l29, the company responsible for a variety of procedures for reimbursement document, invoice review, approval of work; 30, regularly convened general meeting of shareholders, preparation work for the meeting; 31, the company responsible for payroll management jobs, including around salary survey, employee salary, salary accounting methods developed, payroll accounting, payment of wages, bonuses; 32, the company responsible for delivery of financial procedures; 33, according to the company's strategic development plan, the preparation and management of funds to meet day-to-day operating funding requirements to ensure the company's safety, liquidity and profitability of the funds; 34, responsible for the environmental protection building materials Corporation issued by the Corporation Annual, monthly economic indicators in the assessment of the economic responsibility system of proposed amendments; 35, the company responsible for all types of contracts and tracking, implementation, implementation of the agreement, abnormality was detected in time to take appropriate measures and feedback to the leadership; 36, regular inspection, analysis, budget implementation of the business and financial performance, and to propose measures to increase revenue and reduce expenditure; 37, responsible for organizing the company's contracting business tenders; 38, responsible for preparing the annual budget and final accounts, distribution of profits, loss compensation plan; 39, responsible for the violations of financial discipline, or damage the company's interests (corruption and bribery) review of the Act; 40, 《应用写作》形考作业1参考答案
一 结合实例谈谈实用型文章的基本特征。
答:主旨单一、集中、明确、材料多样、真实、有力,结构合理、谨严、固定,语言准确、简明、平易、庄重,是应用文所应具备的基本特征,也是对应用文写作的基本要求。如P49页《国务院办公厅关于表彰奖励中国女子足球队的通报》,这篇通报针对中国女子足球队在第三届世界杯女子足球赛中荣获亚军一事进行表彰,整篇通报围绕这一中心而制作,说明实用型文章具有主旨单一、集中、明确的特点;这篇通报选取中国女足在世界杯中荣获亚军一中进行通报表扬,选取的材料是真实在力的;同时,本文由标题、正文、落款三部分构成,正文由介绍先进事迹,宣布表彰决定,发出学习号召等几部分构成,比较符合一般公文的格式,可以说明实用型文章的结构是相对合理、谨严、固定的;从整篇通报来看,没有运用华丽的词藻,语言是比较通俗易懂的。 二 结合实例谈谈公文的主要特点。
解:P12 :公文主要有以下特点: 1、法定性,公文是由法定机关或组织制发,代表着法定机关或组织的意图,在法定机关或组织的权限范围内具有法定的权威性和约束力。2、政策性,公文是外观公务问题的工具,其内容必须完全符合党和国家的各项方针、政策,也惟有如此,才能借助于公文这一有力的工具,把党和国家的方针、政策精神切实贯彻、落实到具体工作中去。3、实用性,公文的针对性强,内容越是明确、具体,就越能得到受文机关的重视,实际作用也就越大。4、时效性,是与实用性联系在一起的。制发公文是为了处理公务活动中的实际问题,而公务问题的处理必须迅速、及时,所以,对公文的制发和实施通常有着严格的时间要求,公文的效用也常常是有时间限制的。5、规范性。同学们可结合任一篇公文进行说明。
三、如通知: 起草一份转发下列文件,要求下级机关做好该文件所安排的工作的通知。 写作要求:内容要明确,中心要突出;格式要正确.写法要规范(可只写标题、主送机关、正文、发文机关和发文时间几个项目);语言要准确、简明、得体,书写要清楚 答:
温州市地方税务局转发国家税务总局 关于进一步强化个人所得税征收管理的通知的通知 各县(市、区)地方税务局:
l29, the company responsible for a variety of procedures for reimbursement document, invoice review, approval of work; 30, regularly convened general meeting of shareholders, preparation work for the meeting; 31, the company responsible for payroll management jobs, including around salary survey, employee salary, salary accounting methods developed, payroll accounting, payment of wages, bonuses; 32, the company responsible for delivery of financial procedures; 33, according to the company's strategic development plan, the preparation and management of funds to meet day-to-day operating funding requirements to ensure the company's safety, liquidity and profitability of the funds; 34, responsible for the environmental protection building materials Corporation issued by the Corporation Annual, monthly economic indicators in the assessment of the economic responsibility system of proposed amendments; 35, the company responsible for all types of contracts and tracking, implementation, implementation of the agreement, abnormality was detected in time to take appropriate measures and feedback to the leadership; 36, regular inspection, analysis, budget implementation of the business and financial performance, and to propose measures to increase revenue and reduce expenditure; 37, responsible for organizing the company's contracting business tenders; 38, responsible for preparing the annual budget and final accounts, distribution of profits, loss compensation plan; 39, responsible for the violations of financial discipline, or damage the company's interests (corruption and bribery) review of the Act; 40, 国家税务总局关于进一步强化个人所得税征收管理的通知(国税发[2007]62号)(略)
温州市地方税务局(盖章) 二00七年二月十日 再如请示:
XX县棉纺厂关于请求拨款购买冷冻机的请示 XX县财政局:
我厂是县里的重点工业企业,有职工2千多人,每天早、中、晚有近2千人在食堂就餐,所以搞好食堂的卫生管理工作显得尤为重要。最近我厂从事食堂卫生工作的职工意见颇多功能,主要是缺乏冷冻设备,许多副食品不易保管,特别是天气热了,副食品更加不易保管。为了保证我厂近2千人的就餐卫生,厂里拟购买一台冷冻机,但厂里一时资金周转不灵,所需求4万元款项想请上级拨款解决。 以上请示事项当否,请审核批示。
XX县棉纺厂(盖章) 二OO七年五月十日
一 P96:编写简报,必须做到“精”、“准”、“快”、“简”。具体地说,应当做到:第一、选材要精当,首先要精心的挑选材料,要把最能说明问题、最能揭示事物的本质特征,或者表明事物的发展趋向的典型材料用到简报中去,无关紧要的一般性材料或者次要材料最好舍去。第二、事实要准确,撰写简报必须以真实可靠为原则,必须实事求是,恰如其分地写明事实,对所用的事例、数字、引文等要认真核对,以确保准确无误。第三、编写要迅速及时,简报具有新闻消息的某些特点,非常讲究时效性,只有快速反映工作中出现的新情况、新问题,才能及时为领导机关的决策及问题的解决提供依据和帮助。第四、内容要简明扼要。在编写简报时,一要注意提炼观点,避免罗列现象;二要注重开门见山;三要注意推敲语句,做到用语精当。同学们可结合教材上的例文进行分析。
二 答:在制定计划中主要应当依循以下要求:第一、要符合政策,制定计划必须贯彻党和国家的有关方针、政策及上级指示精神,而不能与此相背离,否则计划就是毫无意义的,甚至会起相反的作用。第二、要从实际出发,制定计划要把全局需要同本单位的实际情况结合起来,即不能说空话,更不能说假话。第三、要具体明确,计划一经制订,便具有指导和约束作用,计划内容具体明确,把要做的事情写得实实在在。才便于人们依照实行,也便于人们对照检查工作。第四、要留有余地。在计划的实施中,常常会有一些不可预见的因素出现,在制订计划时要充分考虑到这一点,任务的提出和时间的规定等等,都要留有余地。另外,执行计划也要有一定的灵活性,要能够根据实际情况的变化,合理地调整计划。
l29, the company responsible for a variety of procedures for reimbursement document, invoice review, approval of work; 30, regularly convened general meeting of shareholders, preparation work for the meeting; 31, the company responsible for payroll management jobs, including around salary survey, employee salary, salary accounting methods developed, payroll accounting, payment of wages, bonuses; 32, the company responsible for delivery of financial procedures; 33, according to the company's strategic development plan, the preparation and management of funds to meet day-to-day operating funding requirements to ensure the company's safety, liquidity and profitability of the funds; 34, responsible for the environmental protection building materials Corporation issued by the Corporation Annual, monthly economic indicators in the assessment of the economic responsibility system of proposed amendments; 35, the company responsible for all types of contracts and tracking, implementation, implementation of the agreement, abnormality was detected in time to take appropriate measures and feedback to the leadership; 36, regular inspection, analysis, budget implementation of the business and financial performance, and to propose measures to increase revenue and reduce expenditure; 37, responsible for organizing the company's contracting business tenders; 38, responsible for preparing the annual budget and final accounts, distribution of profits, loss compensation plan; 39, responsible for the violations of financial discipline, or damage the company's interests (corruption and bribery) review of the Act; 40,同学们可结合自己的个人计划进行分析。
三 可参考教材上或学习参考书上的任一篇例文,根据例文后的分析进行作答。 举例:对《应用写作学习参考书》中136页《2001年上半年德化县乡镇企业局工作总结》进行分析:这篇文章是由三个部分构成的,即标题、正文和落款。这是一篇基层单位的工作总结,标题是由单位名称、时间和文种类别几个要素构成,文种名称的前面只有工作二字,表明这是对整个单位在一定时期内的工作情况作出全面反映的综合性总结,而不是对某项工作或某个方面的情况作出专门反映的专题性总结。不过,虽然从总体上看,例文应当是一篇综合性工作总结,但其内容还是以生产经营管理方面的情况为主,这同单位的性质和特点有关,正文是由前言、主体和结语三个部分组成,前言就第一自然段,概述情况,写明工作的指导方针及工作完成的基本情况,其中使用了几个较为关键的数据,起到了一种提纲挈领的作用。 主体部分首先从六个方面谈及在工作中取得的成绩及采取的措施,其中有归纳,也有实例,内容比较具体,写完成绩之后,指明工作中存在的问题和面临的困难,写的客观、实际,每个部分之前都以序码和小标题的形式点明要点,便于阅读和理解,结语部分(最后一个自然段)明确下一步工作的目标和努力的方向,应当指出的,例文中成绩和问题谈得比较全面,但经验和教训的分析尚显不足。
一 P165:广告的目的是通过一定的方式对产品或为了使大众引起兴趣的宣传途径,广告的撰写主要依循以下要求:(1)内容合法,情况准确,撰写广告必须依循有关规定,广告诉求就建立在真实,反映情况的基础上。(2)主题鲜明,定位合理,撰写广告,应根据商品,服务或企业的不同特征,确定诉求对象,分析其心理,进而明确广告文案的内容与形式。(3)创意独特,形式新颖,广告创意是对广告主题的创造性表现,新颖独特的广告能使人驻足留连。(4)情趣高雅,意境优美。广告不仅应该为经济目的服务,还应与社会文化时尚意识形态相关,好广告要有深刻的文化内函和优美的精神情趣,要能体现正确,健康的价值观,道德观和审美观。(5)结构简洁,语言精妙,广告的目的性很强,广告采用简洁的结构,精巧的语言,才能使人过目不忘,达到宣传商品,引导消费的作用。
二 以P247的例文为例,民事起诉状在事实与理由这一部分应当注意以下三个问题:1、依事论理应当以事实为依据,抓住重点,击中要害。在这篇例文中,原告以在平等赡养父母的前提下而被告却独占遗产的事实为依据,将事实写得清楚明白;2、依法论理应当准确地引用法律条款,在这篇例文中,准确地引用了《中华人民共和国继承法》的相关适用于本案的法律规定;3、理由与事实、诉讼请求一致,不能出现矛盾,在这篇例文中,原告提到的被告独占的父母遗产的做法是错误的,独占的理由是荒唐可笑的这一理由是与事实、诉讼请求是一致的。
三 可参考教材上或学习参考书上的任一篇例文及例文后的分析进行作答。
l29, the company responsible for a variety of procedures for reimbursement document, invoice review, approval of work; 30, regularly convened general meeting of shareholders, preparation work for the meeting; 31, the company responsible for payroll management jobs, including around salary survey, employee salary, salary accounting methods developed, payroll accounting, payment of wages, bonuses; 32, the company responsible for delivery of financial procedures; 33, according to the company's strategic development plan, the preparation and management of funds to meet day-to-day operating funding requirements to ensure the company's safety, liquidity and profitability of the funds; 34, responsible for the environmental protection building materials Corporation issued by the Corporation Annual, monthly economic indicators in the assessment of the economic responsibility system of proposed amendments; 35, the company responsible for all types of contracts and tracking, implementation, implementation of the agreement, abnormality was detected in time to take appropriate measures and feedback to the leadership; 36, regular inspection, analysis, budget implementation of the business and financial performance, and to propose measures to increase revenue and reduce expenditure; 37, responsible for organizing the company's contracting business tenders; 38, responsible for preparing the annual budget and final accounts, distribution of profits, loss compensation plan; 39, responsible for the violations of financial discipline, or damage the company's interests (corruption and bribery) review of the Act; 40,1.经济活动分析报告(例文:××市商业局企业年度财务分析报告。)
文章前言部分利用三个自然段对钛白粉的用途,分类,及我国供需使用情况进行了介绍,主体为一至九部分,利用九个层次对海南省建立钛白粉厂的可行性进行了分析,最后得出了在海南省建立钛白粉厂较为可行的结论。全文结构严密,罗辑性强,说理透彻,分析科学,文中收集,运用了大量科学数据。且利用科堂的分析方法对可行性的效力进行了有力说服和被充,分析结果(结论)明确,具有较强的科学性。 《应用写作》形考作业4答案
一 以学习参考书上《人文关怀:马克思哲学的另一个维度》为例进行说明:1、独创性。这篇论文在东西方马克思研究学者完全不谈马克思哲学的人文关怀的维度或将二者相对立的情况下提出“人文关怀是马克思哲学的一个基本维度”这样一个论点给人耳目一新的感觉,是具有创新性的;2、科学性。这篇论文提出的“人文关怀是马克思哲学的一个基本维度”这一论点是客观正确的,所选用的论据是真实有力的,论证也是周密的;3、理论性。这篇论文正文是由序论、本论、结论构成,序论部分解释基本概念,本论部分在递进中有并列,先反后正,论述层层深入,最后切入问题的实质,结论部分申明基本观点,从整篇论述来看,从提出问题到解决问题,论述是严整的,内容是较为有深度的。
二 以学习参考书上《人文关怀:马克思哲学的另一个维度》为例进行说明(可参考文后分析)
摘要:人文关怀是马克思哲学的基本维度之一。在马克思哲学的传播过程中,由于种种原因,“工具论”、“科学论”“实践论”这三种解释模式将其人文关怀的维度遮蔽。事实上,马克思哲学充满了人文精神,我们应该探讨并阐发这个维度。 主题词:人文关怀 马克思哲学 基本维度 四. 答:标题:论社会创新
l29, the company responsible for a variety of procedures for reimbursement document, invoice review, approval of work; 30, regularly convened general meeting of shareholders, preparation work for the meeting; 31, the company responsible for payroll management jobs, including around salary survey, employee salary, salary accounting methods developed, payroll accounting, payment of wages, bonuses; 32, the company responsible for delivery of financial procedures; 33, according to the company's strategic development plan, the preparation and management of funds to meet day-to-day operating funding requirements to ensure the company's safety, liquidity and profitability of the funds; 34, responsible for the environmental protection building materials Corporation issued by the Corporation Annual, monthly economic indicators in the assessment of the economic responsibility system of proposed amendments; 35, the company responsible for all types of contracts and tracking, implementation, implementation of the agreement, abnormality was detected in time to take appropriate measures and feedback to the leadership; 36, regular inspection, analysis, budget implementation of the business and financial performance, and to propose measures to increase revenue and reduce expenditure; 37, responsible for organizing the company's contracting business tenders; 38, responsible for preparing the annual budget and final accounts, distribution of profits, loss compensation plan; 39, responsible for the violations of financial discipline, or damage the company's interests (corruption and bribery) review of the Act; 40, 内容纲要:
首先提出问题并明确提出问题的背景、指明现有研究的局限和课题研究的意义。 (一)对基本概念加以界定和阐释 (二)阐述相关概念,划分社会创新的类型 基础性社会创新和辅助性社会创新; 原始性社会创新各应用性社会创新; 体制性社会创新和工具性社会创新; 综合社会创新局部社会创新; 伪创新。
(三)论述社会创新的现实和理论价值 (四)提示社会创新的生成、启动和动作机制
社会创新往往产生于社会所期待的发展目标与现实的社会机制之间的落差; “危机”构成社会创新的机遇;
社会创新必须扫除“本位至上”组织系统的屏障; 社会创新的主体从政府转向社会; 创新的机遇在于洞察变化的征兆; 协调社会创新中的各种关系; 建立社会创新的激励机制。
最后展望学科发展前景,强调课题研究的意义,指出对课题进行进一步研究的方向。 五.答: 二○○七年第一学期学习情况总结
当今社会是知识经济时代,没有知识就意味着被社会淘汰,为了适应社会的发展,顺应时代的步伐。本人于2007年春报名参加了2007春行政管理专业开放教育学习,为了进一步提高学习质量,理顺工学关系,为今后学习打好基础,特将第一学期学习情况总结如下: 1.总体情况:自报名参加学习后,能通过学习,迅速转变观念,正确认识和理解开放教育的形式,意义和目的,同时对成人教育有了全新的认识,在学习中,能坚持参加面授与自我学习相结合的原则,将学习目标定在学知识,学本领,而非混日子,拿文凭上。端正了学习态度,同时,能够在面授时认真做好笔记,且对难点,重点内容能够反复学习,认真思考,通过学习,本人的知识结构有了明显改变,知识层次有了明显提高:综合素质也有了较大增强。
l29, the company responsible for a variety of procedures for reimbursement document, invoice review, approval of work; 30, regularly convened general meeting of shareholders, preparation work for the meeting; 31, the company responsible for payroll management jobs, including around salary survey, employee salary, salary accounting methods developed, payroll accounting, payment of wages, bonuses; 32, the company responsible for delivery of financial procedures; 33, according to the company's strategic development plan, the preparation and management of funds to meet day-to-day operating funding requirements to ensure the company's safety, liquidity and profitability of the funds; 34, responsible for the environmental protection building materials Corporation issued by the Corporation Annual, monthly economic indicators in the assessment of the economic responsibility system of proposed amendments; 35, the company responsible for all types of contracts and tracking, implementation, implementation of the agreement, abnormality was detected in time to take appropriate measures and feedback to the leadership; 36, regular inspection, analysis, budget implementation of the business and financial performance, and to propose measures to increase revenue and reduce expenditure; 37, responsible for organizing the company's contracting business tenders; 38, responsible for preparing the annual budget and final accounts, distribution of profits, loss compensation plan; 39, responsible for the violations of financial discipline, or damage the company's interests (corruption and bribery) review of the Act; 40,问。通过这种方法,本人学习成果有较好的巩固,较大的提高了学习质量。
××× 二○○七年九月



