☆自考乐园---心境随缘,诚与天下自考人共勉!!! ☆自考乐园---分享快乐,你的快乐老家!!!☆自考乐园---引领成功,你的精神乐园!!!
2. 自去年以来,女佣们的悲惨境况已受到媒体密切关注。
答:The bad condition of the woman servants has received much media attention since last year.
3. 他经常威胁我,说要将我遣送回国。
答: He always threatened that he would send me back to my country. 4. 她曾在一家茶叶厂工作,工资很低。
答: She used to work for a very low wage at a tea factory. 5. 据估计有两万多名外国家佣在英国工作。
答: It is estimated that there are more than 20,000 overseas domestic servants working in Britain.
1、word study
transformation,originate,penetrating,take over,take on 错误!未找到引用源。 transformation n.1、变化,转化;2、改造,改革
His brain operation caused a great transformation in his character. 脑手术大大改变了他的性格。
The transformation of a backward country into an advanced country requires the painstaking efforts of several generations.
The social and political transformation of a country is essential to the development of the society. 一个国家的社会和政治改革对社会的发展非常重要。 错误!未找到引用源。 originate vi./vt.发源;发生,发起
All theories originate from practice and in turn serve practice. 所有的理论都来源于实践,并反过来为实践服务。 The use of steam originated many other reforms. 蒸汽的使用引起了许多其它的革新。 错误!未找到引用源。 penetrating
a.1、穿透的,贯穿的;2、深刻的,透彻的 They walked against the penetrating wind. 他们迎着刺骨的寒风行走。
Her penetrating voice frightened the little boy. 她刺耳的嗓子把小男孩吓坏了。
Swift‘s works were most penetrating and powerful. 斯威夫特的作品极为深刻有力。
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☆自考乐园---心境随缘,诚与天下自考人共勉!!! ☆自考乐园---分享快乐,你的快乐老家!!!☆自考乐园---引领成功,你的精神乐园!!!
错误!未找到引用源。 take over 1、接管,接任;2、把。。。从一处运到另一处 The young doctor has taken over duties of the old. 年轻医生已接替了老医生的工作。
When Mr.Green retired, his son took over the business from him. 格林先生退休后,由他儿子接管他的生意。
Mr.Brown took me over to the island in his steamboat. 布朗先生用他的汽艇把我送到该岛。 错误!未找到引用源。 take on 1、具有,担任(工作等);2、雇佣
The disease took on some special characteristics. 那种疾病具有一些特殊的特征。 He has taken on a new job. 他已承担了一项新工作。
The employer takes on twenty more workers. 那位雇主又雇佣了20名工人。 2、重点句型
The new music was built out of materials already in existence.
2、民间音乐,既有古老又有现代的,在大学生中颇为流行。P1 Folk music, old and modern, was popular among college students. 3、他们自由地吸收爵士乐、美国乡村音乐的成分。P2
They freely took over elements from jazz, from American country music. 4、在家里欣赏唱片的时候,听众尽力模仿照明效果。P4
With records at home, listeners imitated these lighting effects as best they could.
musician rhythmic distinct consciousness originate readily instrument electronic thereby passive participant
to take place to take over to take on in a sense
at a stretch to serve as in advance for the sake of (二)英译汉
1.The new music was built out of materials already in existence. 2.Folk music, old and modern, was popular among college students.
3.They freely took over elements form jazz, from American country music.
4.With records at home, listeners imitated these lighting effects as best they could.
5.In a sense, men of this kind begin not so much with a musical theme as with a completed composition.
6.Most composers since Beethoven's day belong to this second type. 7.Men like Palestrina and Bach belong in this category. (三)汉译英
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☆自考乐园---心境随缘,诚与天下自考人共勉!!! ☆自考乐园---分享快乐,你的快乐老家!!!☆自考乐园---引领成功,你的精神乐园!!!
The chapter is about the transformation of heat into power. 一群人自发地聚集在事故现场。
A group of people got together spontaneously at the scene of the accident. 这次争吵是由误会引起的。
The quarrel originated from a misunderstanding. 1949年后,军队接管了这个城市。 The army took over this city after 1949.
For your health,you should avoid taking on too much work.
1. In the process of composition , it isn’t easy to be inspired in a spontaneous way for long periods______a stretch.. A. at B. for C. over D. in
答案是a 。 考点:词组at a stretch 一口气,连续不断的 2.汉译英 新音乐是由业已存在的材料构建出来的。
答案:The new music was built out of material already in existence. 3. 汉译英:那时在大学生中流行的正是民间音乐。
答案:It was folk music that was popular among college students at that time. 4. 汉译英:不用说我们现在已不是生活在传统社会。
答案: It goes without saying that we are not living in a traditional society. 1. 新音乐起源于布鲁斯、摇滚乐和民间音乐。
答: The new music originated from blues, rock and roll and folk music. 2. 民间音乐表现和平、友谊和希望。
答: Folk music expresses peace, friendship and hope. 3. 他们已不再是被动的听众而是积极的参与者。
答: Instead of passive audience, they have become active participants. 4. 他们自由地从不同的音乐来源中吸取元素。
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☆自考乐园---心境随缘,诚与天下自考人共勉!!! ☆自考乐园---分享快乐,你的快乐老家!!!☆自考乐园---引领成功,你的精神乐园!!!
答: They freely took over elements form diverse music sources. 5. 新音乐采取多种形式,几乎具有无限的表现力。
答:The new music may take on various forms and be capable of expressing an almost limitless range.
1、word study
spray,cast,expose,switch,critical 错误!未找到引用源。 spray
n.1、水花,浪花;2、喷雾,喷雾状物 The spray of the waterfall is very beautiful. 瀑布的水花飞溅,非常漂亮。
A spray of bullets hit the tree behind which he was hiding. 一阵喷射的子弹打中了他藏身其后的那棵树。 vt.喷,向。。。喷射,喷涂 Fruit trees are sprayed regularly. 果树应定期喷上杀虫剂。
The students sprayed questions at the teacher. 学生们连珠炮似的向老师提出一个又一个问题。 错误!未找到引用源。 cast vt.1、投,扔,抛,掷(at);2、投射(光,影,视线等)(on,at);3、浇铸,铸造 The boy cast a stone at the dog. 那个男孩向那条狗扔了块石头。
His words cast a new light on the problem. 他的话题使人们对这个问题有了新的认识。 The robot can cast steel after being reprogrammed. 在重新设定程序之后,机器人能浇铸钢材。 n.1、投,掷;2、模具;3、演员(阵容)
The Beijing Theatre of People‘s Art has a very strong cast. 北京人民艺术剧院有很强大的演员阵容。 错误!未找到引用源。 expose
The works were exposed to all kinds of weather. 工人们经受风吹雨打。
We should be aware of the dangers of exposing children to violence on TV. 我们应当意识到儿童接触有关暴力电视节目的危害。 He has been widely exposed to the public on the television. 他经常在电视上向公众露面。
The mistakes of the past must be exposed without any reserve. 对以前的错误一定要毫无保留地揭发。 错误!未找到引用源。 switch
19 ~在百度贴吧的搜索框中输入俱乐部id,可以直接俱乐部名称:自考乐园;俱乐部id:5346389(请牢记它哦
☆自考乐园---心境随缘,诚与天下自考人共勉!!! ☆自考乐园---分享快乐,你的快乐老家!!!☆自考乐园---引领成功,你的精神乐园!!!
n.1、开关,转换器;2、(思路、话题等的)转换 It is two-way switch. 这是个双向开关。
He has made a switch of support from one political party to another. 他已从支持一个政党转而支持另一个政党。 vi.1、转换,改变(思路、话题等);2、接通。。。电流(on),切断。。。电流(off) We switched the discussion to another topic. 我们换了一个讨论题目。
Entering the room, he switched the light on. 一进房间,他就把灯打开了。 vt.转换,变换(switch(over)to)
He switched (over) to medicine and graduated in 1980. 他改学医科,于1980年毕业。 错误!未找到引用源。 critical
a.1、批评(性)的,批评(性)的;2、对。。。表示谴责,对。。。感到不满的(of);3、紧要的,关键性的,危急的 He is a man with a critical eye. 他是一个具有批判眼光的人。
It takes years to develop one‘s critical ability. 培养评论能力要很长时间。
The old man was critical of the boy‘s impolite behaviour. 那个老人不满意男孩的不礼貌行为。 The patient‘s condition is critical. 病人情况危急。 2、重点句型
Most of today's robots are employed in the automotive industry, where they are programmed to take over such jobs as welding and spray painting automobile and truck bodies. 2、机器人也开始在别的工业部门应用,虽然应用的程度低一些。P3
Robots, already taking over human tasks in the automotive field are beginning to be seen, although to a lesser degree, in other industries as well. 现在分词短语作定语 3、在核电站使用的机器人处理放射性材料,避免人员接触放射性物质。P3
The robots used in nuclear power plants handle the radioactive materials, preventing human personnel from being exposed to radiation.
Robots differ from automatic machines in that after completion of one specific task, they can be reprogrammed by a computer to do another one.
Engineers skilled in microelectronics and computer technology are developing artificial vision for robots.
6、机器人有了“看”的能力便能在一堆不同类物体中辨别和检查出某一特定类物体。P5 With the ability to \20 ~在百度贴吧的搜索框中输入俱乐部id,可以直接俱乐部名称:自考乐园;俱乐部id:5346389(请牢记它哦