而且对于一些strong Coulomb correlation的问题也可以通过LDA+U, LDA+SIC等等进行修正。
Polarized - optical properties are calculated for plane polarized with the specified polarization direction;
Unpolarized - optical properties are averaged over polarization directions perpendicular to the specified incident direction.
下面以wur结构为例,此种提法: the electric field parallel (E平行c) 和 perpendicular (E垂直c) to the crystallographic c axis,分别对应于CASTEP中的哪个选项呢?
还有一种提法是分成两个分量:two components, the in-plane component is the average over the x and y directions and the z component which is perpendicular to x-y plane. 这样z分量和x-y plane分量分别可以和CASTEP中的哪种情况对应呢? polarization vectors perpendicular (E垂直c)and parallel (E平行c)to the crystallographic c axis
偏振矢量(or 极化矢量)分别垂直和平行c轴两种情况,这两种情况如果通过MS中对polarized和unpolaried的说明,其实都可以实现的,不知道具体有什么区别? 选择两个
选项的具体原则该是什么呢? 大家多多讨论
Limitations of the methodLocal field effectsThe level of approximation used here does not take any local field effects into account. These arise from the fact that the electric field experienced at a particular site in the system is screened by the polarizability of the system itself. So, the local field is different from the applied external field (that is, the photon electric field). This can have a significant effect on the spectra calculated (see the example of bulk silicon calculation below) but it is prohibitively expensive to calculate for general systems at present.
Quasiparticles and the DFT bandgapIn order to calculate any spectral properties it is necessary to identify the Kohn-Sham eigenvalues with quasiparticle energies. Although there is no formal connection between the two, the similarities between the Schr?dinger-like equation for the quasiparticles and the Kohn-Sham equations allow
the two to be identified. For semiconductors, it has been shown computationally (by comparing GW and DFT band structures) that most of the difference between Kohn-Sham eigenvalues and the true excitation energies can be accounted for by arigid shift of the conduction band upward with respect to the valence band . This is attributed to a discontinuity in the exchange-correlation potential as the system goes from (N)-electrons to (N+1)-electrons during the excitation process. There can, in some systems, be considerable dispersion of this shift across the Brillouin zone, and the scissor operator used here will be insufficient.
Excitonic effectsIn connection with the absence of local field effects, excitonic effects are not treated in the present formalism. This will be of particular importance for ionic crystals (for example NaCl) where such effects are well known. Other limitations
The nonlocal nature of the GGA exchange-correlation functionals is not taken into account when evaluating the matrix elements but it is expected that this will have a small effect on the calculated spectra.
? Phonons and their optical effects have been neglected.
? Finally, there is an intrinsic error in the matrix elements for optical transition due to the fact that pseudowavefunctions have been used (that is they deviate from the true wavefunctions in the core region). However, the selection rules will not be changed when going from pseudo- to all-electron wavefunctions
? ?
中所周知的是Optical Properties (OP)计算主要是从复合介电方程开始的, 介电方程中虚部表示了和能带之间跃迁有关的信息,峰值可能和The First Brillouin Zone的Van-HOff singularity 有关系,现在DFT计算结构比较复杂,要解析这些关系,即具体的解析出BZ结构中不同k点附近的Van-Hoff奇点是很困难的,不过在20世界50年代以后的很多文献对一些简单的半导体结构做了计算,如As,Si,AsP等,这些物质晶体结构比较简单,因此可以比较详细的了解Van-Hoff奇点到底在BZ区那个位置。
接下来是两个比较重要的概念,首先我们再给出CASTEP里面光学性质的计算公示,其次解释介电常数虚部和Joint Density of STates之间的关系,Joint Densty of States也和Van-Hoff奇点有关,Van-Hoff奇点总共有四类,他们再JDOS上面曲线形式是不同的,有两类是拐点(Saddle point),其他分别是最大和最小值点。下面分别给出CASTEP中OP计算和JDOS的定义:图3
因此从这个方面来说,CASTEP里面计算光学性质的极性应该是由U来决定的,因为我们在计算Kohn-SHam单粒子激发谱过程中是将电场作为跃迁矩阵元来考虑的,因此在CASTEP计算的光学性质中有Polarized,Unpolarized以及Polycrystalline几种情况,正如版主也提到对于各向同性晶体介质,这个选项没有什么意义!对于各项异性介质就不一样了。 对于沿特定方向传播的电磁场,电场方程可以写成三角函数的形式,比如假设光束入射方向
电磁场的极化和Jones 矢量有关系,该矢量也叫极化态矢量 (Polarized State Vector),在垂至于入射电磁场方向的平面内,极化场的性质可以用一个单一的Jones矢量来描述,如果我们将电磁场方程按照上面Planewave解的形式来描述,纳那么电场矢量可以写成一个复数形式:在这个方程中我们引入了量子态矢量,也就是Jones 态矢量。这样,电场强度就
Jones State Vector其共轭复数形式和Jones Vectors规一花条件也表示如下:
按照Jones 态矢量,整个电磁场偏振可以分成三种: 线性偏振光(ax=ay,极化轴重合),圆形偏振(ax和ay总是差90度,极化轴垂直)(和椭圆偏振(ax和ay不同,极化轴之间是任意角度),椭圆偏振属于各项异性介质,圆形偏震光在传播过程中电场矢量会发生旋转,并且在圆形偏振条件下,x和y方向极化强度是形同的,因此在x-y面极化方式是一个圆环状,线性偏振只有一个极化轴x,因此产生的偏振状态和x之间有夹角。在椭圆偏振情况下,偏振矢量是各项异性的,偏振轴之间的夹角是任意的。三种偏振方式如下图所示: