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☆自考乐园---心境随缘,诚与天下自考人共勉!!! ☆自考乐园---分享快乐,你的快乐老家!!!☆自考乐园---引领成功,你的精神乐园!!!


错误!未找到引用源。 approximate a.近似的,大约的

The approximate number of immigrants is two million. 移民数目大约为两百万。

The approximate length of a meter is 40 inches. 一米大约为40英寸。


Your account of what happened approximates the real facts, but there are some small inaccuracies. 你对发生的情况的描述接近实际情况,但有些小的出入。

We try to approximate the operating temperature to the optimal value. 我们努力使工作温度接近最佳值。

vi.接近(其词义与及物动词相同,只是后面接介词to) Your account of what happened approximates to the real facts. 你对发生的情况的描述接近实际情况。 错误!未找到引用源。 proportion n.比率,比例

in proportion to 表示“与。。。成比例”; out of proportion 表示“与。。。不成比例” The proportion of births to the population is increasing. 人口出生率在上升。

A large proportion of the earth surface is ocean. 地球表面的大部分是海洋。

The camel possesses strength in proportion to its size. 骆驼的力气与它的身体大小成比例。

His earnings are out of all proportion to his skill and ability. 他的收入与他的技术及能力很不相称。 vt.使成比例;使相称

The soldier proportioned his pace to the march. 战士调制步子以便与行军的步伐一致。 错误!未找到引用源。 appreciation


A person with an appreciation of art and literature is qualified for the job. 一个具有文学艺术欣赏力的人能胜任这项工作。 Rabbits have a well-known appreciation for family life. 众所周知,兔子有重视家庭生活的习性。

We take this opportunity of expressing our sincere appreciation of your help. 对你们的帮助,我们趁这个机会向你们表示衷心的感谢。

They are mistaken in their appreciation of the country‘s economic conditions. 他们对国家经济形势的判断是错误的。 错误!未找到引用源。 acknowledge vt.1、承认;2、表示谢意

He acknowledged his own faults. 他承认了自己的过失。

The sales department acknowledged my order form. 销售部表示收到了我的订货单。

31 ~在百度贴吧的搜索框中输入俱乐部id,可以直接俱乐部名称:自考乐园;俱乐部id:5346389(请牢记它哦


☆自考乐园---心境随缘,诚与天下自考人共勉!!! ☆自考乐园---分享快乐,你的快乐老家!!!☆自考乐园---引领成功,你的精神乐园!!!


The minister acknowledged his adviser‘s services to the city. 部长就他的顾问对城市的贡献表示感谢。 错误!未找到引用源。 neglect vt./n.忽视,忽略;疏忽 They neglected his warning. 他们对他的警告置之不理。

The secretary was fired for neglecting her duty. 那个秘书因疏于职守而被解雇。

Agriculture is somewhat neglected in that district. 农业在那个地区有些不受重视。 The old man lives alone in neglect. 这个老人孑然一身无人照管。 2、常考句型

1、如果一个国家人口中7%或以上的人满65岁或超过65岁,就被列为“老龄国”。P1 Nation classified as \2、一个社会的人口增长率越接近零,它的人口就可能越老龄---至少对任何能关系到我们现在的未来是这样的。P1

The nearer a society approximates to zero population growth, the older its population is likely to be—at least, for any future that concerns us now.


The older you are now, of course, the greater this proportion will be, and greater still if you are a woman.


If you are now in your thirties, you ought to be aware that you can expect to live nearly one third of the rest of your life after the age of 60. 3、习题


1.classify 2.approximate 3.proportion 4.appreciation 5.acknowledge 6.alter 7.lengthen 8.wealthy 9.neglect 10.expectation

1.to approximate to 2.resistance to 3.to cope with 4.attribute ? to


1.~4. 与常考句型相同。

5.If, however, children grow up without love and without feelings of self-worth, they feel unlovable and worthless and expect to be cheated, taken advantage of, and looked down upon by others.

look down upon : 看不起?; 轻视? ; 6.without a healthy self-esteem they may cope by acting out problems rather than talking them out or by withdrawing and remaining indifferent toward themselves and others. 7.It is not until energies are back to normal that the real problem is recognized. 8.it is not until about the time the child enters school that outside forces

32 ~在百度贴吧的搜索框中输入俱乐部id,可以直接俱乐部名称:自考乐园;俱乐部id:5346389(请牢记它哦


☆自考乐园---心境随缘,诚与天下自考人共勉!!! ☆自考乐园---分享快乐,你的快乐老家!!!☆自考乐园---引领成功,你的精神乐园!!!


contribute to feelings about the self.



Aging has become a social problem.


The resistance to the idea is caused by the falling of birthrates. The fall of birthrate resulted in people's objection to the idea. 3.人们寿命的长短取决于种种因素。

The length of life depends on various factors. Expectation of life is due to various factors. 4.估计寿命是预计一个人能活得平均年数。

Expectation of life is the average numbers of years that a person is expected to live.

The expectancy of life is the prediction of average years a person can live. 5.长寿在改变我们的生活,改变我们的社会。

Long life is altering our life as well as our society. Long life is changing our lives, changing our society.


1.Your account of what happened yesterday approximates _____ the real facts. (99.10) A. near B. of C. to D. upon

答案:C。考点:此题考查词组approximate to 表示“与?接近”。

2.汉译英:正是由于出生率下降了,我们的社会才变得如此老龄。(99.10) It is because the birthrate fell that our society had grown so old.

3.Nations are _______ as \when they have 7 percent or more of their people aged 65 or above. A. limited B. classified C. originated D. processed (00.4)

答案:B。本题考查词组:classify as 表示把? 列为。


The nearer a society approximates to zero population growth, the older its population is.

5.If you are now _____ , you ought to pay more attention to your health. (01.4) A. in the fifties B. in your fifties C. in fifties D. in your fifty

答案:B. 本题主要考查词组in your fifties 表示\在你50岁时\。

33 ~在百度贴吧的搜索框中输入俱乐部id,可以直接俱乐部名称:自考乐园;俱乐部id:5346389(请牢记它哦


☆自考乐园---心境随缘,诚与天下自考人共勉!!! ☆自考乐园---分享快乐,你的快乐老家!!!☆自考乐园---引领成功,你的精神乐园!!!


6.We know that we are getting even older, and that the nearer a society approximates to zero population

Growth, the ______(old) its population is likely to be. (01.10)

答案:older。本题主要考查“the + 形容词比较级?. the +形容词比较级”的用法。 7.In his composition there were no other errors ____ a few misspelled words. (02.4)

A. beside B. except C. then D. than

答案:D。本题主要考查词组\other ? than \的用法,表示“除了?外,没有? ”。 8.We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere ______(appreciate) of your help. (02.4)

答案:appreciation 。本题中sincere 是形容词,因此后面接名词。Appreciate 是动词,其名词形式是appreciation .


1、word study


错误!未找到引用源。 decline

vi.1、下倾,下降;2、衰退,衰弱;3、谢绝,拒绝 The production of natural gas declined slightly. 天然气的生产略有下降。 His strength slowly declined. 他的体力慢慢地衰弱了。

A blind man smilingly declined to be helped across the street. 盲人微笑着谢绝别人帮他过马路。 vt.谢绝,拒绝

He respectfully decline the invitation. 他有礼貌地谢绝了邀请。


The customs figures show a steady decline in British trade. 关税数字表明英国的贸易在持续下降。

We are studying the decline and fall of ancient Rome. 我们正在研究古罗马的衰亡。 错误!未找到引用源。 impact n.1、冲击,碰撞;2、效果,影响

The storm of the world revolution has powerful impact on imperialism. 世界革命风暴对帝国主义有强大的冲击力。

The book Ten That Shook the World made a great impact on its readers. 《震撼世界的十天》这本书对读者产生了很大的影响。 vt.装紧,压紧

The ground had been impacted by many people walking across it. 因为走的人多,地面被踏得坚实了。 错误!未找到引用源。 stir


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☆自考乐园---心境随缘,诚与天下自考人共勉!!! ☆自考乐园---分享快乐,你的快乐老家!!!☆自考乐园---引领成功,你的精神乐园!!!


You should stir the sugar in your coffee with a spoon. 你应该用汤匙搅动咖啡里的糖。

We all deeply stirred by the beauties of nature. 我们都被大自然的美深深地打动了。 vi.微动,活动

I read Hemingway‘s The Sun Also Rises through to the end without stirring from the table. 我一步不移地坐在桌前把海明威的《太阳照样升起》读完。 n.惊动,轰动

The invention is going to cause a big stir in the world. 这项发明将在全世界引起轰动。 错误!未找到引用源。 provision


Provision of shelter was the Red Cross‘s main concern for the disaster victims. 为灾民提供避难处是红十字会的主要工作。 Necessary provision has been made against flood. 已为防洪做了必要准备。

You should save up money to make provision for the future. 你们应该存些钱,为将来做些准备。

You can do so under the provisions of a new foreign aid bill. 根据新的援外法案的条文,你可以这样做。 Provisions are kept in the storehouse. 储备的口粮存放在仓库里。


1、候选人都想尽力突出表现一种强有力的领导者的形象。P4 Candidates try to project a strong leadership image.


Whether voters accept this image, however, depends more on external factors than on a candidate‘s personal characteristics. 此句注意主语从句作主语。


A year later, with the nation‘s economy in trouble, Bush‘s approval rating dropped below 40 percent.

4、候选人特别关注人口最多的几个州的州选举中获胜。P6 Candidates are particularly concerned with winning the states which have the largest population. 5、在1992年,,克林顿仅获得民众选票的43%,相比之下,布什是38%,佩罗是19%。P6 Clinton received only 43 percent of the popular vote in 1992, compared with Bush's 38 percent and Perot's 19 percent. 3、习题


1.election 2.vote 3.certainty 4.loyalty 5.decline

6.democrat 7.strategy 8.pursue 9.impact 10.headquarters 11.economy 12.stir 13.congress 14.representative

35 ~在百度贴吧的搜索框中输入俱乐部id,可以直接俱乐部名称:自考乐园;俱乐部id:5346389(请牢记它哦




