B. 1. A qualified station master on-duty needs make an example and higher sense
of responsibility, it is concentrated expression and specific reflection of station master on-duty quality.
2. Station master on-duty plays role in many places, not only assists station master to finish work, but also looks after members in class from professional work to life. 3. Station master on-duty has power to handle and evaluate staffs who break
regulations, rules and do harm to the safety of operation, equipment and passengers. 4. When station master does not in station, station master on-duty carries out the job responsibilities of station master.
C. 略Center Station master
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A. 1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.T
B. 1.中心站长组织领导辖区各站员工开展车站全面运作,为乘客提供优质服务。
2.不仅要对管理下的每个车站负责,而且还要执行好每项工作。 3.对地铁车站每位员工有岗位调整权,监督考核权。
C. 略
Part 3 Principles of Operation Organization 行车组织原则
A. 1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.T
B. 1. The turnout is set as position fixed, and the turnout name is displayed in
2. The turnout is set as on reverse position, and the turnout name is displayed in yellow.
3. The turnout is set as unlocked, which means that turnouts separately locked will be released unconditionally.
4. The “power-on unlocking” button lamp is off at normal times. When two interlocking machines reset, the “power-on unlocking” button appears and turns red. Now, the whole interlocking area is locked.
5. When a signal is unable to open normally for certain reasons, you can open guiding signals.
C. Dispatching director, information dispatcher, operation dispatcher, power
dispatcher, driver of passenger train, vehicle engineer on duty, depot dispatcher, maintenance dispatcher.
Part 4 Train Operation
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A. 1. Rail transit operation control center includes power supply system and main
control center that to command trains safe operation in the whole line. 2. The main functions of operation control center are operation dispatch and equipment dispatch.
3. Under the normal circumstance, dispatcher need not to bother trains operation. 4. After train full automation transformed, the train intervals decreased a lot. 5. Metro built perfect fire alarm system to ensure the passengers safe riding.
B. 1.你可以在客服中心取得退票费和一封道歉信。
2.地铁的信号系统发生故障,目前暂停营运。 3.或许列车延误了,列车会在2分钟内到达。
C. 1. emergency 2. scared 3. pulled 4. forcing 5. between 6. at all
Part 5 Maintenance and Construction of Equipment 设备检修施工
A. 1. If you suspect the equipment has problem, work with maintenance department
to identify and repair it.
2. Maintenance personnel analyses common trouble in the electromechanical maintenance equipment, put forward some suggestions to maintain.
3. The government has demanded a probe into the accident and asked all subway operators to check these facilities.
4. Local media said the cave-in may be related with construction of an underground, but it did not be confirmed this by related department. 5. It constitutes a common problem that metro construction influences on nearby existing structures.
B. 略C. 1.T 2.F 3.T 5.F
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Part 6 Operation Organization in Abnormal Situations 非正常情况下的行车组织
A. 1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.T
B. 1. train driver 2. operation dispatcher 3. OCC 4. train guider 5. shunting leader