 website (http://www.castc.org.cn/ccar129). 2. 按照CCAR129部网站(http://www.castc.org.cn/ccar129)上下载的声明书模版填写的声明,经过签字,提供原件。 The complete signed original declaration letter, the template of which is downloadable from CCAR-129 website (http://www.castc.org.cn/ccar129). 3. 公司简介。内容至少包括: a.公司成立的时间和历史简要; b.公司大概总人数,飞行和维修人员数量; c.拥有的主要运输机型和数量; d.开通的国际航线数量和主要飞达的大城市; e.公司近几年运行的安全情况简要说明; f.公司飞来中国机型的维修是本公司自己基地完成还是外委完成,如果是后者,由哪家公司完成,该公司持有什么许可证; g.其它说明。 General introduction of the Air Operator, including at least: a. Time of the airlines’ establishment and brief history of the Air Operator; b. Number of employees, especially pilots and engineers; c. Types and number of aircrafts in the fleet; d. Number of international routes and destinations; e. Brief description of operational safety records; f. How to comply with maintenance schedule, by own maintenance facility or contracted out; g. Other information. 4. 如果是即将开通正班航线,由中国民航总局运输司颁发的《经营许可》。 The Operating Permit issued by Department of Air Transportation of CAAC, in the events of intended scheduled operations. 5. 申请人所在国民用航空管理当局为其颁发的现行有效的航空营运人合格证。 The current Air Operator Certificate (AOC) or equivalent documents issued by the civil aviation authority of the operator’s state. 6. 申请人所在国民用航空管理当局为其颁发的运行规范或等效文件。 Operations Specifications or equivalent documents issued by the civil aviation authority of the operator’s state. 7. 申请人所在国民用航空管理当局为其颁发的危险品航空运输许可。 Permission for dangerous goods transportation by air issued by the civil aviation authority of the operator’s state. 8. 按照CCAR-129网站下载的模板填写的CCAR-129部运行规范草稿(只需电子文档) Filled-out draft of CCAR-129 Operations Specifications, the template of which is downloadable from CCAR-129 website.(soft version doc format file only) 序号 S/N 文件名称 DOCUMENTS NAMES 有 YES 没有 NO 备注 RMK 9. 公司总运行手册 General Operations Manuals as required by Annex 6-4.2 10. 公司总维修控制手册批准页(可能包括在第6项) Copy of approval page of Air Operator’s Maintenance Control Manual as required by Annex 6-8.2 and 11.2 (might be included in the item 6). 11. 维修方案批准页 Copy of the approval page of Aircraft Maintenance Schedule as required by Annex 6- 8.3 and 11.3 (might be included in the item 6) 12. 所在国民航当局颁发的主维修基地维修许可证或者等效文件。如果维修外委给其它维修单位,提供该维修单位的维修许可证和申请人所在国民航当局颁发的批准的复印件。 Copy of the main maintenance base’s Maintenance Organization Certificate or equivalent approvals issued by the civil aviation authority of the operator’s state, as required by Annex 6- 8.1.2 and 8.7. If the maintenance is contracted out to other maintenance organization, a copy of the contracted part’s Maintenance Organization Certificate and a copy of the civil aviation authority’s Approval of the operator’s state are required. 13. 维修单位手册批准页 Copy of the approval page of Maintenance Organization Manual for the main maintenance base as required by Annex 6- 8.7.2 and 11.4 14. 飞入中国的航空器的国籍登记证、适航证、噪音证书和无线电电台执照,及其它运行许可证明,例如RVSM、RNP证书(可能包括在第6项)。 The copies of certificates of registration, certificates of airworthiness, noise certificates, radio station licenses and other operational certificates, such as RVSM RNP approvals(might be included in item 6), for the aircrafts intended to fly into China. 15. 机场/跑道性能分析(包括所有常用、备降、加油机场) Airport/runway performance analysis for all regular, alternate, and refueling airports. 16. 提供给中国境内的地面服务人员的手册或指令 Ground handling instructions or manuals that will be used by employees within China 17. 重量平衡控制程序 Weight and balance control procedure 18. 危险品运输手册 Dangerous goods handling manual 19. 危险品训练大纲或等效文件 Dangerous goods training program for crew members and ground staff or equivalent) 20. 为实施危险品航空运输而进行的人员训练说明,包括对从事与其货物操作和运输及客运有关的地面和飞行机组人员、与其货物操作和运输及客运有关的地面操作代理机构的雇员的训练记录; Training records and certificates for employees and other staffs dealing with dangerous goods, including ground service provider. 21. 包括为各目的地航站制定的特殊情况(包括危险品事故或事件)应急处置程序的公司应急手册 Company Emergency Response Manual including Station Emergency Response Procedures of each and every destination in China for emergency situations including Dangerous Goods contingencies. 22. 在各航站获得的飞行放行单、飞行计划、天气和航行通告资料的例样 Samples of the Flight Release, Flight Plan, Weather and NOTAM information obtained at destinations in China. 23. 如适用,在中国境内目的地航站委托的飞机维修和放行服务人员的下 序号 S/N 文件名称 DOCUMENTS NAMES 有 YES 没有 NO 备注 RMK 述信息: a. 被委托方的机构名称和联系人; b. 提供服务的类型; c. 联系电话和传真; d. 被委托方允许提供服务的证明文件复印件(仅适用于AC-129-002第7.2段的情况,该AC可从CCAR-129网站http://www.castc.org.cn/ccar129下载)。 If applicable, the following information of contracted maintenance service providers, who provide maintenance service and airworthiness release inside China: a. Name of contractors and representative; b. Services provided; c. Tel and Fax; d. Copy of approvals that the contractor is allowed to provide maintenance and airworthiness release. (Only apply to paragraph 7.2 of AC-129-02 which is downloadable from CCAR-129 website http://www.castc.org.cn/ccar129.) 24. 下述机构人员的联络信息,包括姓名、职务、通讯地址、电话和传真、电子邮件地址: a. 外国航空承运人维修主管部门代表; b. 外国航空承运人所在国民航当局维修主管部门代表。 Contact information of representatives of the following departments, including name, title, address, telephone, fax and email: a. Maintenance Department of the Air Operator b. The responsible Maintenance Surveillance Department of the Local Civil Aviation Authority. 25. 飞机维护维修合同/协议(IATA标准地面代理协议2004版本第3、6、8部分或1998版本第6、7、8、9部分或等效合同) Maintenance contract/agreement at the destinations within China (IATA SGHA 2004 Section 3/6/8 or 1998 Section 6/7/8/9 or equivalent) 26. 货物地面操作代理合同/协议(IATA标准地面代理协议2004版本第5、7部分或1998版本第5、14部分或等效合同) Cargo handling contract/agreement at the destinations within China (IATA SGHA 2004 Section 5/7 or 1998 Section 5/14 or equivalent) 27. 旅客及行李服务代理协议(IATA标准地面代理协议2004版本第2、7部分或1998版本第4、14部分或等效合同) Passenger and baggage service contract/agreement at the destinations within China (IATA SGHA 2004 Section 2/7 or 1998 Section 4/14 or equivalent) 28. 航空交通服务协议(IATA标准地面代理协议2004版本第4部分或1998版本第10部分或等效合同) Air traffic service contract/agreement at the destinations within China (IATA SGHA 2004 Section 4 or 1998 Section 10 or equivalent) 29. 飞入中国的航空器如为湿租,飞机租赁合同/协议 Aircraft wet lease contract/agreement, when applicable 30. 相对于国际民航公约附件的豁免/偏离请求 Exemption/ Deviation to ICAO Annexes requested by air operator 31. 其它局方要求的文件 Other documents required by CAAC 备注REMARK: 序号 S/N 文件名称 DOCUMENTS NAMES 有 YES 没有 NO 备注 RMK 接收人Received by: 日期Date: 注:1.上述任何文件无法提供的,请在备注栏中说明原因及所采取措施。When any of above is not available, explain the reason and describe the actions taken in REMARK. 2.上述所有资料(除第1、2项电子版本和原件都需要外)请尽量提供电子版本。Soft copies or scanned version of above documents are preferred, except for Item 1 and 2 which both soft copy and original are needed.

3.所有复印件请使用A4纸。All photo copies, when applicable, are in A4 papers.

CCAR-129合格审定申请文件清单 - 图文


