The Negative Transfer of Mother Language in Middle School Students’English Writing
The Negative Transfer of Mother Language in Middle School Students’English Writing
【期刊名称】《校园英语》 【年(卷),期】2014(000)011
【摘要】The negative transfer of mother language has always been obstructing students in their English writing.This paper attempts to reveal the phenomenon of negative transfer in students’ English writing and briefly gives some suggestions to reduce the negative transfer of mother language. 【总页数】2页(194-194,195) 【关键词】 【作者】蒲理英
【作者单位】西华师范大学 【正文语种】英文 【中图分类】 【相关文献】
1.Analysis of the Impacts of the Negative Transfer of the Mother Language in English Writing in Junior Middle School [J], 隆梅
2.Negative Discourse Transfer of Native Language in Chinese College Students' English Writing [J], Chunliang; Zhang
3.Negative Syntactic Transfer of Native Language in Chinese College
The Negative Transfer of Mother Language in Middle School Students’English Writing