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考试时间:120分钟 总分:150分 Ⅰ卷 (选择题 共100分)

第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A

On April 10, 1912, the ocean liner Titanic set off on its first voyage with more than 2,200 people on board. It was a historic moment. The ship was the largest passenger ship in the world.

But on the night of April 14, the Titanic struck a giant iceberg. Within hours, it sank to the bottom of the ocean. There were only enough lifeboats for about half the people on board. More than 1,500 passengers and crew members died.

The tragedy made headlines around the world. The tale of the ship has inspired many books, plays and movies. That includes 1997’s Titanic---one of the most popular films in history.

Now, more than a century later, a replica (复制品) of the ship is being built. The Titanic II is expected to follow the route of the original ship. It is scheduled to launch in 2022 and sail from Southampton, England, to New York City.

In many ways, the Titanic II will be hard to tell apart from the original ship. It will have the same cabin layouts (布局) and serve the same fancy meals. But according to the Blue Star Line, the company building the ship, there will be some important differences. The Titanic II will have the latest technology and safety features---including enough motor-driven lifeboats for everyone on board. Though the ship itself will be more modern, sailing on it will be a journey back in time, says Clive Palmer, the Owner of Blue Star Line.

“It is a tribute (致敬) to the spirit of the men and women who worked on the original Titanic,” he says.

1. What do we know about the Titanic?

A. It was the largest passenger ship of its day. B. More than 2,200 people died when it sank C. It set sail from New York City.

D. It sank the first day after it set sail.

2. Why does the author mention the 1997 movie Titanic?

A. To describe the ship’s design.

B. To highlight the public’s interest in the ship. C. To explain why the Titanic sank.

D. To compare the new ship with the original one. 3. How will the Titanic II differ from the original ship?

A. It will follow a new route across the Atlantic Ocean. B. It will serve fancy meals to passengers.

C. It will have enough lifeboats for all passengers. D. It will have smaller cabins for passengers. 4. What is the best title for the text?

A. The Unsinkable Titanic B. The Titanic Sails Again C. Titanic Stories Will Go on D. The Reconstruction of Titanic


Fire Safety Training Online

This e-learning fire safety training course is aimed at all staff. This fire safety awareness online course enables individuals to improve their knowledge and understanding of the safety. Fire safety is an important part of any business. With the e-learning fire safety course you can ensure a safe environment for your staff and customers with minimum disruption (混乱) to your business. As this course is online, it benefits from constant updates to ensure the content remains accurate to any changing legislation (法规). WHAT DOES THE LAW REQUIRE?

The Fire Safety Order requires all employers to: Carry out a Fire Risk Assessment.

Provide appropriate training to their staff --- this should be related to a person’s job role. Everyone should have basic fire safety training so this course is ideal.

Provide training for fire wardens (管理人) --- Fire Risk Assessments Ltd provides this training online due to this being unique to your site and fire procedures. THE TRAINING PROGRAM

The average time to complete the course is approximately 30 minutes. After completing each section, people need answer a few multiple (多的) choice questions correctly before progress to the next section is possible. COURSE CONTENT

Main goals including preservation, prevention, protection and procedures Characteristics of Fire Legal Requirements Fire Evacuation (疏散) Means of putting out Fire Interactive Quiz

Should you wish to book or find out more about the above course, please call Fire Risk Assessments Ltd on 0208763 S610 to speak to one of their training advisors. Alternatively, you can email them at enquiries@firera.co.uk or visit their website at www.firera.co.uk. 5. This advertisement is most probably intended for______.

A. law makers B. firefighters C. employers

D. government officials

6. What do people need to do after finishing each section?

A. answer some questions correctly. B. put out a fire in 30 minutes. C. conduct a Fire Risk Assessment. D. learn related legal requirements. 7. For more information, you should______.

A. have an appointment with a training advisor B. visit Fire Risk Assessments Ltd in person C. write a letter to Fire Risk Assessments Ltd D. visit the website www.firera.co.uk


The Boston Marathon is the oldest annual race in the world. This long-distance running event began in 1897. Like all marathons the distance is 26.2 miles (about 42 kilometer). To enter, you must first have the right to take part in, and about 20,000 athletes meet the requirements each year. Within that number are some who are known as “mobility impaired”. They might be in wheelchairs or have a man-made leg or arm. They start the marathon two hours before the other runners.

I will never forget the first time that I ran the Boston Marathon. A truly amazing thing happened when I was halfway through the race. Ahead of me, there was a man who had only one leg. He was using a pair of crutches (拐杖) to help him run. Every runner who ran past him called out some words of praise and encouragement. I finished my race that day in just under 3 hours and 30 minutes. After finding my family, we went back to our hotel room.

After resting a bit, at around 6 pm, we decided to watch the last of the runners pass the finishing line. By this time, there were only a few runners left in the race. As we stood there, I began to hear people cheering. Then I saw the man on crutches getting closer and closer to the finish. It was 8 hours and 15 minutes after the mobility-impaired runners had started. As he approached the end, he suddenly raised his crutches up in the air and completed the last stretch (临近终点的一段跑道) on one leg. To watch him pass the finishing line was the most amazing and inspiring experience of my life, one that my children and I still talk about.

I have a personal motto (座右铭). \is no great goal achieved without greater sacrifice.\To me, it means that the journey toward your goals is often more difficult than actually reaching the goal itself. And people who make that journey, like the runner that day, encourage those around them.

8. What is paragraph 1 mainly about?

A. The organization of Boston Marathon. B. The influence of Boston Marathon.

C. A brief introduction of Boston Marathon. D. The special of Boston Marathon.

9. What does the underlined phrase \

A. The mentally disturbed. B. The physically disabled. C. The badly injured. D. The freely controlled.

10. What happened during the race?

A. The author had a rest during the race. B. The author inspired a runner with one leg.

C. Runners running past the author encouraged him a lot. D. A disabled runner finished the last stretch on one leg. 11. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A. The Special Marathon Race

B. The Oldest Annual Race in the World C. The Strong-willed Marathon Runner D. The First Time I Ran the Marathon


New York factories in the early 1900s were busy and dangerous places to work. Most factories were housed in brick buildings that were overly hot in the summer and extremely cold in the winter. Workers at the time often worked more than 12 hours each day, receiving few breaks and no overtime



