【期刊名称】《医学信息》 【年(卷),期】2015(000)040
【摘要】目的:探讨手足口病(hand-foot-mouth disease,HFMD)患儿血清心肌酶谱的变化情况及临床意义。方法回顾性分析2012年1月~2014年12月我院收治的86例手足口病患儿(观察组)血清心肌酶谱检测结果,并同期50例健康体检儿童(对照组)血清心肌酶谱检测结果作对比分析。结果观察组心肌酶谱各项指标检测结果及各项指标异常率均明显高于对照组(P﹤0.05)。结论手足口病患儿存在一定程度的心肌损伤,心肌酶谱检测可作为手足口病患儿心肌损伤的诊断依据和判断病情变化的有效指标。%Objective To investigate the HFMD (hand-foot-mouth disease,HFMD)changes and clinical significance of serum myocardial enzyme.Methods Retrospective 2008-2012 01 Month-December 2014 in our hospital 86 cases of hand,foot and mouth disease children (study group)serum myocardial enzymes test results and year 50 healthy children (control group)serum enzyme spectral analysis of the test results for comparison.Results The indexes of myocardial enzymes and various indicators of abnormal test results were significantly higher than( ﹤0.05).Conclusion The presence of foot and mouth disease in children a certain degree of myocardial injury,myocardial enzymes may be used as a valid basis for the diagnosis and determine the condition index changes HFMD children