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2020-2021学年人教新目标八年级上学期第一次月考英语试题( 含答案 )

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Ⅰ.听句子,选择正确的答案。每个句子读两遍(每小题1分,共5分) 1.A.It’s cold. B.They’re blue. C.It’s six o’clock. 2.A.Sorry,I can’t. B.Yes,he has. C.No,he doesn’t. 3.A.Yes. B.You can’t. C.I can’t either.

4.A.Nice to meet you. B.That’s OK. C.I hope so.

5.A.The same to you. B.You’re so kind. C.Congratulations.

Ⅱ.听对话和问题,选择正确的答案。每组对话及问题读两遍(每小题1分,共5分) 6. A.At home.

B.In a science museum. C.At school.

7.A.To do homework. B.To play the piano. C.To play chess.

8.A.20. B.30. C.50. 9.A.He likes pop music very much.

B.He doesn’t like pop music.[来源:学|科|网] C.He knows little about pop music. 10.A.Apples. B.Pears. C.Bananas.

Ⅲ.听对话,选择正确的答案。每组对话读两遍(每小题1分,共5分) 11.A.What fruit does the woman like best?

A. B. C.

12.What does the girl do on weekends?

A. B. C. 13.Why does the boy dislike rainy days? A.Because he feels sad then.

B.Because he can’t meet his friends then. C.Because he can’t go out and play then. 14.What’s the girl’s name?

A.Jim. B.Wang Li. C.Wang Lei.

15.How many pupils are there in the grade? A.200. B.240. C.300.

Ⅳ.听短文,选择正确的答案。短文读两遍(每小题1分,共5分) 16.How old is Gao Jun? A.12. B.13. C.14.

17.What does Gao Jun look like? A.Short with long hair. B.Tall with short hair. C.Tall with black hair.

18.What does Gao Jun usually do at home? A.Watches TV. B.Plays basketball. C.Does the housework.

19.What is Gao Jun good at? A.Writing.

B.Playing basketball. C.Cooking.

20.What do you think of Gao Jun? A.He doesn’t like to study. B.He is friendly.

C.He isn’t on the school basketball team.[来源:学#科#网Z#X#X#K]


21. He spent all the afternoon the football game. A.watch B.watching C.watched D.to watch

22.The young man stopped .He stood in front of the window. A.walk B.walked C.walking D.to walk

23.I like playing basketball and I also like playing piano. A./,the B.the,the C./,/ D.the,/ 24.My sweater is made wool. A.with B.in C.on D.of 25.There are many on the farm. A.a sheep B.sheeps C.sheep D.a sheeps

26.I’d like to eat . A.something nice B.nice something C.anything nice D.nice anything 27.Are you ready your friend the class? A.to introduce,to B.for introduce,to C.to introduce,for D.for introduce,for 28.My brother bought a pair of gloves me. A.to B.of C.for D.at 29.Do you know the girl Mary? A.name B.names C.naming D.named 30.I want books. A.two another B.two more C.more two D.the others 31.Most people hate . A.smoke B.smokes[来源:学,科, C.smoking D.smoked 32.—The radio that there will be another heavy rain in Guangdong. —Too bad.It has rained for the whole week. A.tells B.talks C.says D.speaks 33.I have two friends.One is Mary,and is Tom. A.other B.the other C.another D.others 34.I don’t like to go to the movies tonight, . A.also B.either C.too D.but 35.The girl saw her mother,so she didn’t cry . A.any more B.no more C.not any longer D.no longer Ⅵ.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)

What comes to your mind when you hear the word “twins”?Born on the same day?Looking almost the same?Or having the same hobbies?I have a twin brother who was born on a 36 day from me.We do not 37 very much alike and we are always 38 in different things.

Twelve years ago,my brother,Wayne,was born at eleven fifty-eight 39 the night of May 28. Five minutes later,I was born—on May 29.Since the 40 we were born,I have always been heavier and 41 than Wayne,so people usually think I am the elder brother.

But Wayne is always smarter than I.He 42 reading and learns many things quickly.He knows a lot about animals,although he does not 43 much time playing with our 44 and birds.He knows a lot about 45 ,but never likes to ride bikes as much as I do.Though we are very different,I love my brother very much.I hope both of us are having a happy life.We are sure we will have a good future.

36.A.same B.different C.long D.old 37.A.look B.sound C.smell D.taste 38.A.interesting B.interested C.surprising D.surprised 39.A.in B.at C.for D.on 40.A.place B.time C.job D.clock 41.A.weak B.weaker C.strong D.stronger 42.A.hates B.dislikes C.agrees D.loves[来源:学§科§网] 43.A.spend B.pay C.cost D.take 44.A.flowers B.grass C.bananas D.dogs 45.A.trains B.buses C.subways D.bicycles Ⅶ.阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)


John is my best friend.We live in the same building.We study in the same school but not in the same class.We often chat and play football together after school.I first met him four years ago and we have been good friends for two years.

John is tall and strong with black hair.He has a round face,a small nose and big,brown eyes.I like his eyes because they are always bright and smiling.I think he is handsome.Many people want to be his friends.

John is always friendly and helpful.When I feel bored or unhappy,he tells me funny jokes and makes me happy.[来源:Z#xx#k.Com]

John is very clever.He reads a lot of books.He is good at singing.He would like to make people happy with his songs when he grows up.I believe that he will become as popular as Jackie Chan and be famous around the world in the future. 46.The writer and John are . A.classmates B.friends C.brothers D.sisters 47.John and the writer have known each other for years. A.two B.three C.four D.five 48.What does John look like? A.He is friendly and helpful. B.He is tall and strong. C.He tells me funny jokes. D.He is very clever. 49.What does John want to do in the future? A.To play football. B.To make people happy with his songs. C.To read a lot of books. D.To become Jackie Chan.[来源:学科网ZXXK] 50.What’s the best title for the passage? A.John’s interests. B.My friend Jackie Chan. C.A Chinese student. D.My friend John.


Dear diary,

Today is my seventh day of school.I am in Grade Eight this year.On the first day of school,all the students of Grade Eight are reunited (重组).I am in Class Four this year .I have more friends and more fun this year! There are twenty-two students in our class,ten boys and twelve girls. We are all good friends now. And we have our lessons from eight o’clock in the morning to four o’clock in the afternoon.

Our class enjoy playing football and basketball together ,but we don’t always go to the same class at the same time. Because every teacher has a different classroom. And each of us is different.We have different likes and dislikes. So we go from room to room for our classes .It’s good exercise for us.

In English class this morning, we talked to our classmates. I talked to a girl named Delia.Then we played games. How happy we were!

Our class is like a big family. We love our class! Good-bye for now! Elise

51.Elise met some new in Class Four on the first day of school. A .classmates B. boys C. girls D. teachers 52.Last year, Elise was in .

A. Class Four B .Grade Eight C.Grade Seven D.Class Three 53.In Class Four,there are girls. A.ten B.twelve[来源:Z+xx+k.C.twenty-two D.eight 54.Every teacher of Class Four . A.goes to the same class at the same time

B.goes from room to room for their classes[来源:Zxxk.Com] C.enjoys playing football and basketball D.has a different classroom

55.When the students of Class Four have lessons,they are . A.in different classrooms B.happy C.in the same classroom D.all good friends


Once upon a time,there lived a rich man.He had a servant(仆人).He and the servant loved wine and good food very much.Each time the rich man left his home,the servant would drink the wine and eat up all the nice food in the house.The rich man knew what his servant did,but he had never caught his servant doing that.

One morning,when he left home,he said to the servant,“Here are two bottles of poison(毒药)and some nice food in the house.You must take care of them.” With these words,he went out.

But the servant knew what the rich man had said was untrue.After the rich man was away from his home,he enjoyed a nice meal.Because he drank too much,he was drunk and fell to the ground.When the rich man came back,he couldn’t find his food and his wine.He became very angry.He woke the servant up.But the servant told his story very well.He said a cat had eaten up everything.He was afraid to be punished(惩罚),so he drank the poison to kill himself. 56.In the story, liked wine and good food very much. [来源:学科网ZXXK] A.the rich man B.the servant C.both A and B D.neither A nor B

57.The rich man knew that it was that drank the wine and ate up all the nice food. A.the cat B.himself C.nobody D.the servant

58.The rich man told the servant that there was poison in the two bottles,because . A.there was in fact poison in the bottles

B.he did not want the servant to drink his wine C.he wanted to kill the cat D.he wanted to kill the servant

59.In fact, ate all the nice food and drank the wine. A.the servant B.cat C.the rich man D.nobody

60.From the story,we know that the servant is very . [来源:学科网] A.lazy B.bad C.clever D.kind


In America,boys and girls like watching TV.Some children spend six hours a day at school and four to six hours a day in front of the TV sets.Some children even watch TV for eight hours or more on Saturday.

Televisions are like books and films.A child can learn both good things and bad things from it.Some TV programs help children to understand the news,the people and places in other countries.With TV,children do not have to go to the movies.They can listen to interesting music or watch a game at

2020-2021学年人教新目标八年级上学期第一次月考英语试题( 含答案 )


