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☆自考乐园---心境随缘,诚与天下自考人共勉!!! ☆自考乐园---分享快乐,你的快乐老家!!!☆自考乐园---引领成功,你的精神乐园!!!


vt.1、着手做,进行;2、承担,从事,进行;3、承担,答应(to) The police undertook detailed and comprehensive investigations into the case. 警察对这个案件着手进行了细致和全面的调查。 We undertook to reach home before dark. 我们争取天黑以前到家。

Do you know the lawyer who undertook the case? 你认识负责处理此案的律师吗? Reluctantly he undertook the task. 他勉勉强强地接受了这一使命。

He undertook to preserve a strictly neutral position. 他承诺严守中立。

错误!未找到引用源。 coincide vi.一致,相符(with)

The centres of the two circles coincide. 这两个圆的圆点重合。

They cannot go to the theatre together because his free time never coincide with hers. 他们不能一起去看戏,因为他和她从来都不是同时有空。 The judges didn‘t coincide in opinion. 法官们意见不一。

错误!未找到引用源。 gamble vi./vt.1、赌博,打赌(on);2、投机,冒险 They gambled on the result of a competition. 他们对竞赛的结果打赌。

The young man has gambled everything away. 那个年轻人把什么都输掉了。

I wouldn‘t gamble on Jim?s paying the bill if I were you. 假如我是你,我不会期望杰姆付账的。 He gambled his savings to start a small shop. 他孤注一掷用自己的积蓄开了一家小商店。 n.1、赌博;2、投机,冒险

The operation may not succeed; it‘s a gamble whether the patient lives or dies. 手术可能不成功,病人的生死是一次冒险。 错误!未找到引用源。 go in for 1、参加,从事;2、以。。。为兴趣,爱好

I‘m going to go in for the final examination next week. 下星期我将参加期末考试。

As my intellect is not adapted for science, I must go in for art. 我的头脑不适应科学,我应该学艺术。 What sports do you go in for? 你喜欢哪些体育项目?

In our department, every student goes in for after-school activities. 我们系的每个学生都喜欢课外活动。 2、常考句型


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☆自考乐园---心境随缘,诚与天下自考人共勉!!! ☆自考乐园---分享快乐,你的快乐老家!!!☆自考乐园---引领成功,你的精神乐园!!!


He cannot be really happy if he is compelled by society to do what he does not enjoy doing, or if what he enjoys doing is ignored by society as of no value or importance.


Whether a job is to be classified as labor or work depends, not on the job itself, but on the tastes of the individual who undertakes it.


The difference does not , for example, coincide with the difference between a manual and a mental job.


So that it is natural for him to imagine that the fewer hours he has to spend laboring, and the more hours he is free to play, the better. 3、习题


1.compel 2.voluntary 3.undertake 4.coincide 5.manual 6.efficiency 7.compulsion 8.division 9.eliminate 10.boring

11.amusement . so far as …knows . to coincide with . attitude toward . to go in for


1.~4. 与常考句型相同。

5.This instinct has to do with the political nature of work itself, something every modern worker understands. (para.3)

6.The bosses want more from the worker than they are willing to give in return. (para.3)

7.A good worker in a key spot could , so long as he kept up production , take all the coffee breaks he wanted.(para.3)

8.I have searched my mind in vain for a polite way to tell that reader to go to hell. (para.4) 9.If you are that reader, I would recommend that you abandon your outrage and begin thinking abut doing something similar for yourself. (para.5)

10.They also like it for another reason, even if they will not admit it : it makes it very difficult for the worker to do anything other than work. other than 除了… 以外



He can't be happy if he is compelled to do what he doesn't enjoy doing. If he is compelled to do what he is unwilling to do, he cannot be happy. 2.一件工作被算成是劳作还是工作取决于个人的喜好。

Whether a job is to be classified as labor or work depends on one's interest. 3.广义上说,任何人作的工作都对社会有益。

In a broad sense , what anyone does is beneficial to the society. In general , what one does is of social value.


The difference between labor and work does not coincide with that between a manual and a mental job;

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☆自考乐园---心境随缘,诚与天下自考人共勉!!! ☆自考乐园---分享快乐,你的快乐老家!!!☆自考乐园---引领成功,你的精神乐园!!!



Technology and the division of labor have eliminated in many fields the need for skilled workers.


1. The important of these_____(vary) according to the nature of one's life-style. (99.10)

答案: varies 。

2. 汉译英:他被迫接受了一份他自己毫无兴趣的工作。 答案: He is compelled to take a job.

3. A man can not be really happy if what he enjoys____(do) is ignored by society as of no value or importance. ( 00.10 )

答案: doing 。考点: enjoy 后跟名词或动名词作宾语。 Translation

1. 一个人如果被社会强迫去做他不乐意的事情,他就不可能真正快乐。

答: A man cannot be really happy if he is compelled by society to do what he does not enjoy doing.

2. 工作与劳动的区别不在于脑力劳动与体力劳动的区别。

答: The difference between work and labor does not lie in the difference between mental and manual jobs.

3. 他说老板给他的工作他毫无兴趣。

答: He says the job his boos offers him is of no interest to him. 4. 一个人是工作者还是劳动者可以从他对休闲的态度上看出来。 答案

答: Whether one is a worker or laborer can be seen form his attitude toward leisure.

5. 对他来说,休闲意味着没有强制。

答: To him , leisure means freedom from compulsion.

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☆自考乐园---心境随缘,诚与天下自考人共勉!!! ☆自考乐园---分享快乐,你的快乐老家!!!☆自考乐园---引领成功,你的精神乐园!!!



1、word study

capture,foster,avail,suspect,convince 错误!未找到引用源。 capture vt.1、捕获;2、夺得,占领

Captured by the enemy, the soldiers were in danger of being shot. 战士们被敌人俘虏后处于被枪毙的危险。 It‘s easier to capture the castle from within. 堡垒更容易从内部攻破。 n.1、捕获,夺得;2、捕获物

He lay perfectly still and played dead to escape capture by the enemy. 他一动不动地躺在地上装死,以逃避被敌人俘获。 The first capture of the day was a fox. 那天第一件猎物是一只狐狸。 错误!未找到引用源。 foster

vt.1、鼓励,促进;2、养育,抚养;3、报(希望等) a.收养的

Some American films foster feelings of hatred between nations. 有些美国电影散播国家之间的仇恨情绪。

We fostered the boy while his mother was in hospital. 这男孩的母亲住院时,由我们抚养他。 The operation fostered hope in the patient. 手术使病人又产生了希望。 错误!未找到引用源。 avail vt./vi.有利,有助

to awail oneself of 意思是“利用” The medicine didn‘t avail against the disease. 这药对这种病没有产生疗效。 Talk will avail little without work. 光说不做没什么用处。 All our effort availed us little. 我们徒劳无功。

He quickly availed himself of the opportunity to win over supporters. 他迅速利用那次机会来争取支持者。 n.好处,用处。

We protested but to (或of) no avail. 我们提出了抗议,但没有效果。 错误!未找到引用源。 suspect vt.疑有;推测

suspect后面可接宾语从句,直接宾语,宾语后的行为用动词不定式或of介词短语表示。 He suspected a scheme against his life. 他怀疑有人要谋害他的性命。

The security department suspected him of giving information to a foreign company. 49 ~在百度贴吧的搜索框中输入俱乐部id,可以直接俱乐部名称:自考乐园;俱乐部id:5346389(请牢记它哦


☆自考乐园---心境随缘,诚与天下自考人共勉!!! ☆自考乐园---分享快乐,你的快乐老家!!!☆自考乐园---引领成功,你的精神乐园!!!


安全部门怀疑他向一家外国公司提供情报。 He was suspected to have got lung cancer. 他被怀疑得了肺癌。

Scientists suspect that the seismic instrument failed to monitor the shift of rock layers. 科学家们怀疑地震仪没能监视岩石层的移动。

There is reason to suspect that the death occurred between 6.30 and 7 o‘clock last night. n.嫌疑犯,可疑分子

Two suspects are now in prison in connection with the killing. 与杀人案有关的两个嫌疑犯已被关进监狱。 错误!未找到引用源。 convince

vt.1、使确信,使信服;2、使认识错误(或罪行) 宾语后面可接动词不定式或of介词短语。

I can easily convince you of his ignorance.(=I can easily convince you that he is ignorant.) 我可以很容易地使你相信他的无知。

He was convinced to withdraw from running for the presidency. 他被说服退出总统竞选。

He was firmly convinced that risk accompanies decisions. 他坚信做决定总要冒风险。



It was a microcassette found in Kathleen Weinstein‘s shirt pocket that not only led police to her alleged killer but also revealed the New Jersey teacher to be a woman of extraordinary courage and compassion. 本句是个强调句,另外注意found 的用法。


It was there, police believe, that Weinstein was able to activate the recorder she kept in her bag. 本句是强调句。

3、3月17日一名徒步旅行者发现了温斯顿的尸体,她的手脚被捆绑着。P4 Weinstein‘s body, with hands and feet bound, was discovered by a hiker in March. 4、但在她死前,她没让歹徒知道,偷偷把微型录音机放进了自己的衣袋里。P4

But before she died she somehow slipped the microcassette into her pocket without her killer knowing it. 3、习题


1.device 2.compassion 3.grab 4.belonging 5.threatening 6.convince 7. foster 8. persuasion 9. avail 10. suspect 11.profound . to convince sb. to do sth. . to comment on 二、句子英译汉:


5.Her powers of persuasion were to no avail.

6.He will not comment on LaSane's side of the conversation 三、汉译英:

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