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必修 2 Unit 2 The Olympic Games


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At 39 weeks most preg nant wome n would only be thinking of rac ing to hospital. But not Amber Miller, who set off to run the Chicago Marath on while expect ing her sec ond child any day.

As she neared the final stage of the race, she began to feel pain in the

stomach. But the determ ined athlete man aged to cross the finish line in 6 hours and 25 minu tes.

Un believably the Chicago race was not eve n baby June' first marath on — Miller ran the Wisc onsin Marath on earlier this year, four mon ths preg nant. She also ran ano ther marath on whe n she was about four mon ths preg nant with her son, Caleb.

Although there was extra weight, the seasoned runner ' s time was just 3 hours off her pers onal best.

Miller bega n to feel pain n ear the end of the race, but she was not sure if it was in labor (分娩), because she typically felt some pain when she ran while pregnant. After her race her husband drove her to Central DuPage Hospital in Win field where she gave birth to the healthy baby.

Miller decided to run because she and her husband had already signed up for the race. The athletic mother said she experieneed an en thusiastie welcome from crowds as she ran along. But the devoted runner, who had completed eight marathons, admitted that she did get a few strange looks along the course.

“I know what I can handle. This is something I ' ve been doing for a long time, ” the experieneed marathon runner said.

June was bor n at 10: 29 p. m. on Sun day ni ght after seve n hours ' labor. “ She\” Miller said. “ Weare extremely happy, but very tired.

After her surprising double achievement, Miller says she is planning to take some time off to concentrate on being a full-time mom.

【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了在芝加哥马拉松比赛中, Amber Miller已怀孕39周,但她坚持用6个小时25分钟完成了马拉 松比赛并在不久后产下了小女儿 Ju neb

1. What can we lear n from the passage? A. Miller failed to finish the race due to her labor. B. Miller ' s husband was against her running the race. C. Miller knew she was going to give birth at the end of the race. D. It wasn ' t Miller ' s first time to run a marathon while pregnant.

【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据第三段的内容可知,这并非Miller 第一次以孕妇之身参加马拉松比赛。年初,已经怀孕4个月的她参加 了威斯康星州马拉松比赛。此外,在怀着Caleb的时候,她也参加过


2. What is the name of Miller ' kid born right after the Chicago Maratho n? A. Caleb. C. Amber.

B. June. D. Wise onsin.


“ Jun was bor n at 10: 29 p. m. on Sun day ni ght after seve n hours ' labor.可知,芝加哥马拉松比赛结束后,Miller的小女儿June诞生了。 3. What can be in ferred from the passage? A. People have different attitudes to Miller

B. Miller will soon return for her favorite marathons. C. The baby was in dan ger at birth because of the race. D. Miller ' s personal best in marathons was over 6 hours.

【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据第六段中的“The athletic mother said she experieneed. . . get a few strange looks along the course可知, 人们 对Miller怀孕仍坚持跑马拉松比赛有着不同的态度。 4. What is the best title of the passage? A. A young America n couple loving marath ons B. How to finish the latest Chicago Marathon C. How to train a preg nant woma n for maratho ns D. A pregnant woman giving birth after a marathon

' s action.



