/θ/ bath/ba:θ/(v洗澡) thick/θik/ mouth/mauθ/
thought/θ?:t/ author/′?θ?/ truth/tru:θ/
/e/ the/ e?/ they/eei/ that/e?t/ mother/′m?e?/ thus/ e?s/ then/een/
/s/ face/feis/ mouse/maus/ cakes/keiks/ caps/k?ps/ likes/laiks/ stops/st?ps/
/z/ close/kl?uz/ keys/ki:z/ boys/b?iz/ pens/penz/ halves/ha:vz/
/t?/ catch/k?t?/ cheep/t?i:p/ rich/rit?/ watch/wt?/ child/t
?aild/ question/kwest??n/ teach/ti:t?/ challenge/t?lind?/
/d?/ orange/′?rid?/ large/la:d?/ juice/d?u:s/ job/
/tr/ tree/tri:/ try/trai/ true/tru:/ trouble/traubl/ track/tr?k/
/dr/ dry/drai/ dream/dri:m/ dress/dres/ drink/dri?k/ hundred/′h?ndrid/
/?/ she/?i:/ sharp/?a:p/ fish/fi?/ shock/??k/ shoe/?u:/
/?/ pleasure/′ple??/ measure/′me??/ television/′telivi??n/
/ts/ let′s/lets/ sports/sp?:ts/ puts/puts/ writes/raits/ seats/si:ts/
/dz/ hands/h?ndz/ birds/b?:dz/ friends/freindz/ beds/bedz/ stands/st?ndz/
/h/ he/ hi:/ hard/ha:d/ him/him/ heard/h?:d/ half/ha:f/
/l/ like/laik/ late/leit/ learn/l?:n/ lead/li:d/ light/lait/
/m/ my/mai/ more/m?:/ seem/si:m/ meat/mi:t/ mind/maind/ men/men/
/n/ nice/nais/ wind/waind/ mind/maind/ rain/rein/ fine/fain/
/?/ sing/si?/ wing/wi?/ ring/ri?/ long/l??/ beautiful/bju:t?fl/
/j/ you/ju:/ few/fju:/ yard/ja:d/ music/′mju:zik/ student/′stju:dnt/ excuse/ik′skju:z/
/w/ work/w?:k/ way/wei/ well/wel/ what/w?t/ twelve/twelv/ twin/twin/
/r/ red/red/ road/r?ud/ write/rait/ wrong/r??/ problem/′pr?bl?m/ 清辅音浊辅音对比练习
[p]-[b] [t]-[d] [k]-[g] [f]-[v] [s]—[z] [θ]-[e] [?]-[?] [ts]-[dz] [t?]-[d?] [tr]—[dr]
/p/: pen map help cheap pencil paper apple happy appear
/b/: bag by bed boy bus blue rabbit cabbage
/t/: ten time not get table bottle bottom little pretty watched washed
/d/: desk door day dog add daddy middle played cleaned climbed answered
/k/: cat e cut clock cry picture school Christmas chemistry book bike cake kite Kate look
/g/: go girl big get egg bigger biggest guess great glad game golf again glass grass goat God dog goal
/f/: five fish fine family fifteen photo phone elephant laugh enough off coffee
/v/: very five have of leave voice visit visitor themselves
/s/: nice city cycle sit six some bus use us desk books miss class /z/: is his please music lose husband apples leaves thieves knives size exercise prize zoo reason
/θ/: three thank month thin thought three throw tooth teeth south north month mouth through
/e/: this the with than breathe though mother father there that these those /?/: she shoe short shop wash sure Asia special sufficient delicious
/?/: usually television pleasure garage /ts/: shirts hurts coats costs goats Let’s kites gates dates pizza
/dz/: beds birds hands friends decides
/t?/: chair much lunch China watch picture question teach teacher rich future each reach
/d?/: age page huge orange gentle gentleman general bridge porridge judge jump jacket just June Jim sandwich /tr/: tree trip try true truth train /dr/: dress drive hundred children drink dry draw dream
The sun Tongue Twister(绕口令)
(1)There are thirty-three trees there、 (θ, e) (2)A big black bug bit the back of the big black bear、 The big black bear beat back the big black bug、 (/b/)
(3)She sells seashells on the seashore,and the shells she sells are seashells、 I′m sure because if she sells shells at the seashore,the shells she sells are seashells for sure、 (/ θ/,/s/,/z/,/?/)