第26卷第4期 2019年7月 体 育 学 刊
Journal of Physical Education Vol.26 No.4Jul.2019
(1.上海体育学院 体育教育训练学院,上海 200438;2.上海市翔殷幼稚园,上海 200433) 摘 要:探讨3~6岁幼儿基本动作技能与静态行为的关系,为干预幼儿静态行为提供依据。选取上海市355名3~6岁的幼儿为调查对象,基本动作技能采用TGMD-2测量,静态行为时间由父母代理报告。结果表明:上海市3~6岁幼儿基本动作技能水平有待提高;位移动作技能存在性别差异,女童位移技能水平优于男童;随着年龄的增长基本动作技能得分、位移动作技能得分和物体操作技能得分均呈现出显著差异。静态行为总时间远超推荐量,主要与非屏前静态行为时间有关。基本动作技能、位移动作技能对静态行为总时间、非屏前静态行为时间的回归效应皆显著,可见基本动作技能及其子域中的位移动作技能是静态行为总时间和非屏前静态行为时间的负相关因素。提升位移动作技能对减少3~6岁幼儿静态行为总时间、非屏前静态行为时间具有正向促进作用。 关 键 词:身体活动;基本动作技能;静态行为;大肌肉动作发展量表;幼儿 中图分类号:G807.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2019)04-0123-06
Relationships between the basic movement skills and
sedentary behaviors of children aged 3-6
MA Xiao-ran1,CAI Yu-jun1,CHEN Si-tong1,LI Kai1,ZHUANG Ping2
(1.School of Physical Education and Sport Training,Shanghai University of Sport,Shanghai 200438,China;
2.Shanghai Xiangyin Kindergarten,Shanghai 200433,China)
Abstract: The authors probed into the relationships between the basic movement skills and sedentary behaviors of chil-dren aged 3-6, so as to provide a basis for intervening children sedentary behaviors. The authors selected 355 children aged 3-6 in Shanghai as the investigation objects; the basic movement skills were measured by TGMD-2, while the times of sedentary behaviors were reported by the parents as the agents. The results indicated the followings: the basic movement skill performance of children aged 3-6 in Shanghai needed to be improved; there were gender differences in displacement movement skills, the girls’ displacement movement skill performance was better than the boys’; with the increase of age, the basic movement skill score, the displacement movement skill score, and the object operating skill score, showed sig-nificant differences. The total time of sedentary behaviors was far beyond the recommended, mainly related to the time of non before-screen sedentary behaviors. The regression effects of the basic movement skills and the displacement move-ment skills on the total time of sedentary behaviors and the time of non before-screen sedentary behaviors were all signifi-cant. Evidently, the basic movement skills and the displacement movement skills in their sub-domain were the negative correlation factors of the total time of sedentary behaviors and the time of non before-screen sedentary behaviors. Improv-ing the displacement movement skills played a positive promotion role in reducing the total time of sedentary behaviors and the time of non before-screen sedentary behaviors of children aged 3-6.
Key words: physical activity;basic movement skill;sedentary behavior;TGMD-2;children
静态行为(Sedentary Behavior,SB)是指除了睡觉以外,以坐、靠或躺等姿势进行的工作、学习、娱乐等
活动时,代谢当量(Metabolic Equivalents,METs)≤6.276 kJ/(kg?h)的行为[1],与肥胖、体力活动不足以及营养不
作者简介:马晓然(1994-),女,博士研究生,研究方向:学校体育学。E-mail:781940802@qq.com 通讯作者:蔡玉军副教授