6) waging 7) extending 8) impact 9) established 10) abandon 11) confront 12) ran into 13) raged
14) get through to
1) tragedies
2) has established/established 3) cautious 4) took to 5) talk back 6) take a stand
7) exploded
8) have stepped up/stepped up 9) get through to 10) fuss 11) vacant 12) stream 13) drifted 14) challenges 15) property
1) Famine followed the war, one tragedy after another. 2) We're praying for good weather for tomorrow's cricket match. 3) This sofa can be extended into a bed.
4) The Jackson family have occupied this gray row house for two and a half years.
5) It was reading his books that prompted me to write to him.
6) Are you positive the hospital has no vacant beds
1) dirty 2) stormy 3) healthy 4) muddy 5) rainy 6) sunny 7) smoky 8) noisy
1) reorganized 2) rearrangement 3) reassembled 4) replace 5) reunion
6) regain 7) repay
8) reconsideration
1) in several different ways
2) the right way of saying/the right way to say 3) the wrong way
4) the way/the way that/the way in which 5) way of telling his story 6) her way 7) that way
8) his way of helping the poor
1) speaking 2) to pay
3) being dropped becoming
4) to leave 5) to fight 6) moving 7) spending 8) to be
1) It is / was the first time (that) Tommy has / had talked back to his parents.
2) It is / was the first time (that) I have / had ever been in a plane.
3) It is / was the first time (that) John has / had spoken in public.
4) It is / was the first time (that) she has / had ever taken a strong stand against raising taxes.
1) moved in 2) waged