17-10 按贸易方式分外贸进口总值Total Value of Imports in Foreign Trade by Type of Trade单位:万元指标名称Item2018进口总值 1.一般贸易 2.国家间、国际组织无偿援助 和赠送的物资 3.华侨、港澳台同胞、外籍华 人捐赠物资Total Imports General Trade Between Countries, Internationals Organization Aid and Donated Materials The overseas Chinese, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan,Chinese of foreign Donated Materials134607342547940 4.来料加工装配贸易 5.进料加工贸易 6.来料加工装配进口的设备 7.租赁贸易 8.外商投资企业作为投资 进口的设备、物品 9.出料加工贸易 10.易货贸易 11.保税监管场所进出境货物 (保税仓库进出境货物) 12.海关特殊监管区域物流货物 (保税区仓储转口货物) 13.海关特殊监管区域进口设备 (出口加工区进口设备) 14.其他注:本表数据来源于西安海关。本表数据为西安原口径数据。 Assembly Processing Trade Processing With Imported Trade Assembly Processing Trade Equipment Lease Trade Foreign-invested Enterprises as the Import Investment of Equipment, Goods Material Processing Barter Inward and Outward Goods of Free (Trade Storehouse) Re-export Goods of Free Trade Zone (Re-exports) Export Processing Zones Imported (Equipment) Other62913533268404817145721583597032247995723621805(10 000 yuan)2018年比2017年增长(%)Growth Rate in 2018 over 2017(%)35.08.620522.7-50.724.4-31.069680.514.3-0.487.095.8
陕西省西安市2019统计年鉴数据:17-10 按贸易方式分外贸进口总值(2017-2018)