I was impressed by his devotion to research but I did not have the slightest interest in his profound theories. 3) 千万别说可能会被人误解的话。
Be sure not to say anything capable of being misunderstood. 4) 我被他们互相矛盾的意见搞糊涂了,不知如何去做才是。
I was so bewildered by their conflicting advice that I did not know how to act/what to do.
5) 起初,这个复杂问题使他们感到灰心丧气,但经过仔细思考后他们终于研究出了解决办法。
At first this complicated problem frustrated them, but after thinking it over carefully they finally worked out a solution. 6) 体育代表团团长在少先队员向他献上一束鲜花时愉快地笑了。 The head of the sports delegation beamed with delight when a young pioneer presented him with a bunch of flowers.
7) 这学期我们都学习得不错,我真不明白为什么我们的英语老师单单表扬了班长一个人。
I really don't see why our English teacher should single out our
monitor for praise since we have all done quite well this term. 8) 我相信比较高级的| (higher) |动物是由比较低级的|(lower)|动物进化而来|(develop from)|的这一学说。
I believe in the theory that the higher animals developed from the lower ones.
大学英语精读第三版第二册Book2Unit5答案 上海外语教育出版社 董亚芬主编 1)h 2)e 3)a 4)g 5)f 6)d 7)b 8)c
1)makes up
2)fraction 3) perspectives 4) from year to year
5) poisonous 6) liberate 7) crept 8) transparent
9) to make matters worse 10) consume 11) be replaced 12) interior
13) has disappeared 14) came about
1) has served as
2) may do harm to 3) makes up
4) convert them into 5) in all likelihood 6) from year to year 7) compete with for 8) is essential to
1) poisonous 2) joy
3) treacherous 4) religious 5) prosperous 6) spontaneous 7) humorous 8) mysterious
9) jealousy 10) curious 11) cautious 12) ridiculous 13) ambition 14) generous 15) virtue 16) error
1) fast-growing 2) fast-moving 3) good-looking 4) far-reaching 5) outstanding 6) ill-fitting 7) high-sounding